Summer Holds Such Wonderful Things

We’ve Got Ambition Like You’ve Got Restraint

Ember squeezed her best friend’s hand as the two entered the house full of people they didn’t know. Marissa wasn’t sure how she’d let Ember convince her to come along, but she regretted it once she stepped over the threshold.

“Do you see him?” Marissa tried yelling over the blaring music as she leaned toward her friend. Ember frowned and shook her head as her eyes scanned the crowd. “We should just go.”

“Wait!” Ember tightened her grip on Marissa’s hand again as her eyes narrowed on a male figure walking around. Her lips curled into a smirk and Marissa rolled her eyes. It was obvious she had found him. “Nicky!” The small girl shouted and the boy’s head snapped to the sound. “Nickyyyy!” She repeated, but this time in a small squeal as she left her friend and ran into the boys awaiting arms.

Marissa followed slowly, cautious of bumping into other people or stumbling over her own feet. When she reached the couple, she found her best friend showering kisses on the boys face. “Em?” She smiled a little, making her friend aware of her presence.

Embers eyes widened as she pulled away from the boy with a serious expression. “Where’s your bassist?” The boys’ eyebrows furrowed together as he frowned at her. She rolled her eyes. “Riss, here is going to hit it off perfectly with him.” She clarified, making her best friend blush.

Nick cleared his throat. “Oh, he’s uh, in the kitchen. Making drinks.” He answered and then pouted as the girl twirled out of his arms just as quickly as she’d spun into them.

“Be back in a second, love.” Ember pecked his cheek again before grabbing her best friend’s hand again, leading her through the massive crowd. Ember noticed her fidgeting with her hair from the corner of her eye. “Stop fussing, Riss. You look amazing.” She commented over shoulder just before the two entered the slightly less populated kitchen.

Marissa rolled her eyes again and bit her bottom lip as her attention fell on the boy who had captured everyone else’s attention as well. He was standing behind the kitchen island, twirling bottles of alcohol in his hands with an intense look on his face. She giggles as she eyed a little bit of his tongue sticking out.

Ember rolled her eyes and coughed, breaking the boys’ concentration. He sent both glass bottles hurling toward the floor. She smirked as he sighed and bent over to pick up the one bottle that didn’t break. He wasn’t so lucky with the other however, and he immediately started to warn the people nearest him about the broken glass.

When he stood back up with a few big chunks of glass in his hands, he glanced up at the girls. “Thanks a lot for that, Ember.” He sarcastically spat as he threw the chunks into the sink. “I was doing damn good until you interrupted.”

“Yeah, I could tell you’ve been practicing.” Ember smirked wider as she leaned onto the island. “I’ve got something better for you though.”

“Yeah?” He glanced at her again as he came back up with more glass, but this time his eyes strayed to the other girl standing beside her timidly.

“Yes. Halvo, this is Marissa. Riss, this is Halvo.” Ember pointed and then gently nudged her best friend as he extended his hand toward her.

Marissa giggled as she put her hand in his wet one and stared into his big brown eyes. “Nice to finally meet you.” She calmly spoke while her insides melted. She was trying hard not to let it be apparent that she was definitely crushing on him.

“You too. Ember talks about you all the time.” He was slightly dumbstruck as he kept a hold on her hand.

Ember continued to smirk. “Well, I’ll just let you guys talk while I go find Nick.”

“Bye Em.” The called in unison, not even daring to glance at her as she tiptoed away.

Ember made it to the doorway before she turned to look at them. Her smirk fell into an honest smile as she watched her best friend giggle over some ridiculous thing the boy had done. Two arms wrapped around her from behind as a chin settled on her shoulder.

“Is matchmaking you’re new hobby now?” Nick playfully poked her side, but she ignored the tease and leaned back into him, continuing to watch the two interact.

“I think they look cute together.” She mused and smiled again. “He makes her happy.” She tilted her head to look up at him. “Like you make me happy.” He grinned and leaned down to quickly steal a kiss from her lips.
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love you doll ; ) word count = 785