Status: Active/ Just starting off! (:

Two More Lonely People...

We'll Make It Out Ok

I lower my head a little further into Nate’s shoulder, eyes looking up to watch Mr Jonas pacing again, glancing only for a moment over to Joe who is the only other family member still standing, staring defiantly at his Father.

“Dad, I don’t see the problem-.”

“The problem, Joe, is what the press are going to say! We strive on you boys having a clean image. Not only have you completely ignored your purity ring, but you got Niamh pregnant!”

“I know I did wrong, Dad. I can tell you now though, that I don’t regret it.” He paces across to me, “I have a beautiful son, who I wouldn’t trade in for the world.”

Mr Jonas stops in front of me, and I let my gaze meet his, “Niamh, why did you come here?”

Joe growls, but I shake my head, “We’ve opened a new branch of my salon here. I thought it was time for Joe to meet his son. Was I wrong in thinking that it was a good idea?”

“If you think you can just waltz in here and expect-.”

“Paul Kevin!” Denise gasps, “I’m sure I can speak for Niamh when she says that she expects nothing from us, but that doesn’t mean I won’t offer.”


“Look,” I interrupt everyone, “The last thing I wanted to do was cause tension. If this is going to end up in one big argument and fall out, then I’m all too happy to leave.”

“Dora-.” Joe lunges forward, arm trying to reach me.

“Joe, I’ll stay at the apartment until I find my feet. I’ll call you.”

At that I rise, taking the stairs two at a time, despite still having the silent Nate in my arms, glad I hadn’t unpacked anything other than a few of Nate’s toys and his blanket.

“Niamh, come on. My Dad’s just a little shocked.” Joe steps in behind me, picking Nate up from where he’s sat on the double bed, happily shaking a teddy that I’ve yet to pack back into his bag.

“No, Joe. I think it’s better if I just go.” I zip up my bag, grabbing my cell phone from where I left it on the bedside table.

“You only just got here.” He sighs, “My Dad will calm down soon.”

“I’ll help him along with that and go make use of place I have.”

“Dora, please.” He takes my hand which is digging madly through my bag to find the number for a cab, “Stay.”

“I can’t do this to you, Joe. I’ve been here four hours and already I’ve started splitting your family up. You guys never argue like this.” I stop tugging against his hold, “Who knows what else you’ll drop for me.”

I hate to sound big-headed, but I know it’s true, Joe had always been one to drop things for me, and when I was selfish and younger, I’d let him, but now, I’d matured and even though I wanted him to see his son, I wasn’t going to wreck his family life over it.

“Panda,” I almost scowl at the childish nickname but I hold my face still, “My Dad is wrong. Everyone else agrees, including my Mom.” He sighs, resting his head on my shoulder, “Just let me set up Frankie’s old toddler bed and then we can just sit and chill out, yeah?”

“No, Joe. Just let me get home. Tomorrow, I’m going to find somewhere I can rent out properly until I get enough money to buy a house.”

“I’ll help; we can make it a family outing!”

I just roll my eyes, “ I think that I saw that you’re meant to be going out with Camilla? Or at least that was what’s written on the calendar in the kitchen.”

“It’s nothing important.”

“What did I just say about dropping things for me? Go on your date, or whatever it is and I’ll let you know what I find when you call or something.”

“How are you going to get around then, huh?” He smirks, “I saw no car parked outside, and you can’t exactly walk all day with Nate.”

“Well, I got a cab here, and I’m sure if I ask, the realtor will take me in their car…”

“I’ll rearrange things with Camilla, OK? I’ll spend the morning with you, and then see her tomorrow night.”

“You’re impossible, you know that?”

“You told me enough times back in the day.” He smirks, “At least let me give you a ride back to your place? That way you’re not spending your money on cab rides that aren’t necessary.”

“Well, this is quant.” Joe smiles as he looks around the small apartment, putting the car seat where I ask as I had to carry the bags and help Nate up the stairs, “The décor is, um, interesting.”

I laugh, “I’ve only been here a week. I’ve not had the time to sort here when I’ve got the Salon to be getting along with.”

“It looks good from what I saw.” He grins as Nate jumps onto the couch next to his Father, showing him his favourite stuffed toy of BJ from Barney, “You like Barney, buddy?”

Nate nods, and wiggles the Yellow Dinosaur around, starting a conversation between him and toy, Joe looking up at me with a smirk, “Coolest kid ever.”

“He’s basically you.” I laugh as I tidy away some of the other toys that had spilled out when he pulled the animal from the bottom, “Seriously. Obsessed with Dinosaurs, Pokémon and the colour blue.”

“Hey, when I was two, my only love was Barney!”

“Your Mom admitted to dropping you on your head.” I poke my tongue out, “I on the other hand, have yet to drop Nate on his cute little head.”

“I’ll do the honours.” He smirks, picking Nate up and holding him upside down from where’s he’s sat, Nate giggling madly as his father tickles him with one hand.

“Joey!” The toddler squeals, gasping for breath with the amount he’s laughing.

“Try not to kill him, yeah?” I smirk as I secure the lid back on the plastic box, “Want something drink? I’ve got Coke, coffee, juice or milk.”

“Milk!” Nate chirps, now back sitting next to his Dad, “Want milk!”

“Magic word, Nathaniel.”

“Pleease.” He drags out, grinning with his baby teeth and I roll my eyes at how cheeky he can be sometimes.

“And for you Joe?”

“Coke would be good, thanks.”

I’m back from the tiny kitchenette minutes later, throwing Joe his can of soda and handing Nate his sippy cup of milk, scolding him as he starts moving around with it is his mouth, “Nate, sit down with it, please.”

“No.” He frowns, starting to walk around the apartment again, but it’s soon put to a stop when Joe butts in.

“Nate, listen to your Mom, please.”

He looks back over and Joe then me, obviously surprised at being scolded by a total stranger, who isn’t a stranger at all.
♠ ♠ ♠
i'm gonna admit something now.... I totally forgot I'd posted this until I looked through my story list :\
But here we are, just finished this up, seeing as I had some of it already written :)

Do you think Niamh should take up Joe's offer and let him buy her a house? Or should she carry on her mission to live independently?

Thanks for all the comments already <3