There for Tomorrow

I Don't Mean To Be A Bother

I hummed along to the song on my ipod.

All Time Low - Remembering Sunday

Those guys were amazing. They took us under their wing in the studio and helped us out a lot. I laughed at a memory.

We all sat around, we had just finished our album and we were all stoaked.

Alex was playing the guitar, singing Remembering Sunday. when it got to the part where he sang,
'She's been running through my dreams,
and it's driving me crazy it seems,
I'm gonna ask her to marry me'

He got down on one knee infront of me and asked me -

"Shay will you marry me?" He looked at me seriously. I just looked at him.

"Uhh...Al, I would, but sweetie you don't have the right equipment for me." I patted his head, as he looked confused.

"Wait, what?" He stood up.

"Sweet heart. I'm gay." I grinned as it hit him.

"Oh...that's why you weren't responding to my subtle hints that I wanted to get in your pants." He did a little laugh as his face got red.

I couldn't help but laugh at him.

"I realized what you were doing, trust me Al, if I wasn't, you'd be the first to know."

It was our time to go on stage, i didn't really warm up so I was kinda nervous. I did a few quick warm up's as they set up our shit. The guys went on stage one by one playing a little more each time someone new went on, kinda like Paramore, Born For This in the Final Riot. When I got on stage the people blew my ear drums out with their screams.

"Well hello there Houston!!!!!" I screamed back at them looking out at the crowd.

We got random responses in return.

"Well, thank you for coming to this tour! It means a lot to each of us, because this tour is very special to us because one," I put a finger up walking around. "It's our first major tour." They screamed, "Two." I put up two fingers. "We're on tour with the most fucking unbelievable people on the face of the earth, and if I have to tell you who they are then fucking leave." I laughed into the mic. "Now, who's ready to have a rock show tonight?!" I screamed at them, they got more excited and started to push and shove at the barrier.

"We are Screamer!" Shane started the cords to 'Where I Went Wrong' I sang my heart out.

We played a few more songs, and I noticed the crowd getting a little too crazy with their pits. I actually saw a fight go on. We were in the middle of 'Take a Name'.

"Whoa guys whoa whoa!!! Stop fucking playing." I walked over to the side of the stage that they were fighting, and pointed to them.

"Get them the fuck out of here. They don't need to be fighting when were playing, they could hurt themselves or other people." I shook my head walking to get a drink. That really pisses me off when fans do that. They were probably drunk. I took a deep breath, and a long drink of water. Shane started us out with a cord from the song that we had left off with, and we were on our way. We finished the show and I dropped my mic and walked off stage, still visibly pissed about what happened. Shane came up to me sweat just dripping off his whole body, this should have made me cringe with disgust, but seeing as I was the same, or even worse, I just didn't give a shit.

"Relax, babe. Just look at the sexy people that are surrounding you right now." He was staring at Blake as he said that. Him and Blake had gotten super close, and by that I don't mean that they were sharing guitar tips. More like they were sucking eachother's faces off when they thought that people weren't looking, but sad little ol' me saw.

"Shane, I love you but gross." I laughed and shoved him playfully, but stood up straight as she came towards me. She was beautiful in every way. Of course she didn't know I thought of her like that, but still.

"Hey Shay, I thought that you did amazing on stage." She smiled and my heart almost died.

"Heh..uhh..thanks Tay." I scratched the back of my head, and realized that I probably looked like shit. Shane noticed the change in my mood and looked at me. He raised his eyebrow and motioned to what was going on between me and Tay. He grinned and walked over to us. I made a mental note to smack him...hard.

"Hey Tay." He did his cute little grin that everyone fell for, and she blushed. She actually fucking blushed!!! This stupid asshole is hitting on the girl I like...

"Oh hey Shane, what's up? You were amazing out there." She crossed her arms over her chest. I couldn't stand here anymore, it was too awkward. I mumbled something about going to get changed and left quickly. I was walking with my head down and was chewing on one of my piercings when I walked right into someone. I fell to the ground and landed on my ass. Hard too. I looked up and Hayley Williams was the one who knocked me over.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry, I was in a hurry to get to stage!" She helped me up, as I laughed.

"Don't worry about it Haylz. Good luck." I waved at her walking by dusting my butt off.

I need a shower
♠ ♠ ♠
This is for Ryry. :) be happy bby.
Hope ya'll liked it , cause I had fun writing it.

Sexy, sexy picture

Love & rockets,