Wonderful Life


Week 26: My baby girl was growing and growing. She could apparently hear when I was talking to the people that were around me. She supposedly weighs about a pound and two-thirds and measures fourteen inches from her head to her butt. Childbirth classes are set, the baby's room is almost done. My back is achy, thanks to my growing uterus, and my abdominal muscles were weak, pressing on my nerves. Increased stress on my joints was slowing me down and I wasn't feeling too great at the end of the day.

The moment I found out that Sam was in the hospital, courtesy of Christian, I was pissed. I couldn't believe that he would sink so low as to hurt Sam, but I knew that it was true. I tried my hardest to keep calm, but I couldn't do it. I loved Sam and the fact that he was hurt because of me, it made me realize that I had to do something. I had to put a stop to this and though Colbie and Brian weren't going to like me meeting up with Christian, I had to do it.

But the first place I was going was to see my father, hoping that he could help me in some way. I needed his advice on what to do and if he could help me, then I would be in his debt. Sam wasn't someone that I wanted to lose, I couldn't see a life without him because I already thought of him as the baby's father. He had been here for me since I had told him, and though it didn't go great at first, Sam understood my situation and he wasn't scared.

I stepped into my father's house, happy to actually be in my childhood home. I had been so tired the past few weeks that once I got comfy, there wasn't any chance that I was getting up from my spot and if I had to, then either Matt or Brian had to help me up, because there was no way that I could get up by myself.

"Gemma." My father greeted me, answering the door.

I smiled and stepped into the living room. "I need your help." I said, turning around to face him.

"With what? The pregnancy? I thought that Sam was...." He began.

Stopping him in his tracks, I held my hand up to silence him. "Sam's currently out of commission." I replied.

"What are you talking about?" My father asked, helping me sit on the couch.

I sighed and tugged at my hair. "Sam showed up at the hospital as Colbie was leaving. He said that Christian attacked him. I haven't seen him yet, but Colbie told me that he's in pretty bad shape. Now, Christian has already lied to the world, and I'm at the end of my rope. I want him exposed. I am prepared to go before everyone and expose him for the creep he is." I explained.

"I know about the articles. I've seen them. He's obviously trying to get you to fold." He added.

I nodded and shook my head. "I'm not going to. That's why I'm here. I need your help." I responded.


I decided to spend the day with my parents, finishing the nursery for Cassie here, with my mother and father, so it would be ready when we decided to visit and stay. I tried to get things done, to keep my mind off of Christian and what he did to Sam, but putting together the furniture and putting my baby's clothes away, wasn't helping. I chose not to have a shower, and I was glad about that, seeing as I knew Christian would probably follow me and try to weasel his way in. I didn't want to cause a scene or anything.

I had been lounging in the rocking chair when my purse started ringing and I had to rock a few times until I could finally get up on my feet. Once I was on my tootsies, I walked over to where the phone was resting on the crib mattress and I answered it, knowing who it was the moment he said the news.

"Speak of the devil..." I seethed. Christian.

"Dear Gemma, visit work anytime lately?" He sang.

"Listen, I know it was you, and you can come at me anyway you want, but let's get one thing clear: I don't want you, I won't ever want you or love you. And Hell will freeze over before I ever decide to be with you. And if you don't like that...Too Bad. You need to get over yourself, find someone who wants you, because I sure as hell don't. I will marry Sam one day and you'll have to just deal with it. Sam is this baby's father, you are nothing to me!" I spat.

"Oh, Gemma, you'll see that we're made for each other soon enough." He mused.

I couldn't believe that he was actually thinking that we were going to have a happy ending. "I don't think so. My child will never have anything to do with you!" I retorted. And I hung up on him.

Week 27: The baby weighs almost two pounds, and is about fourteen and a half inches long with her legs extended. She's sleeping and waking at regular intervals, opening and closing her eyes. Her brain is active and she's experiencing baby hiccups, and I giggle every time that I feel them. Second trimester is almost over and my aching back was bad enough, but now I had cramping leg muscles, that were sporadic.

I woke up that next morning, wanting to have Sam snuggled around me, his arm draped around me and his hand on the baby. But it wasn't a possibility. I was laying in bed, on my side, alone and wondering what Sam was doing, how he was recovering, wondering if I could see him yet. Colbie said that he had some severe injuries, cracked ribs, a concussion, things like that and I couldn't process how twisted Christian had become.

Since I was spending more and more time with my mother, I could talk to her about anything and I asked her about pregnancy, some of the things to expect. She told me that you gain about four pounds a month, and she told me that for as small as I was, I could have to undergo a C-Section. I was scared, but she told me that my body already knew what to do, and that it was making room for the baby. I trusted what she said, and then accepted that. Even though I was a nurse, and had been through several medical procedures, and seen it all, when it was going to happen to me, it was a bit scary.

Right now, I really didn't want to get up or go to work. I wanted to stay here and curl up with with my blankets and fall back asleep, but I had my job. I pulled the covers off of me, and I felt the baby nudge me.

"Morning, baby." I mumbled.

And then I rubbed my belly. "Time to get up and go to work." I added.

Sometimes it seemed so surreal that I was actually here, with a baby on the way, everything going good as far as the pregnancy. Because I knew that life was uncertain and anything could happen. I did dwell on the negative, but I tried not to. I was trying to keep a positive state of mind. I was going to be okay, I had Sam, my family and friends and my baby.

Yawning, I turned the the shower dial on and turned it all the way to HOT. I crossed my arms and pulled the shirt over my head and stepped into the steamy shower. I didn't have to be in court until ten, so I could be as lazy as I wanted. I took my time, washing my hair with my Fekkai shampoo and conditioner and then scrubbed my body with my Twilight Woods shower gel. Once I was rinsed off, I turned the shower off and stepped out and drying off and then wrapped a white, fluffy towel around my body. I walked out into the bedroom, and I grabbed a pair of white maternity boy shorts out of my drawer, along with a matching bra and then slipped them on.

