Kisses On The Necks Of Best Friends

Drunken Romps.

Bob's POV

"Alrighty then!" Mikey shouted, and we walked out of the bus chuckling. The other guys were already at the club, and Mr. 'I Can't Leave Without Straightening My Hair!' aka Mikey was taking too long. Since everyone else but me was ready, I was elected to stay with Mr. 'Fork Goes In Toaster'.

We walked down the street, hoods up and shoulders hunched, hoping not to be recognized.

Then, came the infamous cry.

"It's Mikey Way!" Someone screamed, and we sighed simultaneously as about 20 people rushed in our direction. I just slapped that widely known glare on my face and grabbed Mikey's arm, yanking him away from the hoards of desperate fans and pulling him into the club. My jaw dropped once I saw the inside.

"Holy shit." Mikey exclaimed.

It was pretty much just a mass of moving bodies, grinding against each other as if they were all lovers. The thudding bass pounded through the floor, making my legs tingle slightly. I groaned and went over to get a drink.


"Heyyy." I slurred in Mikey's ear. "Lets dance!" Him, being equally as trashed, nodded, giggling. We walked over to the edge of the dance area and let ourselves be swallowed by the masses.

His arm was wrapped around my waist, and his pelvis ground against mine erotically. I groaned and licked up the side of his neck. He whimpered and ground against me harder. I tasted something... Nice. I licked him again, savoring the unique taste. He moaned, and finally kissed me.


I licked the inside of his mouth, getting another taste of that intoxicating man. He moaned groaned and broke away, eyes dark with lust.

"Let's go." he whispered. I nodded and we ran all the way back to the buses, hands tightly intertwined. He slammed the door and locked it behind him, then pounced on me, running his fingers roughly through my blonde hair. His tongue played with my lip ring, causing me to get even more aroused if that was even possible. I pulled away and he began to nibble on my lip as my fingers worked nimbly at his jeans zipper.
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comments are the sexxx.
and I'm using a hello kitty layout 'cause it's awesome.