Wonderful Life


I still haven't found my locket and I'm starting to think that someone either stole it or I genuinely lost it. I wish I hadn't because it was such a keepsake item for me. It belonged near my heart since the two pictures in it were very important to me. I had been assigned down to the ER sections to watch over the two patients that came in from the drunken driving accident. I still had to do my normal rounds on the pediatric ward, but after I was done with those rounds I had to check on those two patients down in the ER.

I headed to the first patient's room. Nothing in his vitals changed since he was brought in. He was awake though and dying to leave the place. I tried to be civil and keep him from going insane as best as I could. After I finished checking on him I went to the other room down the hall. He still hadn't woken up since the surgery, but it had only been two days since the accident.

He had a bandage over his throat and I got a flashback of his shocked eyes staring at mine as I held my fingers to his throat. I had felt like Kate Beckinsale's character in the movie Pearl Harbor when I was doing that. I shuddered trying to shake off the memory as I stared at the man lying in the hospital bed. He had his right hand fisted and I frowned at it.

I walked further into the room and checked his vitals before giving him some more medicine through the IV in his arm. After I changed his bandage covering the stitches in his neck I left the room. After that I was able to clock out for the day. I wanted to find my locket, but I would just wait and see if it would turn up at the hospital.

I drove back to Brian's house to find him fast asleep on the couch. He looked peaceful for once. I took my shoes off and ran my hands through my hair before heading into the kitchen. Gemma had the day off due to some stress issues she was having. I couldn't blame her though.

With Christian now knowing about the baby it made things a lot worse. Gemma changed her cell phone number so that he wouldn't know it and keep calling her. That was actually my idea because I grew annoyed every time that it would ring and she would hit the ignore button. Not even five seconds later it rang again. Finally, she got her number changed and the phone was thankfully quiet. I sighed as I flopped into a kitchen chair and laid my head down on my arms. I was so tired. Working in the ER every night before coming home, even if it was only for two patients, was draining. The nurses in the ER were a bit nicer than the ones who worked under Donovan, but I still had my issues with them.

Donovan was on my permanent hate list seeing as though he was the stupid idiot to blurt out that Gemma was pregnant with Christian standing just three feet away from her. He didn't have a brain that worked when it came to others. He only thought about himself, and that really made everything worse. I was more on my guard than anything with him lurking around all the time.

Gemma never left the house without either me or one of the others. It was too dangerous for her and I wasn't about to let her get into any danger or put her unborn child in danger either. She was getting bigger by the day and it was rather amusing to see her get all upset over the guys teasing her all the time. The teasing would have been a lot worse if Jimmy was still around.

Gemma had told Sam about her situation and I'm sure Sam wouldn't have given her a second chance had I kept my mouth shut. She deserved to be happy and I could really see her with someone like Sam. I just hoped that he didn't hurt her and piss me off. I lifted my head off of my arms and then stood up from my chair. I couldn't possibly sleep in the kitchen. It wouldn't be comfortable. Brian and Michelle were supposed to be getting married soon. It was going to be a small quick wedding and then they would be on their honeymoon for a week. I wasn't sure as to why they were rushing it, but it was their life and I wasn't going to try and stop them.

I walked back through the living room to see Brian still passed out on the couch. If I hadn't been so drained of energy I would have done something totally mean just to piss him off. I walked passed him and then headed for the stairs. I didn't have the energy to change out of
my scrubs. The minute my eyes saw my bed I fell on top of the covers and passed out.


A week passed since I had helped out in the ER as a nurse. The guy who had stitches in his neck still hadn't woken up, but the other one who had been hit had been released. He had been so ecstatic it was kind of funny. I still checked on the patient with the gash in his throat. The flashbacks stopped finally and I was happy about that. Today, however, was going to prove to be a different day. When the patient came in he didn't have any kind ID card on him so we honestly didn't know his name. I don't know if his wallet had been stolen or if he just forgot it at home that day. Either way, the doctors were curious as to what his name was.

I clocked into the hospital early in the morning. Not one of my favorite shifts, but someone had to do it. After I clocked in I went to do my rounds in the pediatric ward. The kids loved me. I would read them stories and make sure that they were staying as healthy as possible while they were staying there. After I was done with the kids I took the elevator down to the ER section of the hospital. Before I could make my way to the room that had my initial patient in it I was pulled aside.

"Haner, we need you to help us out today after you check in with our mystery patient," Dr. Richardson said.

"Sure thing," I smiled at him, and then left.

