Kisses On The Necks Of Best Friends


Ryan's POV

"Ryannnn!" he whined. I giggled and held the Skittles bag higher over my head as he jumped for it.

"Nu uh Brenny, you'll have to get it first!" I popped one into my mouth. He suddenly gave me a devilish smirk.

"Fine." He tackled me onto the couch of the bus, grabbing my face and kissing me roughly.

Me, being the horny bastard that I am, opened my mouth immediately to the kiss. He pushed his tongue in, found the skittle, and pulled away.

"Mmmm, Ryan flavored." He moaned, then grinned widely. "I would SO buy that." I rolled my eyes and kissed him again.


"Hey, guys... You know how Ryan and I are together, right?" Brendon shouted into the microphone. The crowd replied by screaming their little lungs out. I rolled my eyes, hoping he wouldn't say something sexual.

"Well, those kick-ass callouses feel really good." He smirked and blew a kiss in my direction. I mimed catching it, blushing wildly.


"Brendon, you fucking freak!" I yelled as soon as we got offstage. He just smirked and came over to me, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"You know you love it babe." He whispered, licking the shell of my ear. I whimpered involuntarily, and he laughed.

"Fucking tease." I muttered under my breath.
♠ ♠ ♠
*Hides behind pillow*
Don't hate me if it sucks.
Comments make Brenny wanna do naughty naughty things to you ~_^