Vampyric Nightmare

Vampyric Nightmare

They arrived at one of the finest restaurants in the city. Christa was absolutely stunned that she'd actually be eating there. She was a big fan of food so this was pretty much a dream come true.

Kyle took her arm and led her into the restaurant and got themselves a table. When they were seated the two of them talked with each other.

"So this is my big 'please forgive me' dinner then?" Christabella asked Kyle.

"Yeah pretty much," he stated simply. "That and the will you be my girlfriend dinner." Christabella's jaw dropped slightly at the words.

"M-me?" she stuttered out. Kyle nodded and waited for a reply. "Umm, well.." She was just about to answer yes when she saw something out of the corner of her eye. Something she immediately recognized. Bright blond hair, his bright blond hair.

Christabella shot up out of her chair and walked over to Hylas at the table. He looked up at her startled and asked, "Umm, did you need something?"

"Where is he?" Christa asked.


"You know very well who."

"In his room probably contemplating suicide."

"Why the hell would he do that? It's not like he has a horrible life or anything he has that little slut Maya doesn't he? So what's wrong with him??" Christa asked worried. She loved him, she knew that much but she also figured that he loved Maya more than he did her if he cheated on her like that so she tried her best to act like she didn't care.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Hylas growled his voice getting louder. "He fucking loves you why can't you see that?? Are you honestly that fucking brain dead?"

"I-I," she started. "I didn't think he loved me that much."

"Yeah I suppose that's one of your problems isn't it, you don't fucking think."

"Will you take me to him? Please?"

"Fine," he said then sighed. "But not for your sake for his. I hate seeing the poor guy like this. I swear if you hurt him more than you have I will rip you apart limb by limb." Christabella nodded solemnly.

"Can we leave now."

"If you'd like yes."

"Okay one second."

Christabella walked back over to Kyle's table. "I'm sorry Kyle but our plans must be well... postponed. Maybe someday we can meet up again but I have something important to do so I'll see you later okay?"

"Uh-umm yeah... I guess that's a no then?" he asked Christa.

"For the time being yes," she replied before going quickly back to the other table. Hylas was standing there completely ready to leave and started walking impatiently allowing her to follow him.

It was a long and quiet road home, with nothing but the sound of the road humming in the stark silence of the car. Christa fidgeted in the passenger seat as Hylas kept his eyes bolted to the road until finally they pulled up to the house. Christ gulped but knew she'd have to face her fears eventually.
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