Status: Not sure if I'm back yet. But I'm going to try updating when I can - Dee 1/4/11

It Led Me Straight to You


“Okay, so where do you live?” Stephen was driving calmly down the streets of our town.

“Jessica, please tell him.” I was useless with directions.

She rolled her eyes, laughing at me lightly, “Okay, just go to my house, and when you drop me off, I’ll tell you how to get to her house. She’s about halfway between us.”

“Here,” a phone dropped in my lap. I looked up at John, his eyes were bright from the large smile on his lips. “I want your number, silly.”

“Well, there are nicer ways to ask for it, Mister Gomez,” I teased, typing my number into his phone.

The van came to a stop, Jess was explaining how to get to my house to Stephen. “You’re wrong, Jess, you’re mixing up side streets. If you’re saying it right, she’s right around the corner from us.”

Jess shrugged, “I go different ways to each of your houses. She lives on Maple, none the less.”

“You’re like, right around the corner from us,” John never seemed to stop smiling.

“That’s cool.”

“What he’s really saying is that it’s awesome he doesn’t have to drive the pedo van around to stalk on you.”

I grabbed John’s arm to keep him from throwing a drumstick he had grabbed from the floor of the van. “He’s driving, don’t you dare get me killed over him making a stupid comment.” His face fell from my sharp gaze. “Sorry, just don’t want to die in a steaming pile of metal. I’m actually like…petrified of it.”

“Sorry, Ella,” he ran his fingers through my hair.

“Okay, don’t make me sick, John. Seriously, PDA, she’s not going to date your sorry ass anyway.” Again, I grabbed John’s arm to prevent the drumstick he still hadn’t let go of from flying to the front seat.

“Do you want to get hit in the head while you drive or something?” This time my words were aimed at Stephen.

“His aim’s shit anyway.” He laughed as John fought my grip, trading hands only to have me grab that arm as well.

“Man, times like this, I’m so glad I’m an only child. Apparently, I’d hate a brother.”

“We don’t hate each other all the time. We just kind of pick on each other mercilessly on some occasions. See, John’s a sucker for being embarrassed in front of a pretty girl.” Stephen wore that smirk again.

“I really don’t want to die in a car accident you two!” I fought John’s struggling, finally grabbing the stick and tossing it far under the passenger’s seat.

“Sorry,” they muttered simultaneously.

“I’m the blue one on the left,” I said a minute later, the van making its way down my street.

“So, you should hang out with us more often, I think Jess gets a little sick of all the testosterone in the band.” It surprised me that Stephen was the one to say this.

John just smiled at me hopefully, “Yeah, that’d be awesome. Give me a call about it or whatever.”
♠ ♠ ♠
So, cut back or quit?