Dear Jimmy

Dancing With the Family


“So Jimmy seems like a nice boy.” mom said as we washed the dishes inside. I looked out the window and saw Jimmy jumping on the trampoline with Stephanie. Right now he was holding her hand and bring her higher pretending that it was all her. I watched as she laughed and kept shouting higher.
“Yeah he is. He got along with daddy to.” I said as she handed me a dish to dry. She laughed at my statement and nodded to herself.
“Well your father is an easy person to get along with. Just mention meet and he’s all ears.” She said looking at him. Daddy was talking with Chase and his wife Regina. They were all laughing as daddy waved his arm around to probably prove a point.
“This is true. Daddy’s a typical American I suppose. All about meat and beer.” I laughed.
“Don’t forget the football. The men in this family and their football is something I will never understand.” She laughed as I nodded agreeing with her.
“Baseball is so much better anyway.” I said. Just then the door slammed open and Stephanie’s laugh filled the house as she shrieked and ran from Jimmy.
“Sammy save me from Uncle Jimmy!!!” she shouted as he chased her. Mom looked at me with a pointed look noting that Stephanie called him ‘Uncle Jimmy’ instead of just ‘Jimmy’. I playfully rolled my eyes as well but couldn’t help but mull over what she said.
“Rawr! It’s the Jimmy dinosaur! He’s gonna get you!” Jimmy shouted as he lifted her up and tickled her causing her to laugh loudly. He smiled, satisfied with her response, before putting her down on the ground. He walked over to where we were and smiled at us.
“Do you ladies need help with anything?” he asked smoothly. Mom looked between us before smiling back at him.
“No you two go on ahead into the living room. We’ll all join in a few minutes.” She said ushering us out. I laughed and took Jimmy’s hand and lead him over to the couch. He rested elbow on the back of the couch and the other on my knee and smiled at me. I smiled back at him and listened as Stephanie explained jumping on the trampoline with Jimmy to mom.
“So do you know what’s going to happen now?” Jimmy asked. I turned my attention back to him and shrugged my shoulders.
“It’s an up in the air thing. Every time we have barbeque, we always do something afterwards. One time we had a family game night, another we had karaoke.” I said smiling at the memories.
“This really is a close family huh?” Jimmy said. I nodded and looked around at the pictures scattered about on the walls.
“Yeah. We try to do things together while we can because I guess, well we never know when we wont get to again.” I said honestly. I noticed a look of sadness and fear flash across his face. He was about to say something, when my parents walked in the living room with Chase and Regina in tow.
“So mom, what do we have in store for tonight?” I asked turning to face her. She smiled at me before looking at dad with the same smile.
“We’re going to dance!” she said. Regina and me squeaked happily while Chase and Jimmy rolled their eyes playfully.
“Oh come on. It’ll be fun.” Regina said lightly slapping Chase on the chest. He looked at her and sighed knowing he was defeated. Mom turned on the stereo and grabbed dad’s hand. They started dancing slowly as me and Chase watched them. As I watched them, I took note of how happy they looked, despite all the years that have passed.
“Come on you two. Grab your partners and dance with us.” Dad said laughing. I grabbed Jimmy’s hand and dragged him to the middle of the living room. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around my waist. I looked over and saw Chase looking at Regina with such adoration and I smiled to myself knowing that Regina really was right for him in all ways. I looked back and saw Jimmy looking at me with a smile on his face. I smiled back at him and rested my head on his chest right above his heartbeat. We swayed back and forth slowly in time with the beat of the music. Jimmy lightly drummed his fingertips against the small of my back. I listened to it as it beat gently against my ear and smiled as mine started to follow the same pattern. I wrapped my arms tighter around his neck and grinned ear to ear when his heartbeat sped up a little. He chuckled above me and I knew that he was aware of his heart speeding up against my ear. We all continued to dance well into the night until we all got tired. We danced, or attempted to, Salsa, Swing, hip-hop upon my parents request, and just half attempt at dancing. It was an all around good time filled with many laughs with and at people. Eventually Stephanie got tired so Chase and Regina went home and me and Jimmy retired to my bedroom for a little bit before he went home. Right now we were lying on my bed just talking with each other and just enjoying each other’s company.
“So tell me something that no-one knows about you.” Jimmy said. We were lying side by side and his arm was behind my head and he was twirling my hair aimlessly.
“Something no-one else knows about me?” he nodded, “Well, I don’t like seafood.” I said. He looked at me for a second before chuckling a little bit.
“Well what’s something that no one knows about you?” I asked.
“I like to dance around in my underwear.” He answered with a straight face. I leaned back a little to study him before smiling and then full on laughing. “What? Its true!” he said smiling at me. It took me a minute to catch my breath because the image of him dancing in his underwear is just so funny.
“The guys don’t know that?” I asked after I had caught my breath. His cheeks turned a slight shade of pink and he looked down at our entwined hands.
“I don’t do it on tour. Only when I’m at home.” he answered. I smiled and laid my head on his arm. He leaned up a little and looked at me before leaning down and pressing his lips to mine. I wrapped my arm around his neck and pulled him closer to me. He rolled over so he was half lying on top of me and he brought his other hand and trailed it down to my waist. I twirled my fingers in the hair that was on the base of his neck. He moaned lowly and dug his fingertips into my skin as I moved my fingers across the skin of his neck. We broke apart and I stared at him for a little bit. I brought my hand and trailed it along his face, tracing the outline of his features trying to imprint them into my brain for when I can’t see him everyday. He leaned down once again and kissed my forehead lightly before laying his head down. I snuggled into his chest and took a deep breath inhaling his sent. I closed my eyes and listened to him breath and focused on his fingers drawing light patterns on my side and before I knew it I was asleep.
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