Sweet Blasphemy


:*:*:Kali’s p.o.v.:*:*:

I waved to the twins and then dashed to my room.

It wouldn’t be long until Shane came to pick me up.

As I searched through my luggage I came across something.

I didn’t have a bathing suit.


I mentally smacked my head.

How could I have not known that?

Had I been that distracted thinking about Bill and that girl?

I shook my head.

No, I like Shane.

He’s a nice guy, and he’s very cute.

I sighed.

Oh well… what will I do now?

I sat on my bed and thought.

I’ll just tell him the truth.

Then I got up and peeked out the window.

I saw Shane coming by the house and then stop down the road a little.

To not be seen, I guessed.

Think Kal, think!

I grabbed some shorts and a tank top.

That should do it.

Then I grabbed an empty purse I had laying around and stuffed my clothes into it.

Now for a towel… where did they leave them again?

Ah, they are under the bathroom sink, duh!

I ran to the bathroom and pulled out a towel.

My reflection in the mirror was decent.

Sorry Shane, I can’t get pretty for you now.

After having a conversation, with myself, in my head I slipped on some sandals and walked down the hall to the door.

I grabbed my key from under the mat and locked the door.

As soon as I turned around I felt two hands cover my eyes.

I screamed, of course.

Then I heard a familiar laugh.

“Hey babe.” Shane said

I placed my hand over my heart.

“God, you almost gave me a heart attack!” I said

He chuckled.

“Sorry, are you ready to go?” He asked

I nodded.

“Yeah, although I have a little problem.” I said

“You’re not on your… girl thing are you?” He asked

I blushed.

“No, I don’t have a bathing suit.” I said

“Oh, so we are skinny dipping?” He asked

“No way.” I said

“Man, I would have loved to do that.” He said

I rolled my eyes.

“Of course.” I said

He chuckled.

“No problem, I’ll just ask my sister to give you one.” He said

“Sister?” I raised my eyebrow

“Yeah she’s a year younger than me.” Shane said

“Oh… cool.” I said

He smiled.

“Thanks, so are you ready to leave now?” He asked

“Why are you in a rush for?” I asked

“My sister is having a party, and I want to get there earlier, so that we won’t be seen.” Shane said

“Oh okay, sorry, let’s go.” I said

We walked down the porch steps and made our way to his car.

Shane opened the door for me, and I stepped in and thanked him.

Then he walked around the front and slipped in next to me, in the driver’s side.

“Don’t be offended, but why are you into me?” I asked

“What do you mean?” He asked

“Why do you like me?” I asked

“You’re the first girl that I’ve really… clicked with.” He said

“Meaning?” I asked

He sighed.

“Um… how do I explain…?” He said

I played with my fingers and waited for his response.

“You are cute, smart, funny, and you are real.” He said

“Real?” I asked

“You don’t say ‘like oh my gosh, my nail broke’ and stuff like that.” He said

“So you like me because I’m not girly?” I asked

“No, I mean, yes sort of, I don’t mind that, but I mean like you say things straight out and don’t hold back. You aren’t fake.” He said

I smiled.

“Thanks Shane, that’s the cutest thing anyone has ever said to me.” I said

He gave me that beautiful smile of his.

“You’re welcome.” He said

I looked out the window.

“So you know how to swim right?” He asked

“Of course, who doesn’t know how to?” I asked

“I don’t know, just asking.” He said

I fake gasped.

“You don’t know how to swim?” I asked

He smirked at me.

“Ha Ha very funny.” He said

I laughed.

“Sorry.” I said

He smiled.

“It’s all good.” Shane said

“In America… did you have any boyfriends?” He asked

“No, why?” I asked

“Just wondering.” He said

“And you? Oh wait, you’re Shane Dawson, of course you have.” I teased

He laughed.

“Oh you really think so?” He asked

I laughed.

“I don’t know, did you?” I asked

He looked a little bit sad.

“No, you’re my first one.” He said

My smile shrank.

“What?” I asked

He breathed out.

“Yup, I admit it, you’re my first girlfriend.” He said


“What about a kiss?” I asked

“Never had one, unless you count my grandmother.” He said

I laughed.

“Wow, so I guess we have that in common.” I said

“Having our first kiss from our grandma?” Shane asked

I rolled my eyes.

“No silly, first kiss and all that good stuff.” I said

He smiled.

“I guess so.” He said

“What are your parents like? Will they mind that I am coming over?” I asked

“My mom doesn’t mind.” He said

“Oh… you don’t have a father?” I asked

“Nope, he left my mom and I when I was a few months old, my mother was a teen mom.” He said

“I’m so sorry Shane, I shouldn’t have asked.” I said

“No it’s okay, really. I’ve learned to get over that.” He said

“What about you, how are you parents?” He asked

“I… don’t have parents.” I said

“Oh… you’re adopted?” He asked

“No… it’s complicated.” I said

“I’m sorry, you’re past is probably worse than mine times ten.” He said

I looked down.

“Probably, but I’m not complaining, I have a wonderful grandpa that takes care of me, and he’s like a mother and father put together into one.” I said

He smiled.

“That sounds amazing, what is he like?” He asked

“My grandpa is very young, he’s like in his early forties, and he had my mother, or well Carolyn, as I call her, very young. My grandmother passed away about a year ago.” I said

“I’m so sorry for your loss.” He said

I blinked back tears.

“It’s alright, yeah I do miss her, but you know she is in a better place now.” I said

Shane placed his arm around my shoulders, to comfort me.

I wiped at my eyes, in embarrassment.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to cry, I just did.” I said

He rubbed my shoulder.

“It’s alright, it’s better to let it all out then to keep it bottled up.” He said

“Thanks Shane.” I said

“No problem, and whenever you need to talk to someone, come to me. I’ll be there for you.” He said

I rubbed away more tears.

“Thank you.” I said

He held me as I thought about some of my hard times when I was little.
