How A Suicide Can Change A Life

The 1st Chapter

It’s the way he looks at her, the sadness glassed over her eyes like some kind of mask. All he wanted was her to notice him, to help her though her grief. He would just stare at her, wishing he could get to know her, break the shell revealing her true self. But no matter how hard he tried, he could never go up to her, tell her how he felt. Each day he could see the tears that came after another night of moping alone, driving the knife into her.

Daisy never admitted it, he could see the truth, the World hated her and she hated herself. During classes she would sit all alone, wondering what she did to deserve this. She made plans to kill herself, inject nail polish remover into her blood. He had followed her today like every other day, but today was different she had stopped underneath the underpass near her home. He watched in terror as she pulled the syringe and a bottle of some sort.

Today was the day he would prove himself loyal to her cause; he would stop her from dieing. He sat low, hidden behind the shrubs, watching her try and take her own life. Robert looks away, feeling a need to throw up at the sight of her arms covered in new and old scars alike. Slowly he keyed in 0, 0, 0, asking for medical assistance. He told them about his friend who had just tried to commit suicide.

Robert goes up to Daisy’s broken body, about to see if she’s still breathing. He cries silent tears upon her damaged body, as he checks for any open, bleeding wounds. He can not see or feel any, so he kisses her wanting this bittersweet moment to end. Robert can no longer think straight as the ambos come.

The syringe impales him and the point breaks off inside of him. He doesn’t notice he just wants Daisy to be ok. Robert just wants to scream, he’s just so full of anguish and pain. He follows them as they put her into the ambulance; they saw at him like he’s the one who caused this. He sits down opposite her, stroking her hair and holding her hand. They start heading off, Robert blacks out his blood feels like lead.

Robert wakes up to find himself hand cuffed to the bed next to Daisy. He just so disorientated, yet he still can’t figure out why he here, Daisy’s the one with the problem. A nurse comes in with a tray of food and meds he thinks not quite sure. Robert just turns his nose up in disgust; apparently nobody told them he’s a vegan. He just utters this word and the nurse leaves he thinks to find him some different food.

He just wants this nightmare to end, he wants her to be ok, and so they can have a good time without worry. She just wants to die, forget about how her dad had sexually abused her took away her innocence. Her dad had also killed several people including her mother and brother, yet he keeps her around just to use her, make her cook and clean catering to his every whim.

Robert notices a nail file sitting on the bedside, his chance to escape, to leave behind this mess. Even though he still loves her, its best if he moves schools, slipping into a different routine trying to hide his individual self. He will forget about her, finding no meaning his now pointless life. With his free hand he rips off the cords that connect him to the bp machine, causing it to flat line.

Robert lefts up the arm that he hand cuffed to the bed, it just seems to dissolve into the air. Maybe he’s the one who died, maybe this is all a dream? Is this nightmare so real, he can no longer tell the difference between life and his own reality in his head? The world starts spinning around, blending into a bright white light. He blinks attempting to see what’s happening around him in this confusing hallucination.

Doctors and nurses are all around him, trying to get him to breathe. He splutters dislodging the water that filled his chest cavity. Things are never meant to be easy, but death seems to change it all. Maybe he’s the one, somebody loves, maybe he has someone watching over him, or it’s just luck he’s still alive. He doesn't’t know what, he couldn’t care less, and all he wants to do is sleep.

Robert wakes up to find her next to his bed, balling her eyes out. She wipes her eyes, not wanting him to think she was weak. But he could tell this was going to be a lifetime alone.
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The point I’m trying to make as the writer is that, even our dreams and nightmares may be as real as life itself, but don’t let yourself be fooled. There is always someone who cares who never talk to you, but will always be a shoulder to cry on when times are hard.