Status: Active: updates every day or every other day

Miss Vengeance


Fifteen minutes later, they were pulling into their driveway, headlights illuminating the front of their barn.

“Jesus Christ, you live on a farm!” Jimmy announced, peering over the fence to see if he could find an animal.

“Yes, yes we do. I hope none of you have a problem with dogs,” KC said as he stuck the key in the lock.

“No, we dont?” Matt gave him a look.

“Really, really big dogs,” Omen stated, pushing inside the house ahead of KC to flip the light on.

They were immediately attacked by four large dogs, one of whom was big enough to be a small draft horse.

Zacky reached down to scratch the huge one behind his ears before the dog bound over to Missy.

“This is King, the gray guy is Koda,” Missy said as she reached into the fridge for beer, “the other two are Monster,” she pointed to the yellow lab, “and Sinister,” she pointed at the black and white dog licking at KC’s fingers. She handed Zacky a beer before taking his wrist and leading him down to the basement, King hot on their heels.

Missy sat down on her bed, popping the top off her Heineken. Zack sat on her desk chair across from her.

“Why the hell did you leave? Or I guess, why did your dad take you away?” he asked.

Missy knew he’d been trying to ask that question for years, and now, since everything was sort of running together, he probably figured he’d just jump in headfirst.

“Actually, your mom gave me to him. Your dad didn’t want to be reminded that she cheated on him every day. And having me reminded my dad that your mom didn’t want him, so, we moved. To Wisconsin. And now I work in a grocery store, live on a farm with my cousin and my best friend who had mild anti-social personality disorder, my huge dogs. I drink beer and get tattoos. And I’m quite happy.”

Zack smiled at her. “I play in a metal band, I live in a big fucking house, I drive a nice car, my best friends are crazy as hell. I get drunk and get tattoos. Cause that’s just what we do.”

She set her beer down and stood up. He stood up, too. He grabbed her up in a tight hug, her arms locking around his back.

“So, I guess this means we can see each other, more than just Christmas and Thanksgiving,” he said, laying his head on hers.

She understood him trying to keep her away from his friends when she was younger. She was not the brightest crayon in the box when it came to boys. And getting screwed over by one of them? Zacky would have killed them instantly and that would be the end of Avenged Sevenfold. But now that she was older? She didn’t even want a boyfriend. So there was no chance of her getting screwed over. But if she did? She turned her head back to look at King. She could take care of herself, damnit.

After their touching family moment, they made their way back up to where the rest of their friends were. It looked like the kitchen had been divided in half. KC was leaning on the counter, Monster and Sinister sitting on either side of him, and Omen had a stool on the end of the island. Matt leaned on the other side of the island, Brian next to him on a stool, Koda by his feet. Jimmy and Johnny occupied the kitchen table.

“Erm, it looks like you guys are gonna rumble or something,” Missy broke the awkward silence, looking from one party to the other.

“You’re a whore,” KC told her, a minor look of relief crossing his face.

Missy grinned and grabbed another beer, passing one back for Zack to take.

“You gonna enlighten us on what’s going on, motherfucker?” Jimmy asked, leaning back in his chair.

“Shut up, Jimmy. They’ll get there,” Brian gave his buddy an affectionate look.

Jimmy moved his hair out of the way and stuck his tongue out at the back of Brian’s head.

“I saw that.”

“Brian, you’re a creep.”

“You’re all creeps,” Matt announced, taking his weight off his arms in order to cross them over his chest.

Zacky nodded in agreement, taking a swig of beer.

“You’re a creep too, Zacky, don’t worry!” Jimmy said, giving him a smile and thumbs up.

Missy snorted and took her place next to KC.

“Why have you been hiding her from us, Zacky?” Brian asked, pointing at Missy with the mouth of his beer bottle.

Zack gave him a look. “For one thing, she lived with her dad in Wisconsin. When we all started hanging out, she wasn’t around. And when she was around, I knew she was a kid and I didn’t want her getting mixed up with anyone. Now? I guess I’m just used to trying to protect her. And, she’s my baby sister and if any of you…”

“Zackery Baker!” Missy growled, hopping off the counter. “If one of them ever gets in my pants, it’s because I want them there. And if they’re passing on me and I have no desire for it, Zacky, I will let you know.”

Zack made an angry face, but turned to face his sister. “Okay. Okay. But, will you warn me or something?”

Missy smiled at him, “It wont happen. I’m quite content.”

Zack nodded, putting his arm around her and taking a drink of his beer.

“Hey, can I see a cow?” Jimmy popped up, looking at her eagerly.

Missy looked at him, then at Matt.

“It’s better if you just don’t question his motives,” he said, shaking his head.
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I know, my chapters are always short. Though, they kind of need to be that way, or else they'll be terribly long. Thank you to my girl, erm, Johhny's girl BurningAlchemist, the always lovely Surge18 and all those who read and subscribe! Y'all are still making me happy!