Status: One shot

Fight for Your Life.


When I first met him, I didn't like him. He was on hades side. Hades! He's one of the bad people. First of he's fighting on the side of the nobody's and second, hello, he's the king of the Underworld. So yeah, of course I didn't like him. But that was when I first met him. Now, I can't stop worrying about him. Sora said he went to go fight a great fight, but I'm still completely and utterly worried. He might be strong, but I feel he's not strong enough to fight himself. Sephiroth is just as strong as him. It is him!

We shared a place. A huge place in Hollow Baston. I laid here for seven nights. Seven long terrifying nights, just hoping he'd come walking through that door. He didn't though. I was hoping I wouldn't get a call saying he was in the morgue. That would be worse. That would be way worse. I talked to Sora. I tried to explain what I was going through, the pain, the worry. He said something about love. Love?! Cloud? Could I even love Cloud like that? He said yes.

Today was a horrible day. I just sat around. And when I wasn't sitting, I was pacing. I hadn't slept much in seven days. I couldn't. So of course when eight o'clock came around, I retreated to my room. I laid in the silent room, in the silent house. The empty room, in the empty house. That's what it was when Cloud wasn't around. Empty. I just wanted to get out of this life. What did I have to show? First my home town gets almost completely destroyed by the nobodies. Now I'm the Leader of the 'Hollow Baston Restoration Committee.' But it doesn't fill that hole. That complete hurting feeling. The feeling that nothing was every going to fill it. And then Sora's words come back to me. "Maybe you love Cloud. Maybe all the worry, is because you can't live with out him."

I don't know what to do. If I do love Cloud, and he didn't complete his battle the way I want he wants, then what am I going to do? But that's only IF I love him. He is a strong fighter, but then again, so is Sephiroth. I tossed and turned all night in bed. Around three in the morning, the moon shown bright into my room. I had ripped down the curtains, in pure anger, four days ago. I stood against the window staring down at Hollow Baston. It's never going to be like it use to be. I pressed my hand on the glass and sighed. Cloud, where ever you are, come home. Please! I begged in my mind. This wasn't the first time I begged. I asked him to come home every night in my thoughts. Life just isn't the same with out him.

I looked up at the moon, hoping maybe he was looking up at that same moon at that same time. I don't know how long I was standing there before the bright light flashed. It was so bright that I had to turn away. I turned towards the door and saw someone standing there. I jumped a little startled and saw it was Cloud. "Clou-"

He looked pretty rough and out of breath. "Leon...I...I..." He said and with his last breath said. "Won." Before clasping on the ground. I rushed over to him and pulled him into my arms.

"Cloud don't die on me. I love you Cloud. Please." I sobbed. I held onto him tightly and cried. He was still breathing but unconscious.

He stayed unconscious for days too. I called Merlin a bunch of times to see what I could do. "Just dress his wounds and let him sleep." The old wizard told me. So I did just that. I also stay by Cloud's side at all times, just in case he woke up.

When he did finally awake, I was asleep. I heard him groan before brushing some hair out of my face. I was laying by his side asleep. I smiled and pushed my hand into his touch. "Leon, you up?" He asked.

I nodded and looked up at him. He was blushing crazily. I smiled and sighed. "Welcome back. I missed you Cloud."

He smiled and bite his lip in a cute manner. "Oh yeah?" I nodded and lent up and kissed him. He gasped and kissed back just as hard. I groaned. I've never felt this much love and passion in any kiss I've ever known. He bit down on my lip and pulled it slightly. I moaned and allowed him to suck on my bottom lip. It turned me on so damn much, being dominated like this.

He pushed me back against the bed and laid on top of me. He pecked my lips a bunch of times, slowing them down with each peck. When he finally stopped I whimpered. Like a dog getting it's bone stolen. I looked up into Cloud's eyes. "Cloud...I love you."

His face turned that one of someone who just got a surprise party thrown at them. Shocked but happy about it. "really?" I nodded again and opened my mouth to say something, but he kissed me hard on the lips. "Mm. I love you so much Leon. You have no idea!" He smiled widely. "I thought of you during my fight. You made me stronger. Aloud me to kill Sephiroth. Thank you for everything. You're love, helping me, caring about me. Leon, you are who I fight for now. You're my fight. I fight for your life, no one else now. Okay?" I nodded and we kissed passionately. Finally our hearts were filled, for each other.
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I think cloud and leon are just soooo damn cute <3333
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