Sweet Blasphemy

Ditching School

::Kali’s p.o.v.::

My breath came out harder than ever before.

Shane smiled beneath me.

We were having a make out session under this tree in the park.

“So much for my ‘walk’.” I said

He chuckled.

“You should go ‘walking’ more often.” Shane said

I leaned over and kissed him.

“Yeah, I should, but I think that this is good for tonight. They are going to be wondering where I am.” I said

As I tried to get up Shane wrapped his arms around my shoulders and pulled me down, towards him.

We kissed for a few more seconds and then I pulled away.

“Okay seriously, I really have to go.” I said

“I’ll see you tomorrow then. Good night.” He said

I pulled my shirt down and smoothed it out.

“You look fine, go.” Shane said

“Thanks babe, see you.” I said

He smiled and waved at me.

I jogged down the path where I had just come from, to speed up my heart rate to make it seem like I’d been walking.

When I came up to the house I heard two voices arguing.

I crawled to a slow stop on the side of the house so I wouldn’t be seen.

“…we’ve only got a few more days, you have got to tell her, and otherwise you will never get the chance!” Tom said

Tell who?

What in the world where they talking about?

“I don’t think I will, because then if I do, it will hurt me when I leave.” Bill said


Why is Bill leaving??

I tried to listen a little more closely, but I accidentally stepped on a twig, and it snapped.

Oh great…

“Kali, is that you?” Bill called

“Yeah, sorry I didn’t mean to ruin the moment.” I said

I stepped out from the bushes and put my hands behind my back and looked down.

“You didn’t ruin anything, come up here.” Bill said

I walked up the stairs and avoided their stares.

“How much of that did you hear?” Bill asked

I decided to lie.

“Not much, I just got here.” I said

They both breathed out.

“We were just talking about our grandma’s house, nothing big.” Bill said

“Oh… that’s cool.” I said

“Like Bill said, we just need a few days to ourselves, but we will be back soon.” Tom said

“Not that you are a pain or anything, we just need to spend time with our grandma.” Bill said

“It’s cool, you guys should spend time with her.” I said

Tom smiled.

“Thanks for understanding.” Bill said

I nodded.

“No problem.” I said

“Since the dance is in two days we should be back on time.” Tom said

“Cool, who are you guys planning on taking?” I asked

“My girlfriend.” Tom said

“And you, Bill?” I asked

Bill stayed quiet and fiddled with his fingers.

Tom suddenly ‘yawned’ and stretched.

“Well I’m beat; I’ll see you two tomorrow.” Tom said

“Good night.” I called

Tom waved and then disappeared through the door.

Bill and I stayed out on the porch, in silence.

I wasn’t going to break it first this time, but thankfully Bill did.

“So has anyone asked you to the dance yet?” Bill asked

“No, I didn’t even know that there was going to be one, until right now.” I said

From the corner of my eye I saw Bill’s lip twitch up in a small smile.

“Really?” He asked

My lips went up as well.

“Yeah.” I said

“Well that’s great!” Bill said

I raised my eyebrow.

“You think it’s great that no one asked me?” I asked

“No, no… it’s just… I was wondering if… you wanted to go… with me?” Bill asked

My face lit up.

“Of course, I mean yes I’ll go with you.” I said

Bill clapped his hands.

“Yay thanks!” Bill said

I laughed.

“No problem… now there’s a problem…” I said

Bill’s bright, happy, face turned into a scrunched up, confused one.

“What’s the problem?” Bill asked

“I don’t have anything to wear.” I said

Bill’s smile lit up again.

“I know just where to go to pick out your dress.” Bill said

My lip twitched up.

It was nice to have a guy friend with a good sense of fashion.

“So since you are leaving… wait when are you guys leaving?” I asked

“Um… actually we leave… tomorrow night, but we will get your dress in time.” Bill said

“Oh… that’s okay…” I said

Bill’s face turned down.

“Kali what’s wrong?” He asked in his serious face

“I was just thinking about who I’m going to hang out with for a day.” I said

Bill laughed.

“You’ll be fine; maybe it’s an opportunity for you to meet some new friends.” Bill said

I smiled.

“You’re right.” I said

Bill did one of those I-told-you-so hair- hand flips.

I laughed and so did Bill.

“Alright now let’s go get some rest, we will need it for tomorrow, trust me.” Bill said

I raised my eyebrow.

“Okay…?” I asked

He chuckled.

“Just go get some rest; we’ll worry about this tomorrow.” Bill said


The next morning, in History class, I sat there bored, to death.

This was my only class without Shane or Bill, which meant less stress for me.

I sighed in contentment.

Life was good sometimes.

I had to admit it.

Then again, the bad part was that I was stuck in history.

Ugg… why did I remind myself.

I let my head fall against my book and I silently groaned.

Come on stupid bell, ring already!

Two seconds later I heard the familiar ding of the bell, and I leaped out of my seat.


As I gathered my stuff I heard a few people chuckle at my dramatic scene.

I flushed and hurried up.

When I stepped out the door I felt somebody grab me from my waist.

My heart thudded faster in my chest.

“Boo, did I scare you?” Bill asked

I took a few shallow breaths to restart my heart.

“Bill-“I gasped

“Don’t ever… do that … again.” I breathed

He chuckled.

“Finally I scare you for once; I was ready to give up on trying to scare you.” Bill said

I stuck out my tongue at him.

“Maybe you should’ve because you almost caused me to get a heart attack.” I said

He chuckled again.

“Well as I promised last night, we are going to get your dress.” Bill said

“How, we have class in like five minutes.” I said

Bill nodded.

“I know, that’s why we are leaving.” Bill said

“Oh… and Tom?” I asked

“Eh, he already left a while ago.” Bill said

“So that’s where he was… I was starting to wonder if he had gotten attacked or something.” I said

Bill laughed.

“Yeah, he’s used to that, anyways, let’s go.” Bill said

“Alright.” I said

He grabbed my hand and pulled me along to the gate.

Then he crouched down and put his hands together for my feet.

“Here I’ll give you a boost and then you pull me over?” He said

I nodded and then put my foot in his two hands, grabbed a bit of the wall and flung myself over.

Then I hung there and pulled Bill up.

“Nice work, now let’s hurry before we get caught.” Bill said

I smiled and ran alongside Bill.

“This is fun, why didn’t we think of doing this before?” I asked

“I didn’t think that you would want to.” Bill said

I smacked his shoulder.

“Whatever, last one there is a rotten egg.” I called

“Oh you are on.” Bill said

We laughed as we ran.
