There for Tomorrow

No One Is As Lucky As Us

I sighed stepping out of the shower, I was in a pair of shorts and A Glamour Kills tee. I towel dried my hair, I shook my head not really caring about the knots that were in it. I decided to take my piercings out and my contacts too. I was walking back to our bus looking around, taking it all in. Tonight was beautiful. I got to our bus and opened the door jogging up the steps. I went to my bunk and got out my case that I keep my jewerly in and took my lip rings out and flipped my septum piercing up. I took my contacts out and looked for my glasses, which was extreamly hard, but when I found them I grinned to myself slipping them on. I decided that maybe I should brush my hair, so thats what I did. I made a face and shook my hair out so it wasn't all straight like.

My phone buzzed with a text. I hummed and looked at it, as the guys walked onto the bus. My phone fell from my fingers, one second it was there the next it was laying open on the ground. h-he can't be back

My world started to feel like it was slowly slipping away from me. Everything that I went through to hit me like a ton of bricks.

Shane rushed to me.

"Shay? Baby, what happened."

I couldn't breathe, the walls of the bus seemed to be moving all by themselves. I looked at my phone, and Shane grabbed it looking at the text that just rocked my world.

Baby, I'm back. And your gonna pay, see you soon

He looked at me wide eyed.

" can't be back. We put him away for a very long time Shay, he..just can't be."
♠ ♠ ♠
ohhhhhh snap super short but I had to do it,
this took me such a long time to update,
school is busy as shit,
work is insaine,
applying to colleges is a pain in the ass,
but I really wanted to update for a few people who keep bugging me,
i'm gonna be updating my other story too, so go and read that one,
i guess that's it for now,

love & rockets,