Don't Knock It Until You've Tried It

Crossdressed mess

Her husband was going out again, just like he did every weekend. She knew what he did, he’d go out with his friends, get completely wasted, sleep with a hooker, come home not remembering much of it, and then wake up Saturday morning.

Just like any other Friday night.

She didn’t mind it though; she knew her marriage was broken. Neither of them felt the love they’d sworn to each other not so long ago anymore. Their lives were routine.

Wake up. Eat. Go to work. Come home. Sleep. Repeat.

Except Friday nights, that’s when both of them had fun. He’d leave, and she’d invite her ‘friend’ over.

“That girl’s got no life. I’m sure she’s just itching for Friday to come so she can come over and waste her time here,” he said with a laugh.

She joined him “I’m sure she does,” her laughter was not directed at her friend, but more or less at her husband. He didn’t know that her ‘friend’ was actually non-existent; a character, at most.

The doorbell rang and she got up. Smiling at the thought of what was to come. She opened the wooden door and her smile widened.

“I actually thought you were going to bail on me,” she said with a giggle.

Her friend smiled “You really think I’d miss out on this?”

She shut the door as soon as her friend stepped in.

“Hey John,” her friend said in what sounded like a high-pitched shriek, smiling at her husband.

He nodded and got up “I’ll leave you two alone now. I’ll be back later.” He said walking towards the door.

“Okay, bye, have fun,” she said, not looking at him, but in a different direction.

The door shut and they stared at each other, a smirk on her friend’s face. The golden blonde locks falling seamlessly over what appeared to be a short sleeved Hollister t-shirt.

“You know, I can’t picture you as a blonde,” she said finally, causing her friend to laugh, a normal laugh.

She got up and walked towards the window, watching her husband’s car pull away from the drive way and drive of into the night.

“Is he gone yet?” a voice from behind her asked, and she nodded.

She continued staring out the window; wondering where her love for that man went.

She practically jumped when she felt a hand on each of her sides, “You scared me,” she said with a laugh as she turned around.

He laughed as well “I’m sorry, anything I can do to make it better?”

She smiled “Yeah, but I’ll tell you after,”

He nodded and leaned forward to close the gap between them, wrapping his arms around her waist, pulling her closer to him.

It was every week, every Friday night he’d go over to her house, have small talk with her husband, and watch him leave his wife alone.

Her husband was completely clueless at the fact that behind the blonde wig, and the girly clothes was his wife’s lover.

He went all out, going from high heels to eyeliner. Why? Because he was in love.

Love makes people do crazy things, he was the perfect example.

They didn’t think they met up just to have sex, they truly believed they were in love.

He was never rough with her, always gentle. When she was with him, she felt love. She felt loved.

His callused hands were silk on her skin, his chapped lips like velvet upon her own.

She didn’t feel like she was having sex, nor a quick fuck, she felt like they were making love. She was positive of that.

They lay there, in the very same bed her husband and she shared, staring at the ceiling. Her head leaning on his shoulder, she was wondering if he would agree.

“Now,” he began, turning to face her “what was it that you were going to tell me?”

She bit her bottom lip “Well, I’ve been thinking,”


“John and I aren’t going anywhere with this marriage, it’s all routine. I want out of it,”

“Uh-huh, and so that means…”

“Let’s run away together,”



“If you’re convinced it’s what you want, I’m not going to stop you,”


“I love you,”

She reached out for his shirt that was lying at his feet and put it on before climbing out of the bed. She headed towards the closet and began throwing out all of her clothes.

“What are you doing?” he asked, reaching for the undergarments he had been wearing.

“I’m free,” she said staring at the mess below her.

He smiled and shook his head.

“Y’know, this is the first time I’ve walked out of your house in comfortable shoes,” he said as they both got into his car.

She laughed “What’s it like pretending to be a girl?”

“It’s not that bad, actually,”

“Yeah, right,”

“Hey, don’t knock it till you’ve tried it,”

She rolled her eyes playfully and looked at the stereo-clock which read 2:07 AM, and then out the window; she had a lot of explaining to do, but that wasn’t until later; until tomorrow.

For now, she was with him, and that’s all that mattered.
♠ ♠ ♠
Again, I consider it fanfiction. Up to you if you consider it an original.

Comments are love, kthnx. <3