Status: in progress (:

Six Feet Under the Stars


Curling up quietly against Ryder, she allowed him to rub her back until she finally quit sulking, letting her body relax into him. This wasn't how she had wanted it to go at all. She had hoped that they would be happy and that everything would come up all sunshine and rainbows and he'd want to be with her. But no. Apparently she was entirely wrong and that was upsetting. Ryder rubbed her back a little more firmly, resting his cheek against hers for a moment. "Don't worry bout it, Zo. I've done it a few times before, it'll be fine. Just relax." His voice was low and comforting as she curled up into him, allowing him to That comforted her, made her feel less alone. "Don't get yourself angry." He warned.

She knew he was right. She'd gotten herself all pissed off and worked up. She should be happy that he hadn't let her do something stupid. She was still angry though and even though she had tequila and Ryder was being really, really nice, she still felt all pissed off and prickly inside. Like, who the hell did he think he was getting up in her face and trying to intimidate her? She could put him on his ass in two seconds! Easy! And she would have if Ryder hadn't made her stop and dragged her away. She should probably be happy that he stopped her. She probably would have felt some form of guilt after, would have felt good, too.

She took a long, deep sip from the tequila bottle as she heard footsteps, leaving the bedroom and then wandering down the stairs. She sat up, leaning heavily against Ry's shoulder as she observed the two that happened to be walking down the staircase. She still wasn't happy with them at all and she had half a mind to give them the lecture of a lifetime but she let the girl talk first, joining Ryder in her careful watch of their movements as they got closer and closer. She could smell them; the humanlike air of a baby vampire. They retained that delicious scent that humans had but...more sinister. That was how you could tell a new vampire from the older ones-- the smell.

Ryder grinned. "Come sit down. We'll have a drink and I'll explain everything that you need to know and answer any questions." He said, glancing over at Zo. She was still fuming, her eyes fastened firmly on Dylan like she was trying to bore straight through him. Ryder shook his head at her. "I'm Ryder and she's Zoey. Ignore her. She'll come back to reality in a minute."

The look Zo gave him was nearly as bad as the ones she was shooting Dylan. Crossing her arms, she settled for glaring at a spot somewhere on the carpet. "I'm well in tune with fucking reality, thank you very much. Asshole." She growled, although her statement went completely unacknowledged. Instead, Ryder slid a couple of small bags of blood across the table.

"You must be hungry; side effect of the change. Takes a lot out of you. You'll wanna drink those till you have enough self control to go hunting." He gave Zo a sidelong look but she refused to look at him, glaring determinedly like the carpet had done her some horrible injustice.

Shaking his head, Ryder motioned for the other two to come and have a seat. He figured Zo'd stop sulking soon enough-- she never really kept into her moods for long. Sure enough the next time he looked over, her gaze had fallen on Dylan again. Although she still looked totally furious, Ryder could detect a sort of wanting look underneath. Well it would be interesting to see how that played out.
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yay chapter?