Keep the Girl

Chase My Dream Or Keep The Girl

On the nice clear, sunny day, Travis sat quiet and alone at the little table outside Café Lola. The weather seemed to be out of tune with his confused mood. He had a big decision to make to make between his personal life and his dream. There were way too many voices in his head telling him what to do. None of them were helping him make his tough decision.

Those blue eyes I'm in love with or that highway.

He felt that whichever he picked, he'll have regrets in the end. If he chooses Sharon, he'll lose his dream of becoming a famous musician but if he chooses the record deal Fueled By Ramen offered him, he'll lose Sharon.

Travis set his soft drink on the table and pulled his ringing cell phone out of his pocket. He checked the caller I.D. field before answering. Ever since it got out that Travis and his band was offered a record deal, it seemed like everyone and their mother had to call him and reintroduce themselves. They tried to make it seem like they were his best friend the entire time. Luckily, it was his new best friend, Pete Wentz.

"Hey dude, what's up?"

"Nothing really."

Pete instantly knew from his tone of voice that Travis was lying. "Dude, I already know you well enough to know when you're lying. So really Travis, what's going on?"

"I'm just thinking about this record deal I was just offered."

"So what about it?"



"I'm torn and it's tearing me apart. I want to go but I don't want to break her heart. It's almost like a sword with a double edge blade, no matter which way it goes, it's going to cut deep either way."

"I can most definitely be the first to tell you, it will be hard no matter what you do."

"I mean, do I stay in this little town or go out into the big old world? Do I chase my dream or keep the girl?"

"Trav, I can't tell you what to do or which option to pick. It's something you have to decide for yourself."

"I know. It's just really hard."

"Have you talked to Sharon and gotten her take on it? Maybe she'll want you to take the deal."

"I don't know, maybe. There's always the possibility she might not though."

"I guess you'll never know until you talk to her."

"Yeah, I guess so. I'm gonna go head home so I can talk to her. I'll talk to you later. Thanks Pete."

"Hey, anytime bro." They said their goodbyes and Travis pressed the "END" button and dropped a couple dollars on the table and went to pay his check.

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It had been a few weeks since Fueled By Ramen offered Gym Class Heroes the record deal. Travis has packed his stuff more than once with the intentions of leaving and pursuing his dreams. He would only get down the street before breaking down. He would return home and blame it on the truck. He just couldn't go. He wanted to be out there making his mark but he also wanted to lay down every night in Sharon's arms.

Travis had been pursuing his dreams ever since he was a teenager. Instead of paying attention in class, he was always writing lyrics. Then years later, he met Sharon while celebrating his twenty-third birthday at a club they were at. He instantly felt a connection with her and for him, it was love at first sight. He couldn't bear to let go of that while trying to reach his dreams. He also couldn't bear to let go of his dreams for love.

He couldn't seem to figure out why he couldn't have it all. Knowing music was his main dream, Sharon supported him from the start of their relationship. He couldn't say "Thanks for the support but you have to go." He also couldn't say "I'm giving up every dream I ever had just for you." He decided he would do whatever it takes to somehow tear down that wall between their little town and that big old world. He decided he was going to chase his dream and keep the girl.