There for Tomorrow

I Said I Never Let You Go

Name: Shayla McGuff
About: I'm the lead singer in the band called Scream, they were signed to Hopeless Records. There are 4 people in her band Shane, Tom, and Drew. Shane played guitar, Tom played Bass, and Drew played drums. As for me I played piano, and guitar. My ears are gagued to a 00, and I have 8 other piercings on my ears besides them, I have snake bites and my septum done. And if it's not a huge shocker, I'm gay.

Name: That Shane Kid
About: The one I'm closes to in our whole band, he's like my big brother. He plays guitar, and hes the one who taught me how to play. His ears are gagued to a 2. He loves to get crazy and have a good time.

Name: Tom D.
Age: 20
About: He's the bass player, one of the calmest guys on our bus, he would rather sit in his bunk and fiddle with his bass then come out and play video games with us. He'll listen to anything you have to say to him, and always has the best advice. He doesn't have any piercings cause he doesn't like needles.

Name: Drew, Crazy Drew
About: He's been playing drums for as long as he can remember. He's amazing at it too. He has one piercing which is his nose. He's another one who loves to get crazy, he's the practical jokester on tour. You always have to have one eye on this kid or you'll regret it.

The Biff: Kristian Baliey
About: She's also in a band, but that doesn't come into play till later. Her Band's name is Strangely Unstable and its her Critter, Merce, Payton and Joline. She's my best friend in the whole world, she knows everything about my past and still is there for me through everything, she understands me more than anyone besides Shane.

Hey Monday!
I know Jersey's not in the band anymore but hush.


We Are The In Crowd


So as you can see, this tour is going to be insane.

the characters are now in my little character box thingy, go there, love me.
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okie, i was thinking about this as I was posting the pictures, just because that's the picture I chose doesn't mean they look like that, its just supposed to give you the general idea of whats going on in my head. But anyway I hope you enjoy the story.

Love and rockets <3