Sweet Blasphemy

Coffee Shop


I sipped my drink as I stared at Bill.

“Is good?” Bill asked

I nodded.

“This is great!” I said

Bill smiled.

“That’s good.” He said

I giggled.

“So what did you like to do back home?” He asked

I thought about it…

“I liked to… go to this park that was near my home, sing, and write poetry, all that kind of boring stuff.” I said

“Singing is boring?” He asked

“No… well… it depends, if you’re singing by yourself yes, but if it’s with people no.” I said

He pondered this.

“Singing is fun; it expresses what you feel inside, something no one else will ever see.” Bill said

“That’s one way of putting it, I guess.” I said

We stayed quiet, listening to our own thoughts.

“Bill… what is school like?” I asked

“School for me is boring, but if you like to read and write, it’s cool.” He said

My lip twitched.

“Are there… a lot of judgmental people there?” I asked

He looked at everything, but into my eyes.

“That’s… hard… to explain. You see, Tom and I aren’t what you would call… normal.” He said

I raised my eyebrow.

“What do you mean?” I asked

“Our styles are different.” Bill said

I looked him over.

“No, I see nothing wrong.” I said

Bill’s voice sounded hurt.

“I don’t look a bit feminine?” He asked

I shook my head.

“No, not at all.” I said

Bill’s eyes started to water.

“Look Kali, I’m sorry…” He said

Bill got up… and started grabbing his stuff.

“I have to go.” He said

“Bill!” I called

He walked around all the tables and ran out the door.

“How am I supposed to get home?” I asked myself

I sank back down into my seat.

Why was Bill so… angry?


I grabbed my drink and walked out of the café.

Bill was nowhere to be seen.

I walked a little ways down the street to the left.

Was this the right way?

Some girls were talking and laughing, passing by me.

They gave me a weird look, and then moved on.

That hurt me a little, but I ignored it and kept on walking towards the left.

The shops were starting to get smaller and smaller, soon there weren’t any at all.

It was starting to get dark, and I was getting scared.

Why on earth would Bill leave me like that?

He should know that I wasn’t so familiar to this new town yet.

I heard a noise coming from the other side of the road.

My heart started thudding, hard, against my chest.

“Hello?” I asked

I’m in Germany, I need to speak German.

“Hallo?” I called

No answer.

The noise started getting closer and closer.

Suddenly there were two arms around my shoulders.

I screamed with all the strength I had in me.

“Kali, it’s just me, Tom.” He said

I placed a hand over my heart, as if to calm it.

“Au meine Gott, Tom you scared me!” I said

He chuckled and released his arms from around my shoulders.

“Sorry Kali.” He said

“It’s okay; do you know where Bill is?” I asked

“Actually I was just about to ask you that.” He said

Oh, great.

“Where were you last?” He asked

“We were at the café, down the street. We were talking about school, and judgmental people, and then he took off.” I said

“And he left you there all by yourself?” He asked

I nodded.

“Idioten.” He said

“No, don’t be mad at him, he wasn’t thinking clearly.” I said

“I’m going to have a long talk with him, when I get back home.” Tom said

I stayed quiet.

“You’re not going to hit him are you?” I asked

“No, I never hit Bill, well unless he would hit me first.” He said

I nodded.

“So what were you doing heading over here?” He asked

“I thought that I was on the way to your house.” I said

“Nein, our house is to the right.” Tom said


“I’ll try to remember that next time.” I said

He smiled.

“Are you cold?” He asked

I clamped my teeth together so that I wouldn’t give the hint away.

I shook my head.

“Please you’re almost turning blue, here.” Tom said

Tom suddenly unzipped his hoodie and draped it over my shoulders.

“No, Tom, really it’s okay.” I said

“Keep it.” He said

I quit trying to shrug out of his hoodie and then I relaxed.

“Let’s go home?” He asked

I nodded.

He smiled and started walking.

A few feet over I got curious.

“Tom… why do you think Bill ran out like that?” I asked

He thought about it for a bit.

“It must’ve been about what I’ve told him before.” He said

I looked at him.

“And that would be…?” I asked

“Since Bill is so… feminine… I’ve teased him about it… and some people at school… they’ve picked up on it.” Tom said

“Why would you do such a thing? He’s your brother.” I said

He looked down.

“I know, and now I regret doing that, I didn’t mean for this to happen.” Tom said

“Try to tell the people that you were just kidding, and maybe they’ll stop?” I said

“I… can’t…” Tom said

“Tom Kaulitz you can be and do whatever you want you want to do.” I said

He kept walking and looking down.

“Kali… I’m not as… brave as you.” He said

“Sure you are.” I said

“You think so?” He asked

I nodded.

“Yes, you are very brave.” I said

“Well thanks… for saying that, I mean.” He said

“No problem, you’re welcome.” I said

He leaned closer to me and wrapped his arms around me.

I shrugged and wrapped mine around him, as well.

“Let’s go find Bill?” I said

He nodded.

“I think I know where he is.” Tom said

“Why didn’t you say anything before?” I asked

“I am still getting to know you.” He said

I rolled my eyes.

“Okay then, let’s go look for him, I have a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach.” I said

“Me too.” Tom said
