Status: Active/ Just starting off! (:

Two More Lonely People...

Here We Go Again

“Um, Hey Mrs Jonas." I smile awkwardly, having to shift Nate a little on my hip to keep his head from slipping from my shoulder in his sleeping state.

“Niamh! Darling, what are you doing here?”

I sigh, looking down, “There's something I need to talk to you and Joe about.” I bite my lip as I cast my eyes down.

“Come in, come in.” She smiles, making me feel welcome already, “Should I take him for you?”

She gestures to Nate and I smile, “I do need to go grab my bags, if you don't mind.”

“Of course not.” She chuckles, taking the heavy two year old from my arms and walking inside without another word.

I rush back down the steps and grab my bag and the toy bag I have for Nate and the car seat that are waiting outside the gates up to the Jonas residence, seeing as the cab driver had been extremely impatient.

“We're in the lounge.” Mrs Jonas calls as I close the front door as quietly as I can, placing by bags against the wall in the entrance hall, followed by my shoes.

“Do you want me to take him back?” I gesture to my son who has his head lead on Denise's lap, still sound asleep.

“He's fine here.” She smiles, stroking the chestnut curls a top his head. “What did you want to talk to me about? It’s been so long since we’ve seen you!”

I fiddle with the edge of my cardigan as I contemplate how to put my following sentences, smiling as I get the hint that I’ve been missed.

“I don't know if Joe ever told you this, but I'm guessing he didn't. I don't want you to be mad with Joe, if you're mad with anybody, please let it be me.”

She looks at me a little worriedly, but gestures for me to continue, “Go on.”

“If you remember back to when I went on tour with you, about two and a half years ago?” She nods in response, “The night we spent in Italy, Joe and I shared a room, on his birthday, because Nick was ill.”

I really want her to catch on to what I'm trying to say, because I can’t say the words myself and I'm so glad when her blank expression flashes with realization.

“Oh my.” She looks down to Nate and covers her mouth to hide a gasp.

“I'm so sorry we lied, and that I just took off, but I didn't know what else to do. I knew this would ruin everything for Joe and his brothers.”

“I'm not mad, Niamh. I'm a little disappointed that neither of you told me, and that you've only come to me now.” She smiles, reaching across to pat my twisting hands “I'm most definitely not mad.”

I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders, as she strokes Nate's cheek gently, smiling as she looks down at her grandson.

“What's his name?”

“Nathaniel Joseph.” I say proudly, looking over at my son as he shifts in his slumber.

“He's gorgeous. He looks so much like Joe. I don't know why I didn't see it in the first place. It all fits together now.”

I nod, “I'm glad that he’s grown too. He’s kept me going the past few years.”

“Joe should be home in a few hours. He's doing a photo shoot right now.”

“I haven’t really thought about how to tell him.” I sigh, “I always thought the hard part would be telling you.”

“Joe is going to be shocked more than anything. If he gets angry, it will only be for a few moments, not that he has any reason too.” She reassures, “I promise you, as soon as he see's his son, he will be ecstatic.”

I flinch as the sound of a car hitting the gravel drive pulls Mrs Jonas and me from our conversation and she grips my hand in reassurance.

“Just tell him, he's going to be shocked enough seeing you, so he can take both at once.”

I nod, “Should I take Nate with me?”

She hands him over almost straight away, “He won't be able to resist being happy with Nate on your hip.”

“I'm home!” Joe shouts as he steps in, practically slamming the door, which makes Nate jump, and wake up, glancing up at me curiously.

“Hey, Mom, you should have-.” He stops as he spots me, stood by the fireplace with Nate resting on my hip, “Dora?”

“Hi Joey.” I smile softly, and I have to admit it's amazing to see him after two years apart.

“I can't believe you're here.”

I nod, and shift Nate again as he tugs on my necklace, “I need to tell you something.”


“Do you remember, the night in Italy, when Nick took my room?”

He nods, glancing nervously to his Mom with wide eyes, “Why?”

