Status: I need comments to continue!!!! Not sure about this idea!!!

From Air Force to Agent


I hated sitting still.

I hated it with a burning freaking passion.

The sad thing is I love planes... I just cant stand sitting still long enough for a ride.

I sighed in frustration and boredom. Noah glanced at me, giving me a look that said 'shut the fuck up I dont want to listen to you complain anymore!'

I didn;t wan to make Noah unhappy so I leaned back and pulled a book out of my pack.

- After Plane Ride -

"Come on, Noel! The East Enrance is over here!" Noah called. I glanced at him and where he was pointing, going over my directions in my head. Up ahead was a sign that said North Entrance. I was right.

"No, Noah! Thats to the West Entrance!" I said heading in the oppisite direction. You'd think by our behavior we hadn't spent the past year in Iraq. But that's just how we are.

Noah furowed his eyebrows then understanding dawned on his face and he followed me grumbling which he never would have done if we were alone.

The East Entrance was easy to find. hen we sat around for five to ten minutes for Auggie to show up with someone from the CIA driving. Probably this Annie girl he keeps talking about.

I looked over to see a familiar face exiting a black car.

"Auggie!" I called happy to see my older brother after so long. Sure I'd seen him over skype occaisionally, but not face to face in a year.

He looked over though it's not like he can see me. I got up with Noah doing the same simultamiously.

We walked over to him. Well, Noah walked. I ran. I had been looking forward to seeing him for a long time. I reached him easily and we hugged. Noah got there a couple moments later.

Auggie introduced us to Annie Walker (the girl he is good friends with) and Jay (someone he's never really gotten along with).

Then, they drove us to a club and we hung out there. Jay wasnt my favorte person, but I didn't understand why they didn't get along.

We were having fun tonight because tomorrow, Noah and I were starting our CIA training on "the farm".
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I know it's really short, but I wanted to start this and I want to know what you guys think. Covert Affairs is my new obsession and I got this idea and decided to put it up here. Anyway comment please I want input!!!