Status: Hi
Take It to Heart
“He honestly doesn't look all that safe,” Naomi pointed out. She followed me up stairs, her toes practically on my heels. I ignored her best I could.
“Has your mum seen him yet?” she continued when I walked into our bathroom. She stood, hands on hips like she had some authority. “One look at him and you’re good as dead.”
“No,” I replied, peeling off my rain soaked clothes, “and she’s not about to, alright?”
If we didn’t kill each other first, he was bound to get me in loads of trouble.
“Has your mum seen him yet?” she continued when I walked into our bathroom. She stood, hands on hips like she had some authority. “One look at him and you’re good as dead.”
“No,” I replied, peeling off my rain soaked clothes, “and she’s not about to, alright?”
If we didn’t kill each other first, he was bound to get me in loads of trouble.