Sequel: She Will Be Loved
Status: FINISHED.. Read the sequel! SHe Will Be Loved!

Just Friends

Samantha Rendall used to go to Iris Benley's High School until she got into some trouble with a teacher who swears he never hit her when they got him on camera hitting the young girl. Now, Samantha goes to Degrassi and insists on being called Sam or Sammy. She has changed in more than one way. She used to be girly and would wear nothing but dresses and skirts. Now it's boy clothes. Black. Hats. No make up. And in this school she is concerted an outcast. No one will talk to her. She's alone. That is until a certain group finds her and lets her in.

**Finished! If you guys liked this story, comment and tell me if I should continue it in the sequel xD**