Sweet Blasphemy

School dance

:*: Kali’s p.o.v. :*:

My eyes popped open when I saw the prices of the dresses.

“Bill you’ve got to be kidding me!” I exclaimed

Bill raised his eyebrow.

“What?” He asked

“$200 for one dress?!” I said

“Yeah, it’s not that bad, besides it’s my money.” Bill said

“Oh no, no, no, no, you are not buying me a $200 dress!” I said

“Kali please stop complaining, I’m buying it and that’s final.” Bill said

I crossed my arms in anger.

“Bill let’s talk about this please, it’s just a dance.” I said

“Just a dance?” He asked

I looked down.

Maybe I shouldn’t have said that.

“Kal how many times can you have your first school dance ever again?” Bill asked

I stayed quiet, still looking down.

“I mean this is the only dance I’ve ever been to, and probably my last.” Bill said

I looked up at him with questioned eyes.

He sighed.

“Just please go and stop complaining?” Bill said

I nodded.

“Okay I promise, no more complaining, but you are going to regret buying me this dress.” I said

Bill rolled his eyes.

“Whatever.” He said

I smiled.

“Bill Kaulitz you are utterly the most bizarre, yet coolest person I’ve ever met.” I said

He laughed.

“Thanks you’re the weirdest girl I’ve ever met as well, who turns down a $200 dress that someone else offered to pay?” Bill said

I did a ‘zip up, lock it, throw away the key’ thing, as if saying that I wasn’t going to talk, or in this case complain.

Bill smiled and put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me towards the cashier.

“Kali I love you.” Bill said

“I love you too Billa.” I said

He squeezed me and then put the dress on the counter and pulled out his wallet and paid for the dress.

Bill is so out of his mind.


“Wow.” Tom said

I blushed.

“Stop it your making me self conscience.” I said

“You look … wow….” Tom said

I smiled.

“Bill is going to be one of the most hated guy in school for bringing the hottest girl to the dance.” Tom said

I socked Tom in the arm.

“Shut up.” I said

He chuckled.

“Okay little sister just be careful, wait this is kind of wrong. Bill is my younger brother and you’re my little sister which means… incest!” Tom said

I grabbed a pillow ready to throw at Tom, but he ducked and ran out of the room, laughing.

“Tom Kaulitz you are so lucky that I’m in a dress!” I yelled

“Yeah, whatever!” Tom called back from outside somewhere

I chuckled and sat down on the bed.

Then someone knocked on the, open, door.

“Knock, knock.” Bill said

I smiled.

“Hey Billa.” I said

“Hey Kal, are you ready to go?” He asked

“Yeah, I just need some help with makeup.” I said

He laughed.

“I figured.” Bill said

I threw a pillow at him.

He ducked and then came and sat by me.

“Tom is right; I am going to be hated.” Bill said

I blushed and looked down.

“Oh stop, you and Tom are just saying that.” I said

Bill looked serious at me.

“I’m not kidding.” Bill said

I stopped laughing.

“Thanks Bill, I mean it.” I said

He smiled and then grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the bathroom.


LaFee, an amazing German band was blasting from the speakers.

“Oh my god, I love LaFee!” I said

Bill smiled.

“I know, who doesn’t?” Bill said

“Me.” Tom said

Bill and I glared at Tom.

“Hater.” We both said

Tom rolled his eyes.

“They need to play Sammy, now that is music.” Tom said

“Whatever.” Bill said

Tom winked at me and then grabbed his girlfriend and moved to the dance floor.

“This is amazing; who knew German people could party.” I teased

Bill laughed.

“Yeah, we are the ones who invented the October fest. Hello.” Bill said

I laughed.

“If you ever come to the United States I’ll show you how we Americans party, we’ll actually be old enough to drink over there.” I said

Bill laughed.

“Oh that’s right, the laws are different, and that sucks.” Bill said

I rolled my eyes.

“Some stupid teens ruined it for everyone.” I said

“Yeah, stupid teenagers.” Bill said

My lip twitched.

“So do you want to dance?” Bill asked

“I’d thought you’d never ask.” I said

Bill smiled and rolled his eyes.

“Whatever, and remember no complaining.” Bill said

I laughed.

“Oh I’m not.” I said

Bill took my hand and led me to the dance floor, but as soon as we stepped in there, the music slowed down.

“Perfect timing.” Bill said

I smiled as Bill and I slowed danced, or tried, we weren’t too good, but we didn’t care.

