Vampyric Nightmare

Vampyric Nightmare

Hylas dropped Malakai and started walking toward the bed, a sneer on his face.He ripped the blankets off the bed. Christabella just laid there, shocked, her body tense, and her eyes wide. "GET UP!" Hylas shouted, "NOW!" He took Christabella by the throat, lifting her in the air. She grasped his wrist in her hands, gasping for air.She wished he would let go. She noticed now, of all times, that neither of them had their wings anymore. "Now, you pretty little skank." He growled. "You get to feed us." He tossed her hard against the wall. Christabella stood up slowly, blinking back tears spawned from the searing pain. "Go on then, cook us up something nice and bloody." He continued. Christabella walked out of the room and hesitantly made her way to the kitchen. As she walked, she realized she was no longer in the dirty hotel she was once in but a bigger, much older house.

The kitchen was fairly large, but it was quite out of date. The walls were painted white and all the cupboards were painted black. How unique. She ran her fingers gingerly over the counters as she made her way over to the fridge. She opened the fridge, and her eyes fell upon a couple jars of blood and some packages of meat wrapped in white paper. "Oh, yum," she muttered to herself, rolling her eyes. She pulled out a jar of blood and one package of meat, setting them on one of the counters. Sighing, he searched through the cupboards and found a pot to cook everything in.

She set the pot on the stove and got a knife, going back to the meat cutting it in half, wrapping the leftovers in the same white paper.She put the left over meat in the fridge and poured the blood into the pot, trying not to gag. It smelled awful. She put the jar in the sink. As she stirred the strange concoction, she sang to herself to keep herself pleasant. Her throat still hurt from where Hylas had grabbed her, but she had a beautiful voice.Calm, sweet and serene.Even if it hurt her to do so, singing had always cheered her up.

"Are you almost done yet?" Malakai asked, " I don't mean to interrupt your serene singing, but I'm seriously hungry. And what's your name, anyway?" A smile flirted with Christabella's lips. "

Christabella," She replied. " And it should be done any minute now. I'll just set the table and bring it out." She tried to sound enthusiastic.It didn't work well; she kept mumbling instead.

"Great," he said, returning her a slight grin.

Christabella went out and set the table for the two of them, with bright white bowls and shining golden silverware. She went back to the kitchen and brought out the 'soup' for them. When she was done, she walked through the rooms of the house, trying to find those two. She walked up to a deep brown oak door.It was slightly open, so she gathered no harm could come from peeking in. "Well it seems that is not my problem!" She heard Hylas, and he did not sound pleasant. "Either you'll have to kill her or get her to agree to stay and I very much doubt she'll agree to either." Christabella shuddered to herself.He'd been right, neither of the options appealed to her at all.After a few moments, she opened the door a bit wider, purposely making them aware of her presence. They both turned to look at her.

"Excuse me," she said in a small voice. "But your food is ready." Silently, they walked from the room and down the hall, in the direction of the kitchen. Christabella followed quietly, her mind repeatedly replaying the bit of the conversation she'd overheard.

When they got to the kitchen both of them sat at their respected places.Christabella got the bloody concoction and poured it into their bowls quietly.The two began devouring it as if they hadn't eaten in days. "Christa," Malakai said, swallowing. "You may either join us or go back to your room. Oh, and may I say this food is delicious." Hylas made a strange slurping sound.

"I agree," He said, panting almost, before going back to her creation. She smiled, giving a slight nod in reply. She then left the dining room, making her way to her room and quietly shutting the door behind her.