Sweet Blasphemy

School complications

::**::Kali’s p.o.v.::**::

Tom and I rounded the corner, and halted to a stop.

“Aw, you’re going to cry little emo? What are you going to go cut yourself? Go ahead and do it, the world will be a better place without you.”

Some kids around chuckled.

Bill was on the floor glaring at the kids around him, but still trying to cover up his fear.

I moved a little to get a better view, but Tom held me back.

“You can’t go in there.” Tom said

“Why not? Are you going to let your brother get hurt?” I asked

“No, wait a second, they won’t touch him.” Tom said

“You’re crazy.” I whispered back

I turned back around and then saw the rest of the scary movie.

“Come on cutter, get up, and show us how you kill yourself.”

I prayed silently in my head.

“Please don’t let anything happen to Bill.” I thought.

Bill was still, he didn’t move.

The guy in front of him raised his hand to hit him, but in that instant that he did Tom was already there blocking Bill.

Tom swung his fist and punched the guy, straight in the face.

I hadn’t seen Tom move, how on earth did he get over there?

All the rest of the guys were in awe.

The guy grabbed his nose and glared at Tom.

“You’re going to pay for this Kaulitz. You freak!” He yelled

Tom stood there, looking confident, and somewhat proud.

The guy waved to his other pose and they all followed him and left.

Tom then turned around and helped Bill get up.

“Are you okay?” Tom asked

Bill nodded.

I ran over and hugged Bill.

He pulled his arms around me as well.

“I’m so sorry; I shouldn’t have left you in the café. I wasn’t thinking clearly, do you forgive me?” Bill asked

I nodded.

“Yes, but please don’t ever go out like that on your own, you had Tom and I worried.” I said

We then pulled away, and then Tom did something unexpected.

He… hugged… Bill…?


“Please don’t ever do that to me again!” Tom yelled

Bill covered his, now, deaf ear.

“I promise I won’t.” Bill said

“Alright guys, let’s go.” Tom said

Bill and I looked at each other and then we nodded, together.

Tom, Bill, and I all walked, next to each other, back to their house.


Miss. Kaulitz was there waiting, looking frantic, in the living room.

She yelled at Tom and Bill in German.

My best guess was why we were late home, and how worried she was.

Then she sighed, and Tom explained what happened.

She then turned to Bill and asked him something.

He looked to the floor and looked worried.

Miss. Kaulitz then hugged Bill and whispered something to him.

I stayed there in my place, feeling awkward.

“Komm hier Kali.” She said

I looked up suddenly.


She motioned for me to come to her.

I walked, slowly and then she hugged me as well.

For once in my life, I felt the love of a mother.


“Kali, wake up, come on we are going to be late!” Bill said

I yawned and stretched.

“No grandpa, give me five more minutes.” I said

“Grandpa? No it’s me Bill.” He said

Sleepily I opened my eyes.

“Oh sorry, I guess I must’ve been sleep talking, I tend to do that a lot.” I said

He laughed.

“You are so weird.” He said

I stuck my tongue out at him.

“Hurry up, we are going to be late.” He said

“For…?” I asked

“Uh, school… are you still ‘sleep talking’?” He asked

I shook my head.

“I don’t think so…” I said

He chuckled and shook his head.

I smiled and got off my bed.

Bill and I had gotten closer ever since the whole alley-gang situation.

“Hey Billy what should I wear today?” I asked

“Hold on, I already have something coming up in my head.” He said

I laughed.

That’s one of the many good things about having a friend that loves fashion.


“Alright class we have a new student today, her name is Kali, and she is an exchange student from the United States. Welcome her nicely, and please be on your best behavior.” The teacher said

All the kids mumbled a yes and then sat quietly in their seats.

I blushed and then walked to take my seat next to Bill.

“Oh so you’re into the emo types, huh?” Someone asked

I turned around, and there was the guy that was almost going to beat up Bill.

“Bill’s my friend, and you are?” I asked

“Shane.” He asked

“Nice name, of course it reminds me of a douche bag.” I said

His smile turned into an ugly frown.

“Okay, I see how it is.” He said

“Do you now?” I asked

“You’re an emo freak too?” He asked

“No I’m not, and neither is Bill, now you better stop bugging us before I beat you up.” I said

“Ohhh, so now I should be scared of an American girl.” He said

“So what you’re a bully, and a racist?” I asked

“Very funny, you’re the one that’s hanging around the wrong people.” He said

“Ha, looks who’s talking, I actually have a life, unlike you.” I said

“You better stop talking little girl, you don’t know what you’re getting into to.” He said

“Yes I know exactly what I’m getting into; I’m not scared of you.” I said

“Alright, I’ll remember that.” He said

I rolled my eyes and turned back around.

“Wow that was really brave of you.”Bill whispered

“Thanks, but he’s just a bully with a messed up family, trying to look for attention.” I said

Bill nodded, agreeing with me.

The lesson was on writing personal essays about our lives.

This should be easy.

‘Hello, I’m Kali.

I come from a messed up family, back in New York.

Since my parents disowned me, I now live with my grandfather.

Life has been pretty hard, but I’m learning to cope with it.

At school one of my classmates did an international exchange student thing, where you study in a different country to experience new cultures, and now I am here writing an essay all about this, in an English class, in Germany.’

Yup, that should do it.

All I have to do is just put in some long details about everything, and it would cover a few pages.

I wondered what Bill’s paper would say.

Would he let me read it?

He would probably talk about his parents splitting up, or something along the lines of that.

Bill looked at me and smiled politely.

I smiled back and wondered what on earth Bill would write about.