I honestly enjoyed working in the ER a lot more than working for Donavan. Donavan was an egotistical pig and always getting on my nerves. He enjoyed making my day hell and making me feel miserable. Down in the ER the nurses and doctors had a lot more to do then gossip about each other behind everyone's backs. They were considerably nicer and more laid back. More of my kind of crowd and I honestly thought about asking for a transfer. I would prefer to work under Dr. Richardson any day if it were a possibility.

I walked towards the mystery patient's room and stopped short when I entered. Something was off. I scanned the room until my eyes landed on the patient in the bed. His eyes were open. They were a shocking blue and reminded me a lot of Jimmy's clear ocean blue eyes. He must have sensed my movement as I entered into the room further because his eyes snapped to mine. I smiled kindly at him and he smiled back. Small little dimples graced his cheeks as his smile grew a little. His blond hair was in need of a trim from what I could tell.

"How are you feeling sir," I asked softly.

He opened his mouth to try and speak, but it was a bit scratchy. I held my finger up and then poured him a glass of water from the tacky plastic blue pitcher on the side table. I walked closer and then lifted his head up so that he could drink it. He took a couple of sips and then pressed his head back against my hand. I removed it and then set the cup back on the table.

"Thank you," he said, still sounding a bit raspy.

"I'm a nurse, that's what I do," I smiled gently.

"No, thank you, for keeping me alive," he said looking at me seriously.

"You remember that," I asked astonished.

He just nodded in agreement. I took his vitals and then proceeded to change his bandages. After his bandages were changed I informed him that a doctor would be in shortly to check and see if the stitches could be removed or not. They may have to stay in a few more days or so, but there is always the possibility that they could be taken out a few days early. It was all up to the doctor. I walked down the hall and found a doctor at the nurse's station and told him that mystery patient was awake. He asked if I was able to get a name, but I told him that I was just doing my job and didn't ask. The doctor seemed a bit pissed, but he would get over it.

I left the nurse's station and then headed towards the emergency entrance. Dr. Richardson was standing there waiting patiently.

"How was mystery patient," he asked once I stopped next to him.

"He woke up," I stated.

"Oh really," he said glancing at out of the corner of his eye.

"Yep, he even thanked me for not letting him die on the stretcher," I said.

"How in the world did he remember that," he asked.

"The mind is a strange organ," I stated turning my attention to the approaching ambulances.

Again it felt like everything was in slow motion. I helped with what I could and when I was done I was called back to the mystery patient's room. Something about him wanting to talk to me, which confused me because I just wanted to get home and catch up on my sleep. Instead, I walked down the hall and towards the room where the mystery patient was located.

I walked in and was greeted by a dimpled smile from the man lying in the bed. I smiled back and then pulled up a chair. "So, I heard you wanted to talk to me," I said getting comfortable.

"Yeah, but only because I wanted to ask you if this was yours," he said holding something up from a closed fist.

I looked closely at it and my eyes widened. "Where did you find that," I asked reaching for my locket. He handed me the locket and I immediately looked inside for the pictures. My eyes connected with the two pictures that Jimmy put in there. One was of me smiling and laughing just after I jumped onto his back and the other one was of Jimmy, Brian, and me just standing next to each other. Tears pricked the corner of my eyes as I stared at the pictures.

"I found it on the ground. It was just before the accident. I bumped into someone and they left rather quickly. Just before I left I found the locket on the ground. I haven't let go of it since," he explained.

"Thank you so much. This locket means so much to me that I almost died when I realized it was gone," I told him.

"May I ask why it means so much," he asked.

"One of my best friends gave it to me for my birthday. It was the last birthday present I ever got from him," I said holding back my tears.

"What happened to him," he asked curious.

I shook my head unable to say anymore. I couldn't talk about Jimmy anymore. It was still too painful. I don't know when I would be able to talk about him, but right now I couldn't.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't pry like that. Please forgive me," he said.

"You're fine. I shouldn't have reacted that way. Thank you again for finding my locket," I said.

"You're welcome, it looked too sentimental to not search for the owner," he said.

"What exactly were you doing before you came here," I asked curious.

"I was actually searching for the owner of that necklace. I was walking all over the city when the accident happened. I wasn't initially a part of it at first, but just trying to help when I got struck by a flying piece of glass I think," he answered.

I nodded my head and watched him closely. He looked rather tired. "You need to rest. Since I work here, I'll make sure to stop by and see you until you're released," I said, standing up.

"Alright," he said, letting a yawn escape his mouth.

