Sweet Blasphemy

Truthful to Bill

^^ Kali’s p.o.v. ^^

The whole pool thing went great.

Shane and I had fun.

He held me, we swam next to each other, and he even kissed me a few times.

It was sort of romantic.

No one disturbed us at all.

That was probably the best thing.

When Shane took me home, he made sure that the Kaulitz twins weren’t there before he walked me to the door.

I turn towards Shane and we just held each other.

“You know… I was thinking while we were swimming… I really want you to start getting along with the twins, please?” I asked

He thought for a moment.

“I don’t think I can…” He said

“Why not?” I asked

“Like I said… it’s complicated.” Shane said

“Okay well can you at least treat them a little nicer?” I asked

“Sure.” He said

I stretched up and kissed him.

“Good night Shane.” I said

“Good night Kal, see you tomorrow.” He said

He pecked my lips once more, squeezed me, and then he walked away.

I waved to him and then walked inside.

Bill was standing there with his arms crossed.

“You were really feeling sick, weren’t you?” He asked crossly

“Bill… how … I thought you guys were-“I said

“At the party, yeah I was, but then I came to check up on my friend to see if she was okay, but then realized that she was missing!” He snapped

“Don’t you dare talk to me like that; you don’t know what the hell I’ve been through!” I said

“Oh so you want to play that card, don’t you?” He asked

“What are you talking about?” I asked

“So you think you’ve been through hell?” He asked

“Yes, you don’t have a freaking father who almost tried to rape you, and has abused you for years!” I yelled

Then I ran off to ‘our’ room.

I locked the door and broke down crying.

Bill banged on the door.

“Kali I’m so sorry, please open the door!” He said

I didn’t reply.

“Please Kali!” He said

“What, should I open the door for you to yell at me some more?” I asked

“No, I promise that I won’t yell at you, just please open the door.” He said

I hesitated.

After a few seconds of thought, I opened the door and Bill hugged me.

“I’m so sorry, I didn’t know.” He said

I wrapped my arms around his waist and cried into his shirt.

He held me and stroked my hair.

“It’s alright Kali, let it all out.” He said

I sobbed.

Bill moved us to his bed and sat me in his lap, so that my head was now on his shoulder with his arms around me.

“You know… my father; he wasn’t all that great either.” Bill said

I stayed quiet, still sniffling.

“He used to abuse my mother when we were little. Sometimes he would come home around three or four in the morning, drunk. That’s when it was the worst. Tom would sometimes be the victim, but Tom has somehow found room in his heart to forgive him. While I still can’t, he’s hurt us too much.” Bill said

“Where is he now?” I asked

“He’s … in Berlin, I think, living his life with his new family.” He said

“I’m sorry that I yelled at you.” I said

“No I should be the one to ask for forgiveness, I shouldn’t have yelled at you either, it wasn’t right of me… it’s just I got scared… when I didn’t find you in the room… I panicked.” He said

I shifted a little to look at him.

“Why?” I asked

“Kali… you’re like a little sister to me … and I lo-“ Bill said

“There you are Bill! I was looking everywhere for you!” Tom yelled

Bill sighed.

“Oh I’m sorry, did I ruin a ‘moment’?” Tom asked

Bill and I looked at each other.

“I’ll just leave… Bill if you want to return to the party come back, also Kali if you still want to join, the party is going great.” Tom said

I nodded.

“Alright.” Bill said

“See you guys later!” Tom said

“Is he drunk?” I asked

“No, but he’s almost getting there.” Bill said

I laughed.

“Isn’t that dangerous though?” I asked

“What Tom drunk? Yes, but I’m going back to pick him up, so you shouldn’t worry.” Bill said

“Okay…” I said

He smiled and squeezed me one more time.

“Bill… what were you saying before?” I asked

“Tom ruined the moment; I have to be in a certain mood to talk about that stuff… I guess I really don’t know anymore.” Bill said

I smiled.

“It’s alright; I do that a lot too.” I said

He did that famous ‘Bill’ eyebrow raise with his sexy-…

Wait, did I just call Bill… sexy?!

Oh my gosh!

Bill’s smile dropped and he suddenly looked worried.

“What’s wrong?” He asked me

“Nothing … I need to… go…” I said

I moved off his lap and stood up.

“Where are you going?” He asked

“I need some time to think… I’ll take a walk.” I said

“Didn’t you just get back from a walk though?” He asked

“Yeah, but I need some alone time right now, don’t take it too personal.” I said

He put his hands up, as if to say that he didn’t mind.

“I’m not, go out and have your ‘me’ time, I’ll be here.” He said

“Thanks Bill… sorry about this, I’ll be back.” I said

He nodded and waved to me.

I grabbed my jacket and walked out the door, with no destination in mind; I just kept walking and walking.
