Sweet Blasphemy

Down with the 'sickness'

:*: Kali’s p.o.v.:*:

I waited until Bill had left around the corner, to approach Shane.

“Hey babe, did you decide yet?” He asked

I hesitated.

“You know… this thing might not work, I’m Bill’s best friend, and you’re his enemy… and I kind of live with him…” I said

He thought about this.

“You can sneak out.” He said

“Are you sure?” I asked

He nodded.

“Positive. We can always meet each other somewhere or I can pick you up.” He said

“Okay then, so you wouldn’t mind?” I asked

“Nope.” Shane said

I smiled.

“Alright then, so we are together, I guess…?” I said

He nodded.

“That sounds about right, to me.” He said

I looked into his gorgeous eyes.

“Now what?” I asked

“Well since we have to sneak out, we are going to have to be apart at school as well…” Shane said

I nodded.

“Okay, so I guess I’ll see you after school?” I asked

“Sure, what’s your favorite place?” He asked

I thought about it…

“Um… I don’t have one yet, I just got here, remember.” I said

He smiled.

“Yes I know… but I’ve got a good idea.” He said

“Oh?” I said

“After school, go home with the twins and then pack your bathing suit and a towel, then say that your sick and then sneak out.” He said

“We’re going swimming?” I asked

He nodded.

“It’s cold out here.” I said

“I know, but I know a place with an indoor pool, and in a private place.” He said

“Okay, I’m up for it.” I said

Shane made that cute little smile of his.

“Can’t wait, now you have to go, I see Tom coming.” He said

I turned around to see if it was true…

“Shane I don’t-“I said

Then I turned back and he was gone.

‘Man that boy is fast.’ I thought

“Hey Kali!” Tom called

I smiled and turned back to him.

“Hello Tom.” I said

“Who are you talking to?” He asked

“Um… myself… I tend to mumble to myself… a lot.” I said

“Really? Bill mumbles in his sleep, it’s really funny. One time I heard him saying something about this girl he liked, I didn’t catch the name though.” He said

“Mmm, bummer.” I said

He smirked.

“Yeah, I guess… anyways I was wondering if you and Bill wanted to hang out at Cassie’s house tonight. Her parents aren’t home and… *he leaned closer* she has the key to her parent’s liquor cabinet.” Tom said

Uh oh… quick Kali think of something!

“I… am not feeling very well; it must have been something I ate.” I lied

“Oh… well maybe next time?” He said

I nodded.

“Yeah, sorry.” I said

He eyed me for a moment.

“Are you sure you’re sick? You look fine to me.” He said

“It’s my stomach, and besides I don’t puff up when I’m sick, that’s why it’s hard for my doctors to spot an illness.” I said

“That’s crazy, but alright.” He said

I nodded.

“Do you want one of us to stay with you at home? My mom is working late tonight, and I don’t want anything to happen to you.” Tom said

“No it’s alright, I’m used to taking care of myself, and besides you two need a break from watching me, go have fun.” I said

He nodded, still eying me.

“Okay… but if you have something to tell me, it’s alright you know, I won’t tell Bill or anyone.” He said

Oh god, what is it with everyone today?

Am I that shallow?

I put on a fake smile and nodded.

“Thanks Tom, but seriously nothing is going on with me, I just feel a little sick that’s all, it’ll pass in a little bit.” I said

He smiled.

“Alright, well then if you change your mind then just tell me, I’ll come back and pick you up.” Tom said

I smiled again.

“Thanks Tom, again, for everything.” I said

“No problem.” He said

“Hey guys what’s up?”Bill called

I smiled and waved.

“Hey Bill.” I said

“What are you guys up to?” He asked

“Nothing.” Tom and I said

I looked at him and he shrugged.

“What’s going on?” Bill asked

“I was just telling Kali about the party tonight, but she claims to be sick.” Tom said

Bill’s smile dropped.

“What’s wrong Kali?” He asked

“Nothing, I just a little sick.” I said

“Do you need me to stay with you? I can stay if-“ Bill said

“No Bill, you can’t miss out on this party, I’ll be fine.” I said

“Are you sure?” He asked

I nodded.

“Okay, but if you change your mind, just tell me.” He said

“Thanks.” I said

He smiled.

Then they both looked at each other and then again at me.

“Really guys I’m fine, you go and have fun.” I said

“It won’t be fun without you.” Bill said

My chest swelled with guilt.

“That’s sweet of you to say Bill, but really when I’m sick, I’m not any fun to be around.” I said

He shrugged.

“Okay, but if you change your mind, we’ll be back in a flash.” He said

I smiled.

“You guys ready to go home?” Tom asked

Bill and I nodded.

“Yeah.” I said

The whole walk home Tom and Bill gushed about the party while I stayed quiet and thought about swimming with Shane.

I wondered if he had abs, with those muscular arms, he had to have them.

“Kali are you alright, you’re really quiet.” Bill pointed out

“Yeah I’m fine, I was just thinking about something.” I said

Bill looked at Tom for a moment.

“Are you homesick?” He asked

“A little, but that’s not what I was thinking of.” I said

Bill nodded.

Then silence.

It was bugging me so much that I was about to tell them right then and there, but then this other blonde girl came up and started talking to both of them, in German.

I growled, internally, it still bugged me that I didn’t speak German.

Then the girl smiled and left.

“What was that about?” I asked

“She was just wondering if we were going to make it to the party.” Bill said

“No she was asking if Bill was going.” Tom said

Bill glared at his twin.

I laughed.

“Aw, it looks like someone has a crush on Billy.” I said

He blushed.

I put on a smile, but somehow when he blushed, it bugged me.
