Sweet Blasphemy

Hurt/ Desicions

:: Kali’s p.o.v. ::

The night was cold; drenched with bitterness.

Was this how it felt to have a broken heart?


Bill and Shane both left me.

My feet hurt like crazy from walking in the rain from my school.

They both left me…

I cringed at that word.

What would I tell Simone?

She would hate me forever if she knew that her kids had run away, never to come back.

Mascara-streaked tears flowed down my cheeks.

How would I survive the last few days of school without… Bill?

My heart ached whenever I thought about him.

Why is it that I always choose to be with the wrong people?

If I could take back being with Shane.

I would.

I wouldn’t even take a second of hesitation.

As I came closer to the house I cried even harder.

It would be empty and silent tonight.

Suddenly an idea struck me.

I pulled up my soaked dress and ran up the porch steps and into the house.

Maybe Bill and Tom hadn’t left yet.

As soon as my feet crossed the threshold my hopes were crushed.

They had already left, it was too late.

My knees wobbled and I collapsed to the floor.

Bill and Tom were gone and there was nothing I could do about it.

I pulled my knees to my chest and cried into my arms.


The next morning it was raining as well.

It’s like the weather knew that they were gone.

It felt my pain, and cried with me.

School was going to be awful, although I knew that I at least had to finish that.

Without really thinking about it, I pulled on my clothes and got ready for school.

Since my stomach was still in a knot I skipped breakfast and walked to school, in the rain.

I’d have to get used to the rain anyways, since I was going back to New York in a couple of days.

At least I was going to see my grandpa again.

That I was really looking forward to.

The school’s walls started to appear after a few minutes.

Everyone was wearing their coats and had their umbrellas.

They all seemed happy, lucky for them.

I walked up the steps and went straight to my locker, trying to avoid anyone’s stares.

If anyone said anything, I wouldn’t be able to handle keeping a straight face.

Then the one voice I never wanted to hear again, spoke.

I turned my head to see why he was laughing.

He was with a blonde bobble head!

Kali, stay calm…

I quickly grabbed my books and then slammed my locker door.

“Hey Kali, where are your freak twins at?” Shane called

The girl laughed and then wrapped her arm around his waist.

Tears clouded my eyes as I ran down the hall.


Saying goodbye was never easy.

At least my farewell with Simone was quick and simple.

We weren’t talking to each other because we really didn’t have anything to say.

She wasn’t upset that her children had left because she still had no idea where they were, and I didn’t want to be the first to tell her.

It would be one more secret that I would keep until the end of my existence.

“Thank you Kali, for staying with us. It was a pleasure having you. Although it’s a shame that my boys weren’t here to say goodbye.” She said

Did she know?

“Yeah, it is…” I said

“They will come and visit me in America, though, right?” I asked

Though I knew they wouldn’t, I had to lie to Simone so that she wouldn’t find anything suspicious.

She smiled.

“Of course.” She said

Suddenly she leaned closer and pulled me in, for a hug.

“I’m going to miss you Kali, say hello to your grandfather for me.” She said

I embraced the last hug.

“I will Ms. Kaulitz, thank you.” I said

We then let go and then I took a deep breath and made my way towards the plane.
