Status: Not sure if I'm back yet. But I'm going to try updating when I can - Dee 1/4/11

It Led Me Straight to You


From John: Wakey, wakey, pumpkin pasty. We have school today :P

I groaned, typing into my phone quickly.

To John: I normally don’t wake up for another ten minutes. Good to know you take longer to get ready then I do.

I got up anyway, tucking my phone in the waistband of the shorts I was wearing.

“Honey, why are you awake? Your alarm goes off in ten minutes…did you sleep?” My mother’s eyebrows furrowed in worry as she shuffled around the pans on the stove. She kept waiting for me to have some huge breakdown, I guess she has reason. I did kind of rip apart the living room when I found out about Grandma. I did kind of take so many pills I ended up in the hospital last year. I did kind of slice open my wrists six months before that. Mom was probably waiting for the old habits, which died hard to begin with, to kick back in during a time of mourning.

“No, I slept fine. I just got a text from John.” She pushed a plate of vegetarian sausage patties and pancakes across the island to me. Where I cope with doing stupid things that mar my skin and liver, Mom likes to cook.

“Who’s John? Was he one of the boys with you and Jessica yesterday? They were the same ones in the van who dropped you off, right? I didn’t see Jessica with them…”

“They live right around the corner, they dropped her off first.” My phone vibrated, now sitting next to my plate as I cut into the pile of pancakes. I pressed a few buttons carefully with one hand as I picked up a patty, nibbling on it.

From John: Stephen offered to pick you up for school, if you want.

I was just starting to text him back when it vibrated again.

From John: this is stephen, I saw what john typed over his shoulder. He begged me to drive you, thought you should know. You’re on the way, so it’s no prob

I laughed, a piece of faux sausage catching in my throat. Mom pushed the cup of apple juice closer to me, looking at me carefully. This would be one really stupid suicide attempt, I must say. She really underestimates me in that aspect. “Can I get a ride with ‘the two boys from yesterday?’” I used air quotes around her words.

“How old are they?”

“Stephen’ll be driving, he’s a senior, so either seventeen or eighteen, he’s Jessica’s age. John’s my age, I’m pretty sure he’s a soph too.”

“I want to meet them first.” I rolled my eyes at my phone, not wanting the speech. “You aren’t leaving the island until you make a dent in your food.” I don’t know why she acts like this about everything, I mean, I understand ‘keep Ani away from the knives, don’t leave the razor in the bathroom all the time, lock the aspirin away’ but I’ve never had an eating disorder. Seriously, Mom.

To John: Well that’s sweet of you to offer, or beg for, I should say. Unless you want to be interrogated by a very Italian mother, you might want to take that back.

I had taken two large bites to appease my mother as I waited for a reply. From John: We’ll be there in ten minutes. Just so you know, moms love me, can’t say the same of Stephen though…
♠ ♠ ♠
You guys out there?