Dear Jimmy

Beach Sunday


"Come on!!!! We're going to be late!" Wallace screamed at me from the front door. I rolled my eyes and grabbed my cell phone before walking towards Wallace.
"My god will you shut up!" I said sending a glare his way. He smiled smugly at me and walked out towards my truck. "You're not driving. I don't care if you passed drivers Ed, not gonna happen so just bounce on over to the passenger side." I said as I saw him looking at me hopefully while standing beside the drivers side door. His smile faded and he sulked off to the other side. I unlocked my car and got inside. Wallace got in and we headed towards his friends house where I was dropping him off before heading down to the beach to meet up with my friend Grace.
"You're so mean to me you know" Wallace said crossing his arms over his chest. I laughed but didn't take my eyes off the road in front of me. Once we got to a red light I turned towards him and saw that he was still in the same position.
"I'm your big sister. It's my job to be mean to you. Chase was mean to me as we were growing up, and now I'm being mean to you. If mom and dad ever have another child, you can be mean to them." he rolled his eyes at me and looked out the window. "Hey, keep rolling your eyes at me, I'll roll right over to the curb and kick your ass out. Don't think I won't do it. And if I recall, it's quite a ways to your friends house!" I said shooting a warning glance at him.
"Sorry." he mumbled and looked down at his feet. The rest of the ride was silent except for the radio that was playing. I pulled up to his friends house and let him off.
"How you getting home?" I asked before he shut the door. He pondered it for a second before shrugging.
"I'll text you." and with that he was off. I pulled out and continued on my way to the beach.
"I wonder if I was that moody when I was a teenager?" I questioned out loud. I shrugged and turned the radio up. I pulled into the beach parking lot and grabbed my stuff before getting out and locking my truck. I walked towards the beach and scanned the crowds for Grace. I saw her laying down on her beach towel soaking up the sun. I walked over to where she was. She must have heard me coming because as soon as I was within a few feet of her, she opened her eyes and sat up.
"Sam!" she squealed, yes squealed, jumping up and hugging me tightly. I hugged her back just as tightly happy to see my friend after so long.
"How have you been? When did you get back?" she asked as I set up my towel. I laid down on my stomach and turned towards her.
"I'm great. Enjoying the beach. Enjoying being back in Huntington. I've been back for 3 days now. Spending a few hours with Chase and Wallace and now spending time with you." I said. She nodded and closed her eyes. It was silent for a while as we soaked in the sun. It was times like these that I loved the best. Where I don't have to worry about being shot or if there's a commanding officer near by that will bark orders at any second. I could just relax and do as I pleased, as long as I don't do anything to disrespect the Marine Corps.
"Hey I'm going to get a drink. You want one?" Grace said, pulling me' from my thoughts.
"A root beer if it isn't to much trouble. There's money in my bag. Feel free to get it out." I said not opening my eyes.
"Nonsense. It's on me." and with that I heard her foot steps fade away. I let the sounds of Huntington fill my ears. The sounds of the ocean hitting the sand and the pier. The sounds of people chatting with each other as they walked by. The different bird sounds as they flew above the ocean. It really made me smile being able to hear this again.
"Val you can't just go up to her like that!" I heard a man yell. He sounded far away and judging by the heavy foot steps and the sounds of sand being displaced roughly, it seemed he was running closer.
"Excuse me?" I heard a voice above me say. I opened my eyes and turned over. I placed my hand over my eyes to protect my eyes from the sun. I sat up and grabbed my sunglasses before turning back to the blond before me. I recognized her as Val, the woman I met yesterday, the one who was with Jimmy.
"Val, right?" I questioned. She smiled and nodded happy that I remembered her name. I patted Graces towel and she sat down next to me. All the sudden a big guy in swim trunks came running up to us. He stopped short and bent over trying to catch his breath.
" can't just...go running towards people. It can be...considered as rude!" he managed to get out in between breaths.
"Oh hush Matt. I know her! That's my dopey husband Matt" she said waving a hand as if waving all his words away. He raised an eyebrow and looked at me. I looked back at him and concluded that this was what a Marine was supposed to look like. Big ass muscles, tall, and well built.
"I'm Sam" I said sticking my hand out for him to shake. He grabbed my hand and shook it firmly. 'Man, he has a strong grip' I though as I took my now throbbing hand back.
