Negative Zero

C.A.T. -noun- Cloning and Artificial Technology. A being who is of seventy-three percent cybernetic technology and twenty-seven percent human and is a clone of a human.
(Pronounciation; See-Ay-Tee)

O.R. -noun- A human who is the original of a C.A.T.
(Pronounciation; Oh-Are)

D.R. -noun- Beings who exist as to debug, reprogram, and or as to repair other C.A.T.
(Pronounciation; Dee-Are)

G.D. -noun- Beings who exist as to enforce laws and maintain order.
(Pronounciation; Gee-Dee)

Veronica ("Nicki"), Ian, Cecilia, Cassandra ("Cassie"), Zero, Lucas ("Luke"), and baby Matthew are the only remaining humans to walk the earth (to their knowledge), for all others had died, leaving behind their C.A.T. to roam in their place.
The six teenagers and baby Matthew suddenly find themselves being suspected of treason and are now on the run from the G.D. Ian, the brain, figures out that they are being accused of the creation of a virus known as, "Negative Zero". A virus with unexplained potential that just may be the end for all of earth's inhabitants!

Can the group prove themselves innocent or will a dirty little secret ruin them?
  1. Prologue
  2. To Realize
    The story starts but not with a happy one; already, after Nicki had awoken after a nasty encounter with the G.D.s, she starts to realize that something is wrong! But what?