I turned to leave when his question caught me off guard. "What's your name," he asked with a sleepy grin on his face.

"Colbie, Colbie Haner," I said with a smile. "I'm Kel," he started to say before the sleeping medicine took effect and he was out cold for the rest of the day. I left his room and clocked out for the day. I needed to take some time off, but I had already promised him that I would see him during my shifts. I wasn't one to go back on my promises.

I headed to my car and was about to get in when a hand clamped over my mouth and an arm wrapped around my waist. I dropped my bag by my car as I kicked and screamed. My scream was muffled by the hand. I opened my mouth to try and bite the hand, but it didn't exactly work. The hand was too big for me to get my teeth to sink in. I was dragged down some stairs of the parking garage and then through a door. The parking garage was an old structure, but I didn't know it had secret doors in the ground.

I dragged further into the darkness of whatever room we were in until finally we stopped. I thought he was going to let me go, but not in the way I was hoping. He threw me against the wall and my head snapped back and I hit it against the wall behind me. I held in my whimpers of pain so that he or she wouldn't see the satisfaction that they hurt me.

"Come on Colbie, you know you want to scream in pain," the sadistic voice of Christian said.

I should have known he would go after me if he couldn't go after Gemma. I didn't care though because as long as Gemma was safe from him, then that's all that mattered to me.

"Go to hell," I hissed at him trying to stand without falling.

"You'll be in hell before I ever get there. Now, tell me where Gemma is and you won't get hurt even more than you are now," he said kneeling down in front of me.

"You'll never find her you bastard," I spat angrily.

Obviously that wasn't the answer he was looking for because he kicked me in the stomach and then backhanded me. "I can keep you down here as long as I want to, but I won't. This is merely a warning Colbie. Next time you may not get away so easily," he said before leaving me alone in the dark.

I breathed heavily before managing to stand up. I wrapped an arm around my waist as I used the wall to try and help find my way. It took awhile, but I finally managed to find the stairs. I made it up the stairs with only falling once. When I got to my car I wasn't sure if I could stay awake long enough to drive home, but I needed to get home. I needed Brian. This was going further than it should be. Christian was a crazy, psychotic bastard who needed to be stopped before he took it overboard. I got into my car and sped out of the parking garage.

I managed to pull into the driveway fifteen minutes later after speeding most of the way home. I got out, but almost fell again due to the pain in my side. I regained my balance by using my car as a way to steady myself. When I had my balance I walked slowly up to the front door. I couldn't handle standing much longer so I banged on the door as loud as I could. I continued to bang on the door when it finally opened. Leaning against the doorframe I raised my eyes to see Brian standing there.

"Colbie, what happened," he asked.

I pitched forward and he caught me in his arms. My head hurt so badly from where it hit the wall. "Christian," I mumbled before everything went black.

When I opened my eyes again faces were swimming above me. I blinked to clear my vision and when it was clear I saw Brian's worried face almost above me. I groaned when I shifted because the pain in my side shot up my body.

"Colbie," Brian's frantic voice asked.

I turned my head to face him and gave him a weak smile. I lifted my hand and found his. He squeezed my hand and I squeezed back. I coughed before clearing my throat to speak.

"Brian, what happened to me," I asked unsure of where I was or how I got there.

"Colbie you showed up on the doorstep as if someone almost beat the shit out of you. You uttered Christian's name before passing out," he told me.

At the mention of Christian's name everything came back to me. Christian dragging me down below the parking garage and then almost beating me to death, or close to it, I shuddered at the memory. I looked to Brian and sighed.

"Christian surprised me from behind. He attacked me and made sure that no one would witness it. Before he left me alone he warned me to tell him where we were hiding Gemma otherwise it would be my life on the line. I told him to go to hell. He didn't like that so he roughed me up a bit," I explained.

"That bastard, I'm going to kill him," Brian growled.

"Brian, don't be like this," I said.

"Like what, angry, pissed off, why not Colbie? Why shouldn't I be angry," he demanded.

"Brian, we'll take care of Christian together. I'm not going to let him get away with this. We will stop him, but we have to do it together," I said reaching for his hand again.

He looked at me and calmed down a little. He was still pissed. I could see it in his face and how he held himself. I needed to hug him. I sat up and carefully moved my legs off the couch. I reached my arms out and he knelt down in front of me and hugged me tightly. I wasn't going to let Christian win this battle. His strategy wasn't clear at the moment, but I wouldn't let him take me from my family or break up my family. I would find a way to take down this sick bastard if it was the last thing I did.