We'll All Be...

We'll All Be... Chapter 1

“Rian, come on!” I yelled through the bathroom door.
I had been sitting in the hallway for 20 minutes waiting for my brother to get out of the bathroom since he was using mine because his supposedly wasn’t working.
“Other people would like to shower this morning, too.” I said to him to try to move him along a little bit.
“Chill out, Jules. I swear you are going to have an anxiety attack by the time you are 20 at the rate you are going,” Rian warned me.
He was sort of on the right track there. I do get a little worked up about stupid things like this. Things that people usually wouldn’t worry about that much. I really shouldn’t gripe at Rian. He is, after all, letting me live with him this summer while our parents go on their world-traveling excursion.
I should probably introduce myself before you get the thought in your head that I’m a totally insane person. Hi, my name is Juliet Dawson, but the only people who call me Juliet are my grandmother and my parents when I piss them off. Everyone else calls me Jules. I’m 18 and just graduate from high school a week ago. I live in Maine with my brother, Rian. He is 20 years old and is a drummer in a band. They are our own local superstars. I have to admit though, they are really amazing. The other members are Alex Gaskarth, Jack Barakat, and Zack Merrick. Alex is the lead singer and plays guitar. He also writes all of their songs with the help of the band. He is twenty, like my brother, but unlike my brother, he is totally sweet and super gorgeous but so is Zack, but I’ll get to him in a minute. Alex has been in my life for a while but he grew up all around the states so I’m not as close to him as I am Jack. Jack is nineteen and he plays guitar for the band. He has been one of my best friends since I was like 5. I always hung around my brother, and since he was best friends with my brother the friendship just came naturally. Jack is one of the coolest people you could ever meet and also one of the most random. He is all over the place. Some days we seriously wonder is he has ADD and just doesn't know it. Zack thinks he has just smacked his head on the amp a few too many times. Zack, as I said earlier, is super gorgeous. He is twenty, like Alex and Rian, and plays bass and sings. He is kind of quiet until you get to know him but then you just can't get him to shut up. He is really into sports, which I find weird because it wouldn't seem like he would be, but he is. He is probably one of the sweetest people you will ever meet. I'm not kidding you on this; the kid wouldn't hurt a fly even if it meant his life. But, anyways let's get on with the story.

After I was done in the bathroom, I headed to my room. I could hear other voices downstairs besides my brother's so I figured the guys were here for breakfast. Once I got to my room I found that all of my clean clothes were downstairs in the laundry room. So I crept back out of my room with just my towel and listened to see if I could hear the guys talking. I couldn't hear anything so I figured the coast was clear. I made it down the stairs, around the corner, and into the laundry room before I realized there was still someone in the kitchen. I grabbed some clean clothes and went to head upstairs when he came around the corner. There was Zack looking oh so adorable in his board shorts and wet hair. I seriously think my heart stopped beating for a minute. He was looking at me with a silly grin when I realized that right there on top of my clothes laid my bra and underwear. I could feel the heat running up my neck and into my cheeks.
"Morning, Jules. How's it going?" he asked.
"Um, er, fine. How about you?" I stuttered.
"I'm doing just dandy. I guess I'll see you later," he replied as he turned with a smile and headed outside to join the other guys. Well, that was embarrassing, I thought to myself as I headed back upstairs. I finished getting ready and headed back downstairs. I grabbed a bowl of cereal and headed outside. It was really nice out this morning, not like it usually is, all gloomy and cold. It felt like summer and I loved it. I started looking around for Jack and saw that no one was out here. That’s weird, I thought. They always come out here. I heard a squeak come from behind me and a second later felt the ice-cold water on my back. I dropped my bowl and turned around to see Jack and Alex with the hose, standing there laughing. Then I heard someone come up behind me and lift me off the ground, and the next thing I knew I was hitting the cool water of our pool. I came up sputtering, ready to dunk Rian when I realized that it wasn’t Rian who had thrown me in, it was Zack. I looked over at Jack and Alex. Jack was still laughing but Alex had this odd look on his face like he was mad or confused. I didn’t understand why he did but he just did. My brother came out of the garage then.
“What the hell is going on? I heard you scream and then this loud splash.”
“Nothing, man, just having a little bit of fun with your sister.” Zack said, looking at me in a very amused way.
I reached over, smacked him on the side of the head, and swam to the side of the pool. Rian came over and helped me out.
“Are you okay?” he asked.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Just a little wet. I’m gonna go inside and change.” I said.
“We might leave while you’re inside.” This came from Jack, who for the first time today wasn’t laughing at me.
“All right. Have a good time and be nice to everyone else today, please,” I pleaded with him.
“No promises.”
As I headed inside, I heard Rian asking the guys what was up with their little stunt and a smile crept onto my face. Wow, my brother really does care. Who would have thunk it. As I heard the guys leave, I looked out my window. As I did this, the thought came into my head. I realized that my thought was right; this was going to be a very interesting summer.
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So, tell me what you think. I'm posting stories that I have finished on Buzznet already just see if people will read them or not.