"Wait, you're the Marine!" he exclaimed. I looked to Val and saw her smiling softly at me. I turned back towards Matt and smiled.
"Yes. I'm the Marine. Seems to be a popular nickname." I commented making him smile.
"Hey Sam!" Grace called from behind me. I turned around and saw her with two sodas in her hands.
"Grace. This is Val." I said pointing to her. Grace waved slightly and Val waved back. "and this is Matt." I said. Grace looked at Matt and her eyes went wide.
"You're big!" she blurted out, probably without even thinking. He laughed and nodded. She shook her head and handed me my soda.
"So what are you guys up to?" Val asked me and Grace.
"We're just having a chill day at the beach." Grace answered for me. I nodded smiling them.
"Do you guys wanna hang out with us?" Val asked. Grace looked to me as if silently asking. I shrugged not caring r way.
"Val I'm sure they have plans." Matt said after a second. She looked disappointed as he said that.
"No we don't. We'd be glad to hang out with you guys." I said. Val smiled and looked smugly at Matt, as of saying 'I win'. He laughed and rolled his eye playfully at her. We packed up our stuff and followed them.
"So Sam, how long are you in town for?" Matt asked as he carried our stuff since Val shoved it in his hands and demanded that he do like a gentleman. Those two were so cute together.
"For another week. I'm on a 10 day leave." I said. Val jogged over to a group of guys and girls.
"Set their stuff down there Matt." she called out. He nodded and he put our stuff down.
"Over here girls!" she called. We walked over and sat down next to her. There were 3 others girls with her.
"I'm Gena." a platinum blond said waving at us.
“I'm Lacey.” a brunette said, also waving.
“And I'm Michelle.” a woman who looked like Val said.
“I'm Sam. And this is Grace.” I said pointing to us. They all smiled at us and looked behind them when they heard foot steps.
“Hey guys. What did you bring?” Gena asked as 4 guys came piling towards us.
“FOOD!” one of them shouted. They all plopped next to each other on the sand and looked at us curiously.
“Who are you girls?” one with brown hair asked. He threw his arm around Michelle's waist and she leaned into him.
“They're my friends Brian.” Val said. He nodded and looked between us and stuck his hand out awkwardly from his position.
“Brian.” he said. We both shook his hand and I pulled back and it was feeling the same as when I shook Matt's hand.
“Grace.” I looked around and noticed Jimmy sitting near the back talking to Matt.
“Jimmy?” I questioned. He turned to me and smiled and got up to sit next to me.
“Well hello...again!” he said laughing. I laughed as well.
“Jimmy, aren't you gonna introduce us?” a guy with a tattoo on his upper chest and snake bites.
“You heard her introduce herself to Brian.” he said to him. Mr. Snakebites rolled his eyes and stuck his hand out.
“I'm Zack” he said. I shook it and once again, brought my hand back in slight pain. All these guys have really strong grips.
“Sam.” I said, for the fourth time in an hour. I've never introduced myself so many times since I first got into the Marines. Zack introduced himself to Grace and she did the same. She started talking to the girls again and I turned to Jimmy.
“So what are you guys doing here?” I asked.
“Its Beach Sunday. Every sunday we come to beach as a group and hang out. We've been doing it since high school.” he answered.
“Wow. So you've known each other for a while then huh?” I asked bringing my knees up to my chest for a more comfortable position.
“Yeah. We're the band Avenged Sevenfold.” he said softly. I get the feeling he doesn't like talk about the band.
“Oh the band you're a drummer for, thats cool. Hey I have a question.” I started. He nodded as if to say 'go ahead'. “Why don't you like to talk about your band? I take it your proud of it, so why not talk about it?” I asked. He looked at his feet, which were considerably paler than mine.
“I guess, its hard to explain. I'll explain it later if you want.” he said. All the sudden Val came towards me and sat next to us.
“So we're having a surprise party for Matt's birthday tonight. I was wondering if you two wanted to come.” she said throwing her arm around my shoulder. I looked towards Grace and noticed she had a smile on her face, she obviously wanted to go.
“Yeah sure. When and where is it?” I asked. She looked to Jimmy before looking back at me.
“How bout you give me your number and I'll give you a call later on and let you know.” she said. I nodded and told her my number. I noticed her sister Michelle punching it in a phone and she nodded to Val.
"I'm glad you two can come" she said smiling like a crazy person.
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