Wonderful Life


Three days passed since Christian attacked me. The bruises were going away slowly, but I managed to cover most of them up with make-up, much to my distaste. I hated wearing the make-up because it made me feel fake. Michelle loved the stuff, and sometimes she overdid it, but I never said anything because I didn't want her to feel as if she was being picked on. It wasn't in my nature. I had gone back to work two days after the attack and I had to be as careful as possible. My ribs were still badly bruised from where Christian had kicked me. I was lucky that he didn't break any.

My ER patient had finally managed to tell me his name. It was Kellan Lutz and apparently he was a rather famous movie star thanks to the annoying Twilight Saga. He said he wasn't as famous as Robert Pattinson, but I could care less how famous he was. I lived with four famous men, so fame wasn't what I was looking for. Well, I lived with one, but I might as well have lived with four since the other three were always around. Gemma was still housing my secret at her new house, but she never went there yet. She was afraid of Christian finding out where she lived again. I didn't blame her because he was sick bastard who would stoop low enough to get anything he wanted.

Being the third day since the attack, but the second day back to work I was still a little sore. I made my rounds in the pediatric ward and then went down to Kellan's room to check on him. When I entered the room he had a huge smile on his face.

"How are you today?" I asked him as I bustled around his bed taking his vitals.

"I'm doing alright. Wishing that these stitches can be taken out so I can get the hell out of here, not that I don't like seeing you every day," he chuckled.

"Oh, I understand. No one really wants to spend a lot of time in the hospital," I said as I moved the other side to check the IV drip in his arm. I ended up moving the wrong way and I winced when a sharp pain shot through my side. I blinked my eyes as I took a couple of deep breaths in.

"Are you okay," Kellan asked.

"I'm fine," I smiled at him.

When I was done checking to make sure he was doing alright I told him that I would talk to a doctor about getting those stitches removed. I left the room and walked down the hall before leaning up against the wall. The pain was getting a little worse and I couldn't understand why. My breathing became a little harsh and uneven. I closed my eyes in an attempt to will the pain away. I slowed my breathing down as best as I could and then finally began walking down the hall to get a doctor.

I found Dr. Richards and asked him about Kellan's stitches. He said that it might be possible to have them taken out now, but he would have to double check. He told me to take a break, so I did. I went down to the cafeteria and bought myself some food. Not the best food to eat, but I didn't care at the moment. After I had gotten my food I sat down and began to eat. Gemma was still working for another couple of months, but I wasn't sure when her break was yet.

I still needed to talk to Dr. Richards about transferring to the ER section as a nurse instead of staying up in pediatrics. I loved the kids up there, but I knew that I couldn't last much longer with Donovan being my boss anymore.

I was eating slowly, mainly because Dr. Richards said that I could take a longer break than usual. A shadow loomed over me and I looked up to see a young girl, maybe a two years younger than me, possibly one year younger, looking at me.

"May I sit here," she asked timidly.

"Sure," I said with a kind smile.

She sat down across from me and slowly began eating her food. I was halfway through mine when she finally spoke again. "So, are you visiting anyone," she asked.

"No, I work here as a nurse actually," I answered.

"That's cool, maybe you can help me," she said.

"Sure, how can I help," I asked.

"I'm looking for a friend of mine, but this hospital is so huge, I can't seem to find my way," she said.

"Who are you looking for?" I wondered.

"Kellan Lutz. I just heard about his accident and I wanted to see if he was alright," she said.

"I'm headed in that direction. I'll take you there," I told her finishing up with my lunch.

"Thank you so much. I'm Nikki by the way, Nikki Reed," she smiled holding out her hand to me.

"Colbie, Colbie Haner, personal nurse to your friend," I chuckled.

"Really," she asked.

"Yeah, I was assigned to his room as a permanent nurse until he left because I was there with him when he came in," I replied.

"That's good, thank you," she said.

"It's my job," I muttered, as we walked towards the elevator.

Nikki and I walked in silence after we had gotten off the elevator and started towards Kellan's hospital room. I could tell that he really wanted to get out of here, but the doctor still said that he needed to stay until the stitches had completely healed the wound to the point where there wouldn't be a scar. The gash had been quite large when he came in and it took all the strength I had to keep my fingers pressed to the slightly severed artery in order to keep him alive. It had been three weeks now since his accident, but stitches took awhile to heal. We came to the door of Kellan's room and I led Nikki in. Kellan's eyes lit up when I walked in, but when he saw Nikki standing behind me the excitement kind of died a little.

"Hey Nikki," Kellan said nonchalantly.

"How are you feeling?" She asked him.

"I'm doing alright, despite the fact that I'm stuck here for another week or so," he answered.

I didn't pay attention to their conversation. I checked his bandage to make sure that it wouldn't have to be changed, and then went to check everything else. Once I was done doing my job I left the room, but before I could even start walked down the hall their voices echoed out of the room.

"The director is really pissed off right now," Nikki's voice came through the door.

"Well, it's not like I did this on purpose, now is it," Kellan retorted angrily.

"I'm sorry, but he sent me here to ask you if you would be alright to continue filming in a few weeks," Nikki stated.

"I should be. It all depends on the hospital and if they deem me well enough to release me," he replied.

"What are you doing with the nurse?" Nikki asked suddenly.

"What nurse?" Kellan wondered.

"Don't play stupid," Nikki warned.