The songs passed, there was some more German artists, a Nena song came on and Bill went crazy, literally.

“Oh my god, it’s Nena!” Bill said

He did a little happy dance and then started dancing like crazy.

I laughed and danced along with him.

Tom was on the other side of the dance floor laughing and shaking his head.

I smiled.

When the Nena song ended Bill and I went to sit down again.

“Do you want something to drink?” Bill asked

I nodded.

“Yes, please.” I said

He smiled.

“Stay here, I’ll be back in a minute.” He said

I smiled back and sat there watching him walk towards the punch bowl.

Suddenly a body sat in Bill’s chair and blocked my view.

“I thought you weren’t coming.” Shane said

Oh shoot, I totally forgot about him!

“Yeah… I changed my mind.” I said

“I can see that, who asked you?” Shane asked

Before I spoke up, someone else did.

“I did.” Bill said

I looked behind Shane and there he was.

“Hello Kaulitz.” Shane said

“Dawson.” Bill said

“So you couldn’t find anyone so you had to bring your old friend?” Shane said

“Shane shut up.” I said

He turned back and looked at me.

“May I have a word with you outside?” He asked

I looked at Bill.

He understood which was weird.

“If you do anything to her Dawson, I will personally kill you.” Bill said

Shane rolled his eyes.

Then I followed him outside.

When we weren’t in hearing distance I spoke.

“Shane what the hell are you doing?!” I said

“What, I can’t go steal my girlfriend for a little while?” Shane asked

“We agreed that we weren’t going to the dance together, you even said it yourself!” I said

Shane placed his finger to my lips.

“Shh, look I’m sorry.” Shane said

I relaxed and breathed out.

“Its fine, but next time you want to talk or something just give me a warning or something.” I said

He nodded and then looked me over.

“Wow, you look amazing.” Shane said

I smiled and looked down.

“Thanks.” I said

“Now I admit, I regret not bringing you here.” Shane said

I rolled my eyes.

“Well I’ve got to get back now, or he’ll suspect something.” I said

“Okay meet me back here in twenty minutes.” Shane said

I nodded.

Then I waved to him and walked back into the building.

“So what did Dawson want?” Bill asked

“Nothing, you know how he is.” I said

Bill nodded, clearly not understanding.

“Do you want to dance or relax?” Bill asked

“I am still up to partying.” I said

Bill smiled and grabbed my hand, again.

This time more techno music played and we danced like there was no tomorrow.

I looked for Tom, and saw that his girlfriend and him were grinding, hard.

I looked away, and Bill chuckled.

“Yeah, you shouldn’t even have thought of looking over there.” Bill said

I laughed.

“Yup.” I said


When the dance was getting wrapped up, I snuck out and went to go find Shane.

“That was little more than twenty minutes.” Shane said

“Sorry about that, Bill wouldn’t let me leave.” I said

He chuckled.

“I bet.” He said

Then Shane wrapped his arms around me and pulled me in for a kiss.

When we pulled away I saw someone standing there.

It was Bill.

I suddenly pulled away from Shane.

“Kali what the hell?!” Bill said

“Bill, I can explain…” I said

“You were seeing Shane this whole time weren’t you? Kali how could you? You were dating my enemy behind my back, I thought we were friends!” Bill said

“It wasn’t my fault; you’re too busy to see that I was even dating her.” Shane said

“Shut up!” Bill said

Tom suddenly came out.

“What’s going on?” He asked

Bill stayed quiet, but glared at Shane.

“Kali, what happened? Did Shane touch you, because I swear to god-“Tom said

“No Tom… “I said

“She was going out with him.” Bill said

Tom looked at me, with disgust.

“What?” He asked

I looked down.

“You… I’m out of here.” Tom said

I looked at Bill with pleading eyes.

“Bill I-“ I said

“No save it for someone who cares.” Bill said

Tears rolled down my eyes.

I moved towards Bill.

He held his hand out, motioning me to stay back.

“Don’t come any closer, this is the last time you will ever see me, good bye Kali.” Bill said

“Bill no, please!” I said

He turned around and left.

My heart felt like someone had just jabbed a hundred knives through it.

I looked at Shane.

“You loved him, didn’t you?” He asked

“He was just my friend.” I said

“Then why are you crying like that?” He asked

“What?” I asked

“We’re over Kali.” Shane said

Shane turned around and left as well.

I sank to the ground, shocked.

What had I done?
