Little Blue Hearts - End of Beginning

End of Beginning

I pretented to study the picture on the wall. Some boring Tudor maiden, who was above everyone, even us the future people, who stare at her all day long and marvel at her so called "beauty". Please, tell me, since when bulging frog-eyes, pale thin lips and 3 chins are considered attractive? Why not draw a portrait of Michael Jackson and call it "the real 21-st century man"?
As I was finishing my not so sober thought, and was completely sure of my rightfulness, I snorted loudly, and might I add - lady-like. I snuck a peak at the young hunk who was a guide or a guard of some sort. Half-expected him to be looking at me, but was disappointed and relieved at the same time when turned out he was intently examining his shoelaces. Great. Why is it that I always think they will be looking or admiring me. Me of all people! Ha!
Might I add, after something like that, any person is expected to blush. I don't. I just look as if I had someone throw a can of crimson paint at my face. And it looks blotchy.
"Ah, I look like a dalmatian. Fan-damn-tastic." - I murmured under my breath, as I tried to escape into the previous room of this time-consuming exhibit. Shit, where did my parents go? Noticing them was easy, as they were the only people in the room. Where the hell did the rest go off to?
I landed on the Henry VIII throne (not the real one) and was met by a lense and a red light of my mum's camera. Smiling to myself, I pulled a face. It was OK, I mean, I got my breath back and was ready to go back to that room with the shoelace boy.
I turned around to find an empty room yet again, and as it turned out later, my parents left out one room on the way here. The room was the same! Empty!
So anyways, I made my way to the last room of the "Young Henry"...thing, stepping as lightly as possible - afraid my elephant form was going to make the floor creak. It did anyway.
Ok, calm, he is probably talking to some nice old ladies and explaining to them what...
"Hello!" - the heart warming word came with a stunning smile.
Don't choke, don't choke...
"Hi!" - so much for returning that smile. I'm now replaying that moment and realizing that my grin look more like a hungry-crocodile type thing. And I choked. The "Hi" came out as a gruff sound, like a dog barking, instead of my supposedly honey-filled voice.
A few glances later and self-hating moments later, me and my parents were making our way down the stairs of the Palace.
"That was a bit dissapointing."
"Yeah dad, but I liked the chairs." - And a certain eye-candy.-"So we are going to the cafeteria, right?" I loved food, especially when I'm out of the house. Not that I don't like the food there, but how often do I get to spend money on overpriced food?
My mum looked at me with a certain reproach. "Oh come on, don't tell me you are hungry?"
"Yeah. Oh by the way, can we please go to that Tudor Exhibition again? Please?" - I took a shot, but knew the answer before it was said.
And thus the non-existent love story between me and the hot guide finished.


My name is Jo. Pulling faces at a camera and having a verbal diaorrhea in my head are my hobbies. Life can get hard for a lonely teen with no love life, no love or even no life for that matter. I got to travel on weekends, which I loved because... I don't know why, but also because where we went, there were gift shops there. Nothing was ever bought, but still.
I got to wear my clothes. My leather jacket. My jewellery. No crappy uniforms. Although I now know I don't have to worry about that - since half of my class (including me) got scholarships and are leaving this hell hole for a much worse one.
"JO!" - my mum was standing in the doorway, with a mock-menacing look on her face holding a spatula. "Whatever happened to "I'll change in a second"? Oh and stop daydreaming. There's someone on the phone for you."
Phone? Me? Who?