“Meet the product of August fifteenth.” I gently put Nate on his feet, though it's not much use because he hides behind my leg as soon as my arms are back by my side.

“Product? You mean, uh?”

“You’re a Father, Joseph.” Denise confirms, and then she looks between us, and excuses herself, probably not wanting to intrude, “I need to go start Dinner.”

Joe nods vaguely, eyes still set on Nate, who is staring straight back.

“What's his name?”

“Nathaniel Joseph.”

“Yeah, Momma?” Nate voice sounds for the first time since we arrived, oblivious to the fact I wasn't actually on calling him.

Joe's hand goes to his mouth at his son's words, “Can I?” He opens his arms slightly.

I smile and bend down to my son’s height and point, “Hey, Nate? Why don't you go give Joey over there a big hug, huh?”

He looks at me once before he toddles over to the crouched Joe, throwing his arms around his father’s neck, oblivious to who he is.
Joe places his hand across Nate's knees and lifts him up, burying his face into his shoulder, the other hand stroking the curls that adorn our offspring’s head.

“Joe, don't cry, please.” I sigh as I walk over, placing on hand over his on Nate's legs and the other on his damp cheek.

“I'm a Dad, Dora. A Father. I didn't even know.”

“I couldn't tell you.” I sigh, “You had too much going for you. You still do.”

“I'm not mad you kept him from me.” He smiles through his tears, “I just wish I'd been there for you both the last two years.”

“Joey cry.” Nate frowns, prodding Joe's damp cheek, “Sad?”

“Happy.” He smiles at his son, “So very happy.”

“Momma, can I go back to sleep?” He switches his attention from his Dad, to me, rubbing his eyes.

I sigh, guessing that it must be his normal nap time, “When we get to the apartment, I promise.”

“Apartment?” Joe enquires.

"There’s an apartment above my new salon. We’re staying there for now, but I’m going to have to rent it out to keep money steady. I would have planned better but I wasn’t sure how this was all going to go down.”

“You're staying here. That's how it's going down.”

“Joe, I can't-.”

“You can. Watch.” He smirks, “Hey Mom!”

We have to wait a few moments before Momma J enters the lounge again, looking the part of cook in her apron, “Yes, Joseph?”

“Can Dora stay here with us?”

Denise steps further into the room, wiping her hands on a cloth, “Do you want to Niamh?”

“I can't take advantage-.”

“Niamh, yes or no?”

“Denise, I already have an apartment-.”

“You're not telling me you want to stay in a cramped apartment, with a 2 year old?”

“Um, I guess I am?”

“Joe, go make up the guest bed, and put Frankie's old cot bed in there. Paul and the boys should be back soon.”

“Awesome! Thanks Mom.” He kisses her cheek before she leaves again, “Then tomorrow, if you so oppose to staying here full time, we'll go house hunting together!”

“Joe, I know I'm not exactly poor, but I can't afford a house right now. I've just invested in the salons move over here...”

“I'll pay then.” He shrugs.

“Joe! Stop it.”

“Whaaat?” He whines, letting me take our son back into my own arms.

“Stop throwing your money around already. I've been here two hours.” Having been friends with Joe for as long as I can remember, I should be used to the fact that Joe is willing to spend money on anything to make sure everyone around him is happy.

“You're just going to have to live with it, because I'm not stopping.” He shrugs again, “Shall we go lay, um, Nate down?”

Here we go again.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys :)
New story :P I really shouldn't post this until I finish something else, but I just can't resist, this plot just has so much potential for drama! :D

Just to make this clear - Niamh and Dora/Panda are the same person. In my head, Joe prefers to call Niamh by her first name, while the rest of the Jonas family have always called her by her middle name. (A little like Paul Kevin Jonas II) ;D
Tell me if you get a confused though!

Let me know what you think, because this has been in the pipe line for a long time, to the point where it was meant to be a sequel, but that was scrapped because the prequel was extremely boring and tedious!