Status: May take a while to finish. A lot of editing to come this way.

My Mr Darcy; Truly ages apart.

Only seventeen.

The first time I saw Robin Osscarr, I wasn't interested.
I didn't find him dashing like my best friend.
I found him boring and arrogant, and my life was boring for a few days. I felt like a normal teenager, my life seemed boring to everyone else too. I didn't think it would develop, become interesting.
I didn't realise what would grow.
I didn't realise what Robin Osscarr would do to me.


'You see! Isn't he gorgeous?!' My best friend, Kaz, hissed in my ear. She was gesturing to my father's boss. He'd been invited around for dinner. 'And he's a decade younger than your father! He's already worked himself up to that! Dreamy and efficient and well-off...' She sighed.

I guess he was, in a way. He didn't look thirty-six. He was tall and well-built, whilst not being muscly. He had thick, tousled chestnut brown hair, it looked almost auburn in the light. He also had huge eyes, with a thick coating of dark eyelashes, his eyes seemed greeny in some lights, brown in others. He had strong, tanned facial features and was very smart indeed, despite his slightly Just-got-out-of-bed appearance.

Kaz was only seventeen but she could definitely get him if she wanted; She was a tall, leggy girl with a natural tan and dark, thick curls. She dressed well, her face was always pristine, and as much as I wanted to hate her for her looks, I couldn't. She was too gorgeous in personality too, and we were best friends for our similarities and secrets and fun times.

'He's nineteen years older than you. And he's my Dad's boss! Throw yourself at him and you'll get both you and him into a lot of trouble. And I can't have a rift between them because Dad's earning enough money to keep this place running at last.' I whispered back with some force.

Our house was only simple, but it was large enough to house seven people and keep us all well looked-after. We'd always had trouble with money, and now, at fifty-seven, Dad had finally made it up to being a top lawyer under his Australian boss, the incredibly well-known and sexy Robin Osscarr.

'I love his accent...' She smiled dreamily.

'I'm not gonna love you for much longer unless you stop gawking over my Dad's boss.' I threatened. 'Now come on, let's get ready for this posh dinner. And if you show much leg or cleavage, I will murder you.'


'So, who else is joining us today?' I asked my employee lazily. I felt very confident here, I knew that Myran was trying to impress me and I would not be taken for a ride. However, I did like him, he was a hard worker and a generally good man. I felt comfortable in this family atmosphere, as my family were still in Australia, this was not something that I was used to.

'My daughter and her friend, none of my other children could come I'm afraid. '

'That's fine Myran. I'm not a people's person.' I grinned slightly, Myran laughed.

'Despite you being a famous lawyer.'

I shrugged.

'It's almost acting.'

'Ah. Here they are, Cheryl, my daughter, and her friend Katherine.' Myran gestured to the two young women who had just entered the room.

One had gone all out with a dark green, tight-fitting but not revealing dress, and had defined her curls. The other, I assumed, Cheryl, was simply dressed in smart black trousers and a pretty blouse which showed off her curvy figure, it was more natural than Katherine's. She had twisted her strawberry-blonde hair up into a clip, with tendrils escaping. Something told me she'd made an effort, but was too shy to show off. The other was obviously a "If you've got it, flaunt it" type of girl.

I found it amusing that I should read them so easily, Cheryl obviously cared about her father, and wanted to support him. I figured that her friend was just along for the ride and to see me. This annoyed me slightly, when women saw me and dressed up, acting immediately.

'Mr Osscarr.' Katherine tittered. I hid a smile at the roll of Cheryl's eyes.

'Please, call me Robin. You both look lovely tonight. Thank you for attending.'

'We really should be thanking you.' Cheryl smiled when her father had started to talk to another employee, Mark. 'He's so grateful to you for helping him and befriending him outside of work. Thank you, it's made him happy.'

'Really, no problem. He's a good man. Anyway, I must go and talk to Mark about something, lovely to meet you Cheryl, and Katherine.' I had to turn away before I started laughing at Cheryl's obvious dislike of me. Nothing like prejudice.

'Mark, good to see you.' I smiled, slapping my employee on the back.

'Hey Robin, see you were talking to the hot ladies.'

'They're children Mark. They're half your age.'

'And yours.'

'Precisely why I'm not interested.'


'Oh! Did you hear that?!' Kaz squeaked. ' ''And Katherine." He said!'

'Yes Kaz.' I sighed.

'It's so sexy when he uses my whole name...'

I actually just headed outside into the huge garden at this point. She was so busy mooning over him that she didn't even notice.

The garden was my favourite place on Earth: It had tall trees; bushes of every kind surrounding the lush green grass, a stream followed the stone path down one side and gurgled quietly into the dark night. The bright colours of the gorgeous flowers, seemingly untamed but positioned carefully, seemed dark but inviting in the night blackness, only illuminated by the odd lantern here and there, the old fashioned sort, with candles.

I wandered along the path slowly, enjoying the feel and sound of the crunch beneath my feet. I ambled down to the wooden canopy, hidden by trees until you rounded the corner. The canopy again, was the old fashioned sort, with lanterns hanging from where the vines of leaves wove in and out of the beams along the top.

One long, curved bench was running along the inside, all except for one space at the right, of about three foot. If you leant over the banister here, you'd see where the stream ran into a beautiful, open lake, full of lily pads and vines hanging over it as it stretched out for ages, a simple wooden bench crossing it halfway, leading into fields which led into the garden. We couldn't afford it, father inherited it.

I leant on this banister, studying this gorgeous sight, and feeling all of my teenage stresses melt away.

Until I realised I wasn't alone in my magical place.

'I'll have to stop paying him so much.' Robin joked. 'It's beautiful. I'd love a place like this.'

'Dad inherited it.'

'Oh. Wow. Does that mean you will too someday?' He asked, at her face he smiled. 'I've seen the way he dotes on you, and I can see why too.'

I wasn't quite sure what to say to this.

'I don't want to think of him in that way. Especially not when he'd be...' I shuddered.

'Not everyone has to inherit something by death.'

'Oh. I've never heard of that.' I murmured, Robin smiled at me again, I realised the way that the angles of his face caught the light as he did so.

'Trust me. I'm a lawyer.'

'I know.' I smiled back, properly this time. He seemed kind when you got him out of public, more sweet.

'Anyway, I've been sent to call you in for dinner. Food calls.' He grinned, patting me on the hand before turning and striding back to the house. The touch sent a thrill through me. I shivered and then shook my head. No, I would not get a crush on this man. I could only start to think about the consequences of that.

♠ ♠ ♠
I'm sorry if this is crap. I'm totally making it up as I go along. I felt like making a new story and came up with this on the spot. I promise I will think about it more over the future. And a lot of editing is to come this way.

Oh, and please actually comment if you read this so I don't get paranoid about the amount of readers and lack of comments. I wanna improve it too. Even if you don't like it please say.