Kisses On The Necks Of Best Friends

I Never Want This To End

Pete's POV
(warning: boy secks coming!)
We put in 'Life on the Murder Scene' and I sit down. Halfway though the movie I see Patrick sitting on his bunk. He looks over and I notice his eyes are red. I get off the couch and walk over to the bunk room, close and lock the door, where I get into Patrick's bunk and shut the curtain. I see that he has been crying. I put my arm around his shoulder and ask,
"What's wrong 'Trick?" he just stares off into space. "come on, tell me what's wrong." he sighed.
"Pete. I just… have a small problem."
"What is this problem that you speak of?" I say in a thick fake German accent. This earns a small smile from him.
"I can't tell you…" he said sadly. I scoot closer to him and put my arm around his waist. I say softly,
"Why not?" he flinches at my touch and I wonder what he is thinking of.
"cause why?"
"Please tell me."
I grab his wrists and press him down on the bunk, holding them above his head.
"Patrick Martin Stumph, if you do not tell me what the problem is right now, I will… I'll kiss you!"
He looked terrified.
"You wouldn't"
"I would and I will. You have to the count of three."
"Pete, I swear-"
"Pete, you can't kiss me, I-"
What?! Did he just say he loved me?
"w-what?" god I sound like such a dork. The love of my life just said he loved me and all I can say is 'what'!
"Yes Pete. I flipping love you, no not like a brother or a best friend, I freaking love you like I want you to kiss me and I want to wake up in your arms and I just want you!" Patrick looked sad and angry at the same time. He tried to move but I was still holding his arms above his head. He squirmed.
"Let me go Pete! And stop looking at me like tha-" he was cut off as I pushed my lips down on his mouth. He didn't kiss me back and when I went back up he squirmed around again but I still wouldn't let go.
"Pete, I don’t need your sympathy. Don’t just do this to make me feel better. I need to love someone and have them love me back."
"then let me do this." he looked at me in astonishment.
"you mean you-" he was cut off for a second time as I pressed my slightly chapped lips against his soft pink ones. This time he kissed back. I ran my tongue along his lips and he eagerly opened his mouth, allowing me entrance. I ran my tongue along the top of his mouth, causing him to moan into the kiss. I found a soft spot and pressed my tongue to it causing him to break away gasping,
"oh my god Pete." I gave him a small smirk.
"you haven't seen anything yet." I kissed behind his ear, causing him to shiver. I moved down to his neck, sucking and biting when necessary. When I got down to his collarbone I undid each button on his shirt one at a time, licking the skin it revealed. Yeah I know, I was teasing him. But it felt so good to finally do what I had been longing to do for almost 2 years and I wanted to make it last. He groaned and moved his hips as if to say 'faster'. I got fed up with teasing and ripped the shirt open, revealing his chest. I trailed kisses all the way down until I reached the hem of his jeans. I hesitated and he took that chance to flip us over so he was on top. He smiled and lightly pecked me on the lips. I tried to deepen the kiss but he pulled away and kissed my forehead, then my nose, then my chin, deliberately missing my lips. I had no shirt on and he slowly ran his tongue down my chest. He looked at my bat belt buckle and looked up hopefully. I nodded slightly and he went to work opening the buckle. He slowly took the belt off one loop at a time. Then he unbuttoned my jeans, unzipped them, and pulled them off, which was no easy task, seeing as they were tight enough to make my skin chafe. He was actually stronger (and skinnier) than he looks on stage and in photos. He plays around with the band of my black boxers. He is teasing me and he knows this.
He pulls my boxers down and doesn't look surprised at the size of me. I know his size too, given all the group showers we've taken together. He runs his tongue along the side of my thigh and blew on it. I gasped as a rush of cold air hit me and my member slowly grew harder. He runs his finger along my length, then flicks his tongue out to touch the slit at the top. I moan quietly and he looks up at me innocently.
"do you like that Pete?" I nod and he strokes me. "do you want me to do it again?"
"more." I manage to groan out. His eyes widen just a little before he nods and takes me full into his mouth. I throw my head back as his tongue runs around, his teeth scraping gently along the sides. I try not to move my hips but I fail and he deep throats me without warning. He gently bobs his head up and down and I try to warn him between moans,
"Patrick… I'm… soo… close…" I spill out into him with a scream of "ahh, FUCK PATRICK!" I lay back panting as he swallows all that I have to offer. He licks his lips and looks up at me expectantly. I try to slow my breathing and say shakily,
"Have… have you ever done that before?" he shakes his head and I breathe a little lighter. "that was… wow. You should see what a master is like…" I say, lowering my head to his stomach…
I won't bore you with all the details, but lets just say that…

"oh holy fuck Pete, I LOVE YOU!" he screams louder than ever as he spills into my mouth for the third time. I lean back tiredly and he puts his head on my chest. I stroke his hair and we both are about to fall asleep when I realize that the guys out there are all probably wondering where we are. I poke Patrick and he jerks awake, looking up at me. He smiles and softly asks,
"what?" I smile and reply,
"The others are probably wondering what we're doing. Patrick, I… " he looks a little scared about what is coming next. "Patrick, will you.. Will you be my boyfriend?" he nodded immediately and I smiled. I hopped out of bed, grabbing a pair of boxers and throwing them on, then tossing a pair to him. He got up and put them on, then, seeing me getting fully dressed, he grabs his clothes and pulls them on.
"Pete… I don’t want to tell the others yet." he whispers as I put my hand on the doorknob to go out of the room. I gather him into my arms and say with a small smile,
"well Pat, I'm pretty sure they will have figured it out by now, seeing as how the room smells like sweat, and we've been in here for about…" I check my watch and gape at the tiny hands moving under the glass "2 hours. So, if they ask what was going on, what do you want to say?"
"we'll tell them…" I press him up against the wall and kiss him one last time before we go out. "that we're together now" he finishes, rather breathless. I open the door and walk out into the main section of the bus. Gerard is staring at me and Frankie is giggling. Brendon has wide eyes and Ryan is, well, sleeping. I put on a glare and say,
"what's so funny? Frankie giggles and says,
"oh holy fuck Pete, I love you!" in a pretty good imitation of Patrick. Patrick's face turns bright red. Gerard laughs and says,
"you know this bus isn't soundproof, right?" my face pales and I whisper,
"you heard all of that?" they all nod. My face then turns from white to red in a matter of 2.6 seconds. Frankie goes into another fit of giggles and walks into the bunk room.
"Ew, it smells like sex in here!"
I sigh and sit on the couch. Patrick immediately jumps into my lap and Brendon awww's.
"so… are the two of you…?" I nod and Patrick snuggles his head into the crook of my neck. I kiss him on the forehead. None of the guys look at all surprised to see us together. And even if they hated us, I would still love Patrick just as much, because he is my love, my life. I never want this to end.
♠ ♠ ♠
a little boylove for ya.
comments are the sex.
BTW, i LOATHE WITH ALL MY BEING the word 'fag' so i will try to use it as little as possible, ok?