Sweet Blasphemy

Stuck in a closet with Shane

:*:Kali’s p.o.v.:*:

As I was walking towards the school library I thought about Bill.

He was suddenly starring in all my thoughts now-a-days.

“Psst, come here.” I heard someone whisper.

I stopped and looked around.


So then I ignored it and kept on walking.

“Kali, over here.” It said again

I turned to my right and there was a closet door open.

Curious, I walked over to it and peeked inside.

Then I saw that it was Shane.

I groaned.

“What do you want?” I asked

“To talk to you for a moment, please?” He asked

“And we can’t talk in hallway because…?” I said

“Do you think it’d be a good idea for us to be seen talking together?” He asked

I shrugged.

He had a good point.

“Okay, but only for a minute. I have to be somewhere.” I said

“With Kaulitz?” He asked

“What am I supposed to tell you what I do now, too?” I asked

He sighed.

“Just get in here, I want to talk to you about earlier, we kind of got off on the wrong foot.” He said

I eyed him for a moment, and then got in to the closet.

He smiled and made some room for me.

Then Shane closed the door and locked it.

My stomach started to flip; maybe this wasn’t such a good idea.

“Sorry I would have picked a bigger space, but all the classrooms were full with teachers.” He said

I nodded.

“So why did you bring me in here exactly?” I asked

He sighed.

“Okay I know this is going to sound weird, but I’ve been watching you…” He said

I raised my eyebrow.

“And…?” I asked

“Ever since the first time I saw you… I fell in love with you…” He said

My jaw dropped.

“If this is some kind of joke, it’s sick.” I said

He breathed out.

“Would I be joking if I did this?” He asked

I closed my eyes, so I would feel anything.

Then I felt nothing.

I opened one eye slowly.

“What are you doing?” He asked

“Aren’t you going to hit me or something?” I asked

He snickered.

“Why would I hit you?” He asked

“Um... I don’t know.” I said

“Well I don’t hit girls, it’s hard to believe, but I’m actually good.” He said

I laughed.

“Okay, I’ve had enough, I’m out of here.” I said

“No, wait.” He said

I felt something warm touch my lips.

Then after a second, the warmth was gone.

My mouth hung open.

We looked at each other in silence.

“Um… why did you…?” I asked

“I… I told you.” He said

I blinked, confused.

“So I don’t get you… first you ridicule me, in front of the whole class, and then you kiss me in a closet?” I asked

He nodded.

Shane… kissed me…?

Okay I admit he’s cute, but he hates my best friend.

Also… I think that I might’ve liked that… and that shocked me.

“So…?” He asked

“Hold on, I need to think a minute, I’m still so confused.” I said

He smiled.

“Alright, I’ll give you time to think about it, but don’t take too long.” He said

He waved at me and left the closet.

I stood there, in a closet, staring, shockingly into the dark.

Did that just happen?

I touched my lips.

The warmth of his lips still lingered on them.

Okay… so it did happen… now what?

Should I tell Bill?

No, definitely not.

That would shatter him.

If Shane and I did like each other, we would have to see each other… in secret.

How would I do that, when I lived with Bill?

Ugg… what have I gotten into?

I took a deep breath.

Okay… I’ll go meet up with Bill, and won’t say anything.

Everything else will just fall into place… I hope.

I opened the door and then made my way to the school library.

Bill was already studying, at a small table in the back.

I spotted him and smiled.

The librarian raised her eyebrow at me.

Oh god, was I still flushed from Shane’s kiss?

I rubbed my cheeks and hoped that the redness would go away.

Then I walked passed a few aisles and sat down next to Bill.

“It’s about time, where were you?” He asked

“I was… um… talking to… my math teacher, I didn’t get tonight’s assignment all too well, so I stayed in for more help.” I said

“Oh, okay… why didn’t you just ask me?” he asked

“You’re already letting me stay at your house and besides you’ve already done enough for me, I couldn’t let you do my homework too.” I said

He smiled.

“It’s no problem, really.” He said

I tried to smile, but it didn’t exactly come out how I wanted it to.

“Thanks Bill… for everything, you’re my best friend.” I said

He smiled.

“Yeah and if you ever want to come to me… to tell me anything, I’ll understand, and I won’t tell.” He said

I gulped.

“I will, thanks, but… right now I’ve got nothing, unless homework counts?” I said

He chuckled.

“Honestly, I don’t get you American people, first you tell us that you don’t need help, and then you ask for it anyways.” Bill teased

I laughed awkwardly.

“Yeah, I didn’t exactly get when the teacher explained to me the second time… either…” I said

He shook his head.

“Alright, what problem are you stuck on?” He asked

The best friend no dating his enemy one.

“Number twelve.” I lied
