Sweet Blasphemy

Meeting the Kaulitzs'


Tired and half asleep I walked through the German airport.

Well… this is what I wanted, remember?

Fourteen hours, and five bathroom breaks later, I finally arrived.

I yawned as I waited for my luggage to come up.

Then as I spotted it, I walked over to the luggage thing and pulled it off.

I’ve got my luggage, now what?

Oh right, security, and all that.

I groaned and made my way to the security center.

Wait, my grandpa!

I suddenly stopped and reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone.

“Hello?” He asked

“Hey grandpa, I made it here safely.” I said

“Kali, that’s great honey, how was your flight?” He asked

“Long, but good.” I said

“Was it worth it?” He asked

I stifled a yawn.

“I guess so.” I said

“That’s good, have you met the family yet?” He asked

“No, I barely retrieved my luggage and am now making my way to the security thing.” I said

“Oh good luck with that, I’ve heard that it takes an hour.” He said

“Grandpa…!” I whined

He chuckled.

“Oh I’m just kidding, it’s not that long, all you have to do is walk through the metal detectors and you’re out of there.” He said

I sighed.

“Okay that’s good. I’ll call you later when I’m actually conscience.” I said

He laughed.

“Sure, sure, later honey.” He said

“Bye.” I said


I put the phone back into my pocket and then headed towards the lines.

What my grandpa had said was true.

I got in and then next thing you know I was on my way out.

Now for my next challenge… the family.

I was here for the whole year for a foreign exchange program.

At my school this kid was talking about how he had gone on one of these trips to Japan for a semester and he loved it.

Since then, I’ve tried to convince my grandpa to let me go, until he finally gave in.

Next thing you know, I’m in Germany.

All I know is that I am going to be in a small town about a few hours away from Berlin, the capital of Germany.

With a recently divorced family, of only a wife and her two kids.

They are about my age… I think.

Their last name was Kaulitz.

I walked a little ways across the large area for people waiting to be picked up.

The family I pictured was nowhere to be found.

I looked around nervously, until my eyes fell on this kid.

He stood out from among the crowd.

I stared with my mouth open.

He smiled at me and waved.

I suddenly waved back.

Then he turned to his mother and pointed at me.

Was it them?

The lady turned and smiled at me.

Suddenly the boy and his mother made his way towards me.

“Hallo, bist du Kali?” She asked

“Ja.” I said

She smiled.

“Wilkommen im Deutschland.” She said

“Danke schon.” I said

That’s about all the German I knew.

The little boy smiled at me.

“Hallo ich heisse Bill.” He said

“Hallo Bill.” I said

“Und ich bin Tom.” The other said

I hadn’t seen him.

I waved to him.

“Hallo Tom.” I said

He smiled at me, looking almost identical to his brother.

The lady said something, no scolded, the boys.

They quickly came to my side and grabbed my luggage.

“No it’s okay.” I said

She raised her eyebrow.

“Was?’ She asked apologetically

“Um… nein?” I said

“We got it.” Bill said

“You speak English?” I asked

“Little.” He said

I smiled.

That’s a relief.

Tom then grabbed my bag and I followed Mrs. Kaulitz.

Bill kept looking back at me to see if I was still following.

I wonder why that was.

When we got to the car Tom and Bill put my luggage in the trunk and then came to join me in the back.

No one talked the whole way to the house.

It was the longest awkward silence ever.

I was getting uncomfortable.

That all changed when we got to the house.

It was small.

One story, with lots of windows…

The neighborhood was pretty cool too.

There weren’t many kids, but it looked decent.

Bill opened the door for me and I stepped in.


This was nice.

It reminded me of home, but I ignored the feeling and moved to the hall.

Ms. Kaulitz said something to Bill in German; I think it had to do with my room, because she said ‘Zimmer’, which is room.

“My mom says that you’ll be sharing a room with us until we get situated.” Bill said

I nodded.

“Follow me.” Bill said

I walked behind him, and Tom followed behind me.

Ms. Kaulitz went to the kitchen, I think.

As I followed I saw pictures of two little blonde, twin, boys surrounded by a man and a woman.

I was assuming that they were Bill & Tom’s parents.

Tom looked kind of sad when I glanced at them, and I looked away.

I already knew what they were going through.

It couldn’t have been worse than what I was going through though.

Then again, who knew what goes on in anyone’s head these days?

Bill opened yet another door and made a gesture that I should go in.

Very nice, and not as crowded as I had feared.

“This bed to the left is Tom’s, the one on the right is yours and then… I’ll just find somewhere to sleep.” Bill said

“Oh no it’s fine, it’s your home, I couldn’t possibly take your-“ I said

“It’s okay, chill, I can handle the floor.” Bill said

Tom snickered.

“We’ll take turns.” Tom said

“Okay, much better.” I said

“We have one bathroom attached to this room and one down the hall.” Tom said

I nodded.

“Thanks, for everything.” I said

“You’re welcome.” They both said

I raised my eyebrow.

“Sorry, we tend to do that a lot. It’s a twin thing.” Bill said

“I knew you guys were twins!” I said

They chuckled.

“Yeah, Bill’s the more feminine one though.” Tom said

Bill blushed.

“It’s alright, I have nothing against it.” I said

“No, I’m not gay, I just… like wearing makeup and all.” Bill said

I smiled.

“Totally fine with me, maybe you could help me with that?” I said

“Definitely.” Bill said

Tom rolled his eyes.

“Great another Bill.” He muttered

“I’m not all that girly; I love to play sports too.” I said

Tom grinned.

“Yes!” He said

I smiled.

“So we will help you unpack, and then what you say about exploring the town a bit?” Bill asked

“Fine with me.” I said

He smiled.

“This is more of a Bill thing; I have to go meet up with my girlfriend, bye.” Tom said

I waved to him.

Bill rolled his eyes.

I laughed.

“Why did you roll your eyes at him like that?” I asked

“Once you meet her, you’ll know why.” Bill said

“Is she that bad?” I asked

He nodded.

I smiled.

“What about you?” I asked

“Am I bad?” He asked

“No, no… I meant… never mind.” I said

“Tell me!” He said

“Later… right now we have to unpack.” I said

“Alright, but you promise to tell me later?” He asked

“Cross my heart.” I said

He grinned.

“Alright, let’s do this.” Bill said

I laughed and went to go help Bill unpack my things.
