Running Wild in the Night

Planning a Birthday Bash

Brian's POV

"We're throwing you a birthday party," Nikki said as we sat down at the beach.

It was one of our favorite things to do whenever we were alone: just go to the beach and just sit there, talking or just enjoying each other's company. Its relaxing for both of us. The beach is just one of our special spots. I mean, the beach is where I first got to see one of her new drawings. That just means something to me.

"Why," I asked, glancing at her.

"Because you basically forced me to have a party so I'm forcing you to have a party," she answered, matter-of-factly.

I sighed, knowing full well that there was no changing her mind. Once Nikki was determined to do something, there was usually no turning back.....just those rare cases. Actually, I haven't seen one of those rare cases where she changes her mind but according to Jimmy, she does have them.....there's a reason why they were rare. But still, I knew that Nikki had made up her mind about throwing me a birthday party and was going to go through with it.


Something told me that since we basically told her to stay out of her place for a couple of hours, she was going to do the same thing to me.

Nikki's POV

"Hey Tash," I said as I paced in my room with the phone to my ear.

"Hey Nikki," she said, "How are you?"



"I'm planning Brian's birthday party and I don't know what to get him."

"Just have a night of hot steamy sex."

I laughed. That was a typical Tash Harper answer.

"How'd I know that you were going to say that," I muttered, rolling my eyes.

"Because I'm your 'Terror Twin.'"

I shook my head, knowing that she refering to the name that was bestowed on us when we both were in Colorado. We both had tempers and adding heroin to the equation made us very angry people. The littlest thing could set us off and that was bad.

"Yes, you are my 'Terror Twin'. But I still don't know what to get him," I replied, trying to get away from Tash's first suggestion.

"Why are you so obsessed with trying to find something he'll like. Whatever you'll get him, Brian will surely love."

I sighed, "Because he was the one that got me the necklace that I always wear."

"He got you that emerald necklace? Aw, Brian's such a sweetie."

"I know....that's why I love him."

"So we're sending Brian out for the day while we set up for his party," Val asked as we began setting up his house.

"Yup," I answed as I got a chair to stand on, "You guys basically forced me out of the house, now I'm forcing Brian out of the house."

Matt laughed as he came in with a shitload of steaks. We were barbequeing steaks and stuff, just because Brian was complaining that he wanted steak for awhile now. "Man, the people at the grocery store looked at me funny 'cause of all the steak I bought," he said, placing them on the counter.

"I love your car," Jimmy announced as he came in, whistling, and swinging my keys around his finger.

Yes, my keys. My grandparents decided to get me a silver BMW E53. I said I wanted a car that could get me from point A to point B without any hassel and they decide that a BMW would be that car. I just wanted something simple yet they have to go and get me something excessive. Oh well, I can go to San Diego whenever I want now. And now that I have a car that Jimmy's practically in love with, he's been bugging me to let him drive it. I've been saying no until now because I needed to get Brian out of the house for a couple of hours. Jimmy only agreed because I said he could drive it.

I think he's obsessed.

"I know you love it but its mine," I said, placing streamers on.

"Nikki, Nikki, Nikki," McKenna called, running down the stairs.

I climbed down from the chair and looked at her. "Yes, McKenna?"

"I drawed a picture," she announcing, holding up a picture that she drew.

"Aw, that's so cute," I said, picking her up and spinning her around, "Is that for your brother."

"Yup, but I don't know how to wrap it," she said, sadly.

I smiled as I grabbed some ribbon, "I have an idea. How about you roll it up and tie it with a ribbon?"


"Yup," I said, helping her.

She hugged me and went to go place her present with the rest of the presents. Johnny looked at me and said, "You know you'd make a good mother."

"I would," I asked, a bit shocked.

Matt and Val nodded. "Yeah, you're really good with McKenna. Think how you'd be with your own kids."

I smiled and shook my head. "I wouldn't even think that. Now let's stop talking about me being a supposed good mother and get back to work on this party."

They laughed at me but we did.

"He's going to be surprised," Brent said as he helped Papa with barbequeing.

"Yeah, you did a lot of work," Suzy said as she walked out with some salad.

I sat on the grass and sighed, "I will never plan a party ever again."

Everyone just laughed at me as we added the final touches.

"Okay, go get Brian," Zacky said to me as Jimmy tossed me my keys.

"Just one thing: Jimmy, where in the name of muffins did you leave Brian?"

"At Guitar Center," he said proudly.

I shook my head after I slapped my forehead. I should have known that my cousin would leave my boyfriend in one of his favorite places in the world.

"Alright, I'll go get him," I yelled as I got into my car.

They all yelled something back; I couldn't understand what they were saying. It sounded like a bunch of loud mumbling.

When I turned the ignition Guns 'n Roses started playing and I laughed. I knew Jimmy would put one of his CDs in my car......silly Jimmy.

"About time you got me," Brian said as he sat on the sidewalk, waiting for me.

I got out after I parked next to him, laughing, "I'm sorry, but c'mon. You can come home now."

"Really. Good 'cause I was getting bored," he said as he kissed me.

I wrapped my arms around his neck as he wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling one another close to the other. He pulled away and smiled, "I missed you."

"Oh, c'mon, it was only a couple of hours."

"But I didn't get a chance to see you in the morning," he complained as he got in, "All I got to do was sit in your new BMW."

I rolled my eyes, "Oh stop complaining, Birthday Boy."
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Oh, hey, check out my journals and click on "Need Advice." Its important if you do.