Dear Jimmy



Today was the day that I left back to resume my tour overseas. I slowly packed up my bags, making sure I grabbed everything. The whole house was silent as it was 7 in the morning and Wallace was still sleeping. I grabbed my bag and silently walked into the kitchen. I saw everyone sitting at the kitchen table. They all looked up once they heard me walk in and I noticed their solemn faces.
"So I have to be at the airport in about an hour." I said. Mom just jumped from her seat and threw her arms around me while crying. I wrapped my arms around her silently and just let her cry.
"Alright hunny it's time to let her go. Let the rest of us have a chance." dad said as he put his hand on her shoulder. She nodded and let me go before my dad wrapped me in a hug.
"I'm going miss you princess." he said. I felt tears prickle at my eyes but I did my best to hold them in. He let go of me and I straightened out my jacket before Wallace standing in front of me. He quickly wrapped his arms around me and I stood there shocked for a second before wrapping my arms around him.
"I'm going miss you sis" he said in my ear. I smiled and hugged him tighter. All the sudden the doorbell rang making us break apart in surprise. Who on earth would show up at 7 in the morning? My dad went to go open the door and I heard another male voice, I instantly recognized it as Jimmy. My heart sped up a little and I smiled. He walked into the kitchen and I stood there, I felt like my feet were stuck to the ground. He came over and wrapped his arms around me tightly.
"Let's give them a moment you two!" my mom said shooing my dad and brother out of the room. I pulled back from Jimmy and looked at him, trying to burn everything about him into my brain at once, his smell, what he looked like, his tattoos, his height, everything that made him special. He leaned down and kissed me softly. I leaned into him, making the kiss more heated and passionate. We broke apart after a little bit and I just stared at him.
"Write me every chance you get!" he said with a serious look on his face.
"Will do! I'd say the same for you but I want you to focus on the band. They come first!" I said. He nodded and hugged me again.
"Alright you two, Sam it's time to go to the airport. Jimmy do you want to come?" my mom said coming into the room. Jimmy looked between us and nodded softly.
“If it’s okay with you two…” he said softly. Mom and me looked between each other and nodded.
“Come on.” I said grabbing his hand and leading him towards the car. We got in silently and waited as daddy backed out the driveway. The car ride was silent and I just stared at Jimmy and mine’s hands linked together in my lap. He was looking out the window and not saying to anyone but I could see he was trying not to cry by the way he kept clenching his jaw. I gently took my other hand and placed it on his cheek. He turned to look at me and I saw a tear fall from his eye silently. I wiped it away softly and offered him a weak smile that he tried to return.
“It’s going to be okay. I promise.” I whispered. He leaned his forehead against mine softly and closed his eyes. I breathed in, trying to savor this moment for as long as I could and remembering all the good times I’ve had with him in such a short time. His other arm came up behind my shoulders and pulled me closer to him tightly. I tucked my head under his chin and laughed lightly when I felt his chin hair tickle my forehead.
“I’m going to miss you like crazy!” he said looking down at me. I looked up at him and nodded back at him. I leaned back so I was looking out the window and watched as all the cars passed us, noticing people as they go about their daily lives completely oblivious to the world around them. I didn’t want to leave and go back overseas, I just wanted to stay here with my family and friends. As much as they drove me crazy, I loved them and I don’t know what I would do without them. I went off into my own world as I recalled my last 10 days in great detail. I recalled meeting Jimmy at Johnny’s, meeting all of his friends, developing a crush on him in such a short time, and having him meet my family.
“We’re here princess.” Dad’s voice broke me out of my thoughts and I looked around. We were in the parking lot and Jimmy was looking at me, as was everyone else. I nodded and got up and got out of the car. I grabbed my bag and we all silently made our way into the airport. Jimmy grasped my hand lightly and fell into step with me. I looked as dad wrapped his arm around mom and attempted to console her as she wept silently. My heart ached as I saw what I was doing to my family but I knew it was what I had to do. We walked inside and I was filled with a whole new feeling of hurt, hurt that I had to leave my loved ones once more. The sounds of people scurrying to get through security and parents trying to control their children filled my ears. I reached into my pocket and grabbed my ticket and state ID so I could go through security. I looked up and walked to mom and dad again. I hugged them both tightly and tried once more to hold back more tears as they threatened to fall.
“Be safe princess.”
“Always daddy.” I said. I hugged my mom again and gently pat her back as she cried endlessly on my shoulder.
“Mom, I’m going to be okay.” I said, trying to offer some words of security to her.
“You come home safe you hear me!” she said as she let go of me. She wiped her eyes once again.
“I will.” I promised as I nodded. I moved so I was standing in front of Jimmy once again. He stuffed his hands in his pockets as he slightly rocked on his heels. He looked at me and sniffed a little before throwing his arms around me, hugging me tightly. I dropped my bag and wrapped my arms around him and hugged him back just as tightly. I felt a tear drop onto my neck as his back shook a little. He let go of me a little and stood up as his arms hung loosely around me. I kept arms around his waist as I looked up at him. He leaned down once again and pressed his lips to mine in a soft kiss that turned more passionate. After a minute he pulled away so only our noses were touching.
“You come back to me you hear. Promise you’ll come back to me.” He almost pleaded. His eyes bore into mine and I could see the fear swimming in his bright blue eyes.
“Only if you promise you’ll wait for me.” I said. He nodded softly before kissing me again. I hugged him tighter to me and I didn’t want to let go, I just wanted to stay right here, in his arms, forever. I pulled back so we were forehead to forehead again.
“I have to go, but promise me one more thing before I go?” I asked. He nodded quickly making me smile. “Smile for me.” I said. He smiled a little bit and gave me one last kiss. I let go of him and reached down to grab my bag before hugging my parents one last time.
“I’ll see you guys. I love you.” I said before turning to walk through security. I waited in line silently and patiently until I showed the airport security my ticket and ID. They let me go through and I emptied my bag and went through security without a hitch. I looked back one last time and saw they were all still standing there. I gave one final wave before making my way through the airport to my gate.
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I know it's been a while but I promise that I am working on this. Things have been hectic but I always make time for my story! Comments? Thoughts?