Sweet Blasphemy

Leaving home for a new, bizarre world...


I breathed in the cool air, of the calm city.

The stars here were beautiful.

How long would this feeling last?

A minute, an hour, what about eternity?

I wish it were that way.

The trees swayed with the breeze.

It had always been my dream of mine, to always be in peace.

Although, that thought always stayed in my mind, and never made its way out into reality.

My alarm started to ring suddenly.

I jumped, alarmed that the hour had suddenly passed by so quickly.

Leaving my dream place was always hard, but sometimes life just sucked like that.

I grabbed my bag and made my way down the slide.

The friction shocked me a bit, but I ignored it.

It was time to sneak back into my house, or well temporary home.

As soon as I stepped a foot inside my grandpa was already there, waiting for me, as usual.

“Out again Kali?” He asked

I nodded.

“Ah yes, the park is always a great place to find some peace.” He said

“Grandpa… do you ever think that my parents will ever forgive me?” I asked

He looked down, in thought, for a minute.

“I’m sure they will… in time, but let’s not think about that. We have many other things to worry about.” He said

My grandpa rested his hand upon my shoulder and led me upstairs.

“Are you sure that I should go… I don’t want to leave you here all by yourself…” I said

“Oh nonsense, I’ve already paid for all the funds. You need to get a new experience on something other than this old town.” He said

I smiled.

“You’re the best grandpa.” I said

He pulled me in close for a hug and then chuckled.

“Remember as soon as you land call me so that I can know that you are safe.” He said

“I promise.” I said

“Do you have all your things packed?” He asked

I nodded.

“Yes, and in order.” I said

“Good girl.” He said

He suddenly looked sadden by something.

“I really wish your grandma were still around to see how much you’ve grown. You’re turning into a wonderful young lady.” He said

A tear escaped my eye.

“I know grandpa, believe me I know.” I said

He suddenly escaped his reverie.

“Now’s not the time to discuss that, we need to think happy thoughts.” He said

I looked up at him.

“I got you something, so that you will remember me… while you’re over there.” He said

“Oh grandpa, you didn’t-“ I said

“Hush, it’s just a little something.” He said

I smiled.

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a beautiful silver chain with a heart locked onto it.

I gasped.

“Oh it’s beautiful. Thank you.” I said

I pulled up my hair so that he could tie it around my neck.

“It was your grandmothers. I gave it to her on our wedding day.” He said

I reached up and traced it with my fingers.

“I love it.” I said

He smiled.

“I’m glad.” He said

I hugged him.

“Now we have to drive you to the airport.” He said

My grandpa grabbed my luggage and I grabbed my bag.

Then we made our way down the stairs and to the car.


“I want you to be extra careful over there; it’s nothing like it is here.” He said

“What do you mean?” I asked

“It’s a little different, and the streets are less crowded.” He said

I smiled.

“Well then that won’t be a problem.” I said

He chuckled.

“Okay you’ve got everything, your plane is going to start boarding in about five minutes. Take care of yourself. Be good.” He said

Tears started flooding down my cheeks.

“I’m going to miss you grandpa.” I said

“So am I Kali, so am I.” He said

I gave him a huge hug and then I waved to him and started walking towards my plane.

“Bye Kali!” My grandpa called

I handed the lady my boarding pass and then I quickly waved to my grandpa.

“Here you go, have a safe trip.” She said

“Thank you.” I said

She smiled and then I stepped onto the railing, of my new, temporary, world.

Good bye New York.