I was confused at where the hell this was going because it sounded like they were a fighting couple. I continued to listen to see what he might say.

"I'm not doing anything alright. She saved my life and I've been thanking her as much as I possibly can. She's the one assigned to my room to make sure nothing serious happens to me, so stop your little hissy fit," he told her.

"I'm not having a little hissy fit. We aren't together and we never were. We work together, but
I saw how your eyes lit up when she simply walked into the room. What do you suppose
AnnaLynn's reaction is going to be," she asked him.

"I'm not together with AnnaLynn anymore. She can go fuck herself for all I care. She cheated countless numbers of times, and I was just the sob idiot that always went back with her. I've seen how she truly is and there's no way I'll get back with her," he answered coolly.
I had enough of this conversation, but the next thing that Nikki asked made me stop myself from leaving.

"Is she good enough for what we are trying to do," Nikki asked.

"Yeah, she's got real potential," Kellan replied, clearly with a smile on his face.

"Good, don't forget what we're trying to pull off," Nikki reminded him.

"I won't," Kellan said.

"I'll come back in a few days to check on you," Nikki's voice said.

I booked it down the hall once I heard that. The thoughts going through my head made me so freaking confused that I knew I would have to leave early just so I could possibly figure it out. What did they mean? What were they planning? I wasn't sure, but I knew that actors could be messy people to get involved with. I touched my locket and wished that Jimmy was here so that I could talk to him. He always had the right thing to say most of the time. When he wasn't acting crazy he was very wise and also very smart.

Since I had been so busy lately with the hospital I hadn't had much time to look over the music that Jimmy had secretly given me. I felt bad, but I knew that he wouldn't mind me taking so long. Besides, the guys were already talking about going back into the studio. They hadn't talked about the drumming aspect yet, but I knew that I still haven't had the courage to show or even tell my brother and the others about my talent. I clocked out of the hospital glad that I could finally go home. It was late, but I had kept my eyes open with each step I took in the parking garage. I wasn't about to let Christian attack me twice unexpectedly.

When I got home I wanted to sleep, but I didn't. Instead I pulled out the folders that Leana had given me the day of Jimmy's wake. I pulled out the first song he wrote and started looking over it. As I was going through it, I started to realize that maybe Jimmy wrote these for me, so that didn't perform with my brother and the other guys, but that he wrote them for me as a way to get my own start into the music industry. He knew about my talent, mainly because he was that smart.

He kept my secret and I was thankful for that. After re-read the first song I pulled my laptop out and turned it on. This was a long shot and I knew that, especially so late in the game. My brother got his start while still going through high school, as did the rest of them, but I had already graduated high school and some college. I was nurse at the moment as my job, but I hoped that I didn't have that job forever. I thought maybe that's what I wanted to do with my life, but now I'm not so sure anymore.

After my computer was booted up I started creating one of the kickass flyers that I was pretty good at. I used to make them for my brother's band so that they got publicity and they were always happy with my work. Zacky's tried to get me to join his clothing company for years now, saying that it's a much better job than being a nurse with pigheaded boss. I've been tempted to quit many times, but then I realized that Gemma would be alone and I couldn't leave my friend alone at a hospital who talks about people behind their backs. I had a stage name, thanks to Jimmy, but all I needed now were the rest of the people.

A knock on my bedroom door prompted me to immediately shut my laptop. I couldn't let anyone know about what I was trying to do. The door creaked open and Brian's head popped in.

"I thought you might be asleep with all the work you've been doing lately at the hospital," he said, inching his way into the room.

"Yeah, me too, but my brain thought otherwise and decided to stay awake for a little longer. I don't have work tomorrow, thankfully, so I should be able to get some rest then. So, what do you want," I asked him, not fooled by his antics at all.

"Oh, um, well I was just letting you know that the guys and I found a drummer to drum for Jimmy's masterpiece on the new album. I wanted to know if you might want to come to the studio tomorrow and meet him before we get started with everything," he said.

"Sure, sounds like fun. You know that I'll sell merch for you and everything if you decide to tour right," I smirked at him.

"Yeah, I know that, but we're not sure if we are going to tour with this one just yet. Oh, and we're leaving for Mexico and a few days," he added.

"Why?" I asked.

"Uh, special important thing I need to do there," he answered, before quickly leaving the room.

I sighed heavily not really in the mood to deal with Brian's behavior at the moment. I didn't have the patience to try and figure out his secrets, especially since someone else's secrets keep bombarding my mind. I open my laptop and resign in to my desktop. As I continue to create my flyer in hopes to find willing people to practice with I can't help but let my mind wander back to the conversation that I overheard at the hospital. I'm sure I wasn't meant to overhear this particular conversation, but I did.

Now, it would leave me alone and it was bugging me. Maybe he was talking about someone else, but I didn't particularly know. I did, however; know that he clearly did not like this AnnaLynn person that they were both discussing. The way he talked about her was as if she did him wrong in the worst way possible and he was still trying to wrap his head around it to think straight. Either way, I didn't want to know the truth, or did I? I wasn't sure at the moment. I shook my head of the thoughts about the conversation and concentrated on my flyer.

Once it was done I saved it to a flash drive and then shut down my computer. I would take it to a print shop tomorrow to have a massive number printed up. I would post them around colleges, possibly even high schools. I'd post them around parks and any other public place I could think of. I went to sleep shortly after thinking about the future and how I could possibly have my own band soon.