Kisses On The Necks Of Best Friends


It was the most magical thing I had ever experienced in my entire life. The electricity I felt as our lips touched was amazing, and the fact that I knew he wanted me back made it so much better. Our lips jigsawed perfectly, my bottom lip in between his as he ran his tongue over it shyly. He pulled away blushing and rested his forehead on mine.

"Is that what you guys call making out?!" Frankie asked giggling. "come on, show us some tongue!" I glared at Frank and turned back to Brendon. He smiled and pressed his lips to mine softly again. I ran my tongue along his lip and he opened his mouth. Our tongues danced in a fiery tango of passion. When breathing became inevitable, we pulled away. Patrick smiled and winked at me.

Brendon's POV

"Geetard, truth or dare?" Ryan continued the game. Unknown to everyone else though, our fingers were tangled together tightly under the table. The game continued for another 20 minutes, resulting in Frank lighting a lock of his hair on fire, Pete making out with himself, and Gerard screaming bloody murder like a girl in a horror movie (which resulted in getting us kicked out of the restaurant.)

"Brenny?" He sang as we walked along the road. (we went for a walk before we checked into the hotel we were staying for the night. We were swinging our hands, which were cupped together.

"Yes Ryro?" I asked softly, blushing at the nickname, even though he had used it tons of times before.

"Will you… be m- my… boyfriend?" he asked so quietly I almost didn't hear him.

"Ry, I would go to the ends of the world for you. Of course I will be your boyfriend!" I stated almost matter-of-factly. He smiled widely.

"Well then…" he smirked and ran up ahead onto the giant hill lurking in front of us. It provided the most beautiful view of Philadelphia that you would ever see.

"I AM DATING BRENDON URIE!!!!" he screamed at the top of his lungs. I caught up to him and laughed, wrapping my arms around his waist. He kissed me softly and I smiled against his lips.
We were the the perfect couple.
The epitome of innocence.
♠ ♠ ♠
comments are the sex :D
i actually like this chapter for once.
more updates coming soon to a profile near you.