Running Wild in the Night

Requiem For A Dream

Nikki's POV

"Three fucking weeks," I screamed as I got out of Jimmy's car.

He had taken me to one of my psychologist appointments. I got a new one and this one was somewhat helpful but I still hate them. To me, the only reason they listen to me bitch is because its what they are paid to do. I believe that they don't care, they just want money. But my aunt and uncle want me to see one. It was either see one or go to rehab. I fucking hate it when people give me ultimatums. So I chose the therapist. I don't like the thought of going into rehab. Personally, I rather do cold turkey but that wasn't one of my options.

Three weeks after my whole heroin incident, part of me wished I did die. I haven't been sleeping, I'm angry all the time, I'm restless..........all of the symptoms of recovering according to Dr. Julia Travis, my new (and my fourth) therapist/psychologist.

"Just calm down," Jimmy said, following me into his house.

I turned around and glared. "Telling someone to calm down when they are in a rage is not a smart thing to do, Jimmy," I spat, heading straight to my room.

I don't even know how everyone deals with me. Here I am, a sixteen year old, recovering heroin addict, that is also part genius with a temper and yet everyone tries to keep calm with me. How the fuck do they do that?

Even Matt, Val, Brian, Zacky, and Johnny are keeping calm with me. I threw a book at Matt and he still remains calm. And trust me, the dictionary being thrown at you would hurt. I know from experience.

I guess its because they have an idea of what I'm going through. Apart from the fact that I'm not sleeping and angry, my whole body is in so much pain. Its like shock therapy to my gut.

After slamming the door behind me, I fell onto my bed; I didn't want to deal with any shit at the moment. My eyes glanced at my desk and saw a letter laying there. I reached out to grab it and read it. "Grandfather sent this?"

I tore open the letter and saw that it was my father's will. Apparently he died.

Is it wrong to not feel anything?

I don't think so. After all he did put me into a fucking looney bin for half a year. I'm not crazy.....or at least I don't think I am. I graduated when I was fourteen and now I'm living with my aunt and uncle until I'm an adult or I do the college shit.

I don't know.

Anyway, my eyes scanned the will, reading to see what that asshole left me. Shock filled me when I finished reading it. "I inherit everything?"

Jimmy's POV

"Well, how was it," my mom asked as I walked into the kitchen.

"Better, Dr. Travis is not as bad as every other one she's had but you know how Nikki is at this time."

She nodded and went back to chopping carrots. "She's still in so much pain and I know she's up at night. I can hear her writing in her journals when I walk pass her room to go to the kitchen."

"I know, I do to. At times, I can hear Nikki tossing around on her bed, trying to get to sleep," I said, getting myself a soda.

"You guys have practice here tonight?"

I nodded and sat down. "And yes, I did warn them about Nikki. They know not to bother her if she leaves her room."

"Good, I don't think Matt would want another dictionary chucked at him."

"Hey, Jimmy, how did Nikki's dad pay for the bills when he sent her to that looney bin," Val asked as we headed down to my basement.

I turned around and saw that everyone was looking at me. I guess that was the question of the day. Sad thing was that I really didn't know the answer. "I don't know exactly. I think he's a doctor or something to that effect."

"Where is Nikki?"

I looked at Brian and said, "She's in her room. You know how's she's like now and I think it would be smart for her to be left alone."

Brian nodded and just sat on the couch. I know he likes her and there's a chance that Nikki might like him but nows not the time. Nikki's in recovery, again, and needs to be sober for the rest of her life this time.

"McKenna really likes Nikki," he said, a bit out of it.

"Really? Why," Johnny asked as he came down with a couple bottles of water.

"That trick Nikki showed her made a good impression on McKenna and now she absolutely adores her."

"Nikki's not much of a people person so I guess that means something right there," I said.


We all turned around to see Nikki walking down the stairs. She actually looked calm, which would be the first time in around three weeks. "Yeah?"

"I'm sorry I've been grumpy. And I'm sorry I threw a dictionary at Matt and for being a bitchy person, and for being pissed at everyone."

I looked at her and said, "I know that you are having a tough time right now so I forgive you."

She smiled and walked back up the stairs. "Wow, I guess she's going to be okay this time."

Brian's POV

"When's Nikki going to come over," McKenna asked as I walked into the house.

I shrugged and said, "I really don't know. She's having some problems right now."

How else could I explain to McKenna that Nikki wouldn't be visiting in awhile. Tell her the truth? Tell her that Nikki, the person that she adores, was a heroin addict and is in recovery? That doesn't seem like a good idea to me.

"Yeah, McKenna. She'll visit when she's ready," my dad said, picking her up and spinning her around.

My parents know about Nikki. They know that she was a heroin addict and now has to go through the recovery process all over again. Suzy would even bake some cookies and have me deliver them to Nikki. They like her, even if she is a former druggie.

I walked up to my room and collapsed onto my bed, tired from everything. I didn't care that I didn't do my homework. I just fell asleep.

Rain splattering against my window woke me up. I got up to see that I was drooling on my pillow. "Great," I muttered as I wiped the saliva off my chin.

The clock said it was one in the morning and I was a bit rested so I decided to do some of my homework. Yes, I'm bored and awake. Great.

I walked over to my backpack, which was by my window, and grabbed a book from it. Not really meaning to, I looked outside. My mouth dropped as I saw Nikki walking around, wearing shorts, a t-shirt, and sneakers. She didn't even have a jacket. I opened my window and yelled, "Nikki, what are you doing?"

She looked at me and said, "Can't sleep so I go on a walk."

I shook my head and said, "Get over here. I don't think Jimmy would want you walking around in the rain."

"I'm fine, though."

"Just get to my house and I'll let you in."

I walked downstairs and unlocked the door. Nikki walked over and I saw that she wasn't even shivering. I just stared at her in shock as she said, "I lived most of my life in Colorado, and of course I won't get cold that easily."

"You're spending the night," I said, handing her a pair of dry shorts and a shirt as we got to my room.


"I don't want you wandering around in the rain."

She just stared at me but didn't say anything. I figured she was going to scream at me but she didn't. "I'm going to call Jimmy and you can change here," I said, grabbing my phone and walking out of my room.

I closed the door behind me and dialed Jimmy's number. "Hello," asked a groggy voice.

"Jimmy, its Brian."

"Why are you calling me at..........One in the morning?"

"Nikki was wandering around outside and its raining so I told her to say at my place. Is that okay with you?"

"Yeah, just don't do anything stupid."


I hung up and knocked on my door. There was no answer so I tried again. No answer. I opened the door slowly, staring at the ground just in case. "Nikki?"

My eyes shifted towards Nikki who was already laying on the futon in my room, asleep. A small smile crept up onto my lips as I grabbed a blanket from my closet. I knew from Jimmy that she hadn't been sleeping in a while so this was a nice sight to see. I put the blanket over Nikki's body and crawled into my own bed.

"Thanks, Brian, for finally letting me sleep."

I looked at her and said, "No problem."

She gave me no answer, just silence, as her breathing became quiet and relaxed.