Vampyric Nightmare

Vampyric Nightmare

"Very well then," Torquil said. "Let's get ready. Looks like we have quite a long journey ahead of us."

Malakai nodded and walked out of the room. He walked upstairs and up to his room. Then through another basically hidden door that was hidden by a velvet red curtain. Through the door there was a room that had walls completely covered in weapons. They ranged from guns to crossbows to knives. Some were enchanted and some were not. He got a cloth to protect his hands and piled swords and knives in it then tied it all together putting them in a bag. Then he pulled down guns some large some small and made sure they were all locked as he put them in the bag. He also took a large store of ammo just in case. He closed the bag and took it downstairs setting it in front of the couch and sitting down. "Well are we ready to go?" Malakai said randomly. They had all been sitting around quietly thinking of what would happen next.

"Yes I think we are," Torquil said. "Everyone in the car now!"

Christabella had been awake for quite a while now. She had been sitting curled up in a tight ball her body was still covered in sweat. She closed her eyes and forced herself to relax and not overreact. Finally after she had gathered some of her senses back she crawled out of bed. She slowly made her way over to an out of date CD player and pushed the play button not knowing what would be in there. Out of the speakers came the sound of softly classical piano. The sounds floated gently in her head and made her smile even though she was in this horrible place. She danced around slowly but stopped with a start when the door suddenly slammed open.

Christabella stood there in shocked staring at Vadim. "What are you doing?" he asked annoyed. "I have very sensitive hearing and sleep right next door and you've been keeping me awake." He looked at her tiredly.

"I'm sorry," she apologized quickly and walked over to the CD player turning off the music. "I'll keep that in mind and I really have no clue what time it is." she stared at the floor quietly.

"Very well then," Vadim said. "You go back to bed." Christabella nodded and walked back to her bed curling up under the blankets. Vadim walked over to her bed and looked her over. He bent over and kissed her softly on the head. "You're beautiful. It's so sad we have to kill you or I'd have kept you for my own." He laughed lightly to himself and then walked out of the room locking the door behind him.

Christabella felt a sudden way of sleep flow over her as her senses clouded up. She guessed it had been from Vadim's kiss.

Hylas, Torquil, Malakai, and Brit'tanni:
They had all gotten into a jeep the doors and roof were removed. Their weapons were in a bag in the back end. All except for Brit'tanni's guns. She seemed oddly attached to them. Torquil was driving with Malakai next to him in the passenger seat with Hylas and Brit'tanni in the back. Music quietly played as they drove Hylas and Brit'tanni softly talked as Torquil and Malakai sat quietly saying nothing.

They drove down a dirt road through a dark dense forest. If filled them with chills the wind whipped around them as they drove quickly. They pulled up to an old house it was small just big enough for one person. Malakai walked up to it and knocked on the door. The door shook as he knocked. A dark figure peaked out of the house. "Ahhh, Malakai," He said deviously. "I've been expecting you."

Christabella had been asleep for about an hour now and her dreams were finally slowly creeping into her mind.

**"I see your back darling," It was Serapha again. "Vadim's a good little creep." She smiled viciously. This time Christabella was just standing in front of her. No pain this time no blood. She looked at Serapha blankly. "What do you want with me," she snarled. "I want to make sure you'll behave and once I'm sure you will I'll leave you alone." She smiled showing sharp teeth. Every single one was pointed. "Well it seems you'll be bothering me for quite a while, love." Christabella said. "Right now though I don't think I'll be giving in quite this soon." She looked at Christabella annoyed then quickly brought up her hand which was holding and sharp knife. Christabella blocked it and caused the knife to fall to the floor then wrapped her had around Serapha's neck. She lifted her up and looked at her even more annoyed. Christabella took and flung her across the room causing her to hit hard against the wall. Serapha looked up with pain in her eyes she clutched herself in pain and then faded away.**

Christabella woke up again this time to the sun shining in the windows. She looked over next to her and saw Vadim sitting next to her looking annoyed. "You really need to learn to shut up dear," he snarled. "You kept me up all night and you know I thought I liked you." he got up and grabbed some food off a small table on the other side of the room and handed it to her.

"So what were you dreaming about that caused you to mumble all night?" he asked casually. Christabella shot a glare at him and said one word knowing he would understand. "Serapha."

He walked into the old house the floor boards creaking underneath his feet. He looked up to see Jec. He was an old friend of Malakai's and also a demon that often played with dark magic. He had dark blue hair, black lips, neon blue eyes, and a pale blue tint to his skin. He was shorter than Malakai by far standing at about 5'5". Needless to say he also owed Malakai quite a few favors for getting him out of trouble.

"I need you to help me find a friend of mine." Malakai said simply. Jec nodded and walked into a different room. Malakai followed him ducking not to hit his head on anything that hung from the ceiling. Around the rooms there were jars of dead animals and other random things of the sort.

"Do you have anything of hers?" he asked Malakai. Malakai handed Jec a hair clip Christabella had used. "This will do." Jec said and then held it in his hands tightly.