Status: Not sure if I'm back yet. But I'm going to try updating when I can - Dee 1/4/11

It Led Me Straight to You


We took up one of the small tables, Jess and I sitting across from each other, Stephen on her side, John on mine.

“So, you’re the infamous Gomez brother I’ve heard about?”

“I don’t know about infamous,” Stephen said with a smirk, cracking his knuckles and sitting further back in the chair.

“Yes, these are the idiots I’ve been in bands with since we weren’t even able to play our instruments.”

“This is itty bitty John?” I asked Jess, looking at John, remembering how he towered over me in the parking lot.

“Itty bitty, Jess?”

She shrugged, “You were really small when we were younger. Technically I can still call you little.”

He shook his head, his smile was just that, lacking any hint of a smirk, “Stephen can call me little, you’re lucky if you can get away with that nickname everyone calls me that I’m not saying cause I don’t want Ella getting any ideas.”


He shrugged, “I figure everyone probably calls you Ani, it’s a change.”

“You mean Baby Gomez, John?” Stephen’s smirk still in place as he changed the subject back.

“Shut up, Stephen, just cause girls like me better...”

“What drugs are you on, man? Girls like me better!”

I just rolled my eyes. “Ella, you just met us, who would you date?”

“I just met you guys, I’m staying neutral.”

“You can hurt their so-called feelings, I do it all the time,” Jess smiled. “Hey, baby girl, you want to get some food?”

“You have a nickname like that too?” John looked at me with a smile.

“She’s was like two when I was born, she couldn’t really say my name. Jessica, have you ever not called me that?”

She bit her lip, “I’m pretty sure maybe like once when I was mad at you for something when we were little?” It came out as a string of words, ending in a question. “Let’s go get something to eat. You boys can help yourselves, if you want something.”

Jess grabbed my hand, pulling me towards the food. “So, John likes you.”

“Jessica, this is neither the time nor the place. I’m already having trouble dealing with life, then Grandma,” I fought back the tears. “I don’t need anymore drama.”

“No, baby girl, I think you should just talk to him, he’s a really great guy, he can be anything you need him to be. And he gives really good hugs.” With that, she started off down the line with a plate.
♠ ♠ ♠
This story will have cliche moments, for the pure fact that they are sixteen, and at sixteen, you do cheesy shit. Just so you're warned.
I'm really happy with the reponse to this, it would make my year if you guys kept it up :)