I continued my routine by drying my hair and straightening it with my flat iron and then got dressed. I slipped on my black maternity scrubs, and straightened out my long sleeve shirt that I had on under it.

I desperately wanted to wear my Chucks, since they were the most comfortable for my aching feet, but as hospital policy, I couldn't and pulled on my regular white nurse's shoes and had a hard time seeing my feet over my huge belly. I finished my hair, and pinned it back, giving my bangs that stylish poof that kept my bangs out of my face and threw the rest up in a ponytail. I knew that once my daughter got here, there would be less me time and more her time. Once that was done, I applied a bit of eyeliner and mascara to my eyes, and then a clear coat of gloss to my lips and my look was perfected.

Stepping downstairs, Brian was sitting on the couch, and watching some show, when I poured a cup of coffee. He turned around and smiled at me.

"Hey." He said, smiling up at me. "How are you?"

I sighed. "Good. I'm tired and everything aches. But I'm anxious to see Sam. Colbie told me that he didn't look good." I replied, my heart aching.

Getting into the hospital, I signed in and started my rounds, and was on my feet practically the whole day. I was tired and cranky and there were too many pushy people who were clawing to get a chance at touching my belly. They all knew who I was now, and were asking how it felt to be pregnant with Christian Bale's baby, and I just wanted to tell them that he was a sick, twisted freak hellbent on making my life miserable, but I didn't. I just wanted to get through this day and get back to Sam, who had been on my mind the whole day. I was thinking about his recovery, if he was healing properly.


Week 28: Third Trimester!! I was supposed to gain eleven pounds! Already 125 now, and more is adding on! I was starting to feel an unpleasant "creepy-crawly" sensation in their lower legs and an irresistible urge to move them while trying to relax or sleep.

"Hey." I said, sitting down beside Sam's bed. He was hooked up to the EKG machine, leads and monitors attached to his chest, and I could tell that Christian had definitely done some damage.

He smiled. "Hey, how's the baby?" He asked, reaching for my hand.

"Good. I'm starting to feel her move inside me. She's definitely becoming more active." I replied.

I was starting to experience the aches in my lower abdomen, the ligaments that were supporting my uterus were still stretching and my leg cramps were still going on, not to mention the enlarged breasts, and I was also experiencing shortness of breath, since the baby was growing and pushing against my ribcage, my appetite was very healthy, and all terrible morning sickness was gone, and needing to pee every ten minute was gone as well. I was also experiencing false labor, false contractions, but I knew what I was in for now.

"Have you decided on a name for the baby?" He asked, his voice raspy.

I nodded. "Yeah. Cassandra Elizabeth Ryan." I replied. "Why are you acting like you're never going to see me again? Are you done with me because of Christian?"

It was like he was distancing himself from me. "No. I'm...I meant what I said before. I want you and the baby. I'm just....I don't want to talk about what happened. I don't...What happened to me, was Christian's fault. Not yours." He answered.

"It feels like it's mine." I replied, scooting closer to him, as much as my stomach would allow.

He smiled softly at me. "Christian threatened me. He wanted to get rid of me so he could get closer to you. He wanted me to dump you, but I told him that I wasn't going to do it. I love you, Gemma. I don't want anything to happen to you, and if I happen to get hurt in the middle of trying to protect you from your psychotic ex-best friend, then it happens." He replied, explaining everything to me.

"You're gonna make me cry. I'm already hormonal enough." I added, sniffling.

Sam chuckled. "You look beautiful, even with the stretch marks that you think are everywhere." He murmured.

"What's the doctor say?" He inquired. "Is she growing well?"

I nodded, smiling. "Yes. I'm great. He checked my weight gain...Don't ask about that, my blood pressure, urine, the fundal height, edema, varicose veins, and any symptoms that I told him I had. He also checked the size, and position of the baby, and the fetal heartbeat. The baby is great." I explained, knowing that he wanted to keep up on the progress of the baby.

Just these last few weeks, I had finalized my birthing plan. I was getting the damn epidural, knowing that I wasn't going to be able to do it without the drugs.

"Oh, and my belly button popped out. It looks weird, but it happens." I said, lifting up my shirt and Sam poked at it.


Week 29: The baby was active now, very active, kicking and squirming as much as she could. The guys and Colbie loved feeling the baby and Sam did too. He's in the hospital for a while, to make sure that he fully recovers. Just waiting for the baby to finally get here, waiting and waiting.

I was at work, filling out a few dozen charts that needed to be updated, since the nurses that were supposed to do this, weren't doing their job. I didn't have the energy to go looking for them, so I just started getting them done by myself, knowing that I would bitch Donovan out later for letting his little floozies get off without following hospital procedure like they were supposed to.

Once I was finally done with the last chart, I was about to go home, and I was getting a ride from Matt, who was on his way. Changing out of my black scrubs, I had grabbed my things and was getting ready to head to the entrance, when I came face to face with the person I didn't want to see. I was rubbing my bump, where the baby had just kicked me, and felt a familiar set of eyes on my stomach.They made my skin crawl and I knew that Christian was facing me.

"Gemma, you look gorgeous." He drawled.

I knew that Christian just wanted to scare me, make me think that he could spook me and get me to fold. "You aren't supposed to be anywhere near me, Christian." I spat, protectively shielding my baby from him.

He chuckled darkly. "The things you can do. To get a restraining order lifted." He said. His eyes lingered on my belly, and I shivered in disgust. I wondered how I ever became friends with someone like this.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, glaring at him. "You need to leave, unless you want Matt to fuck up your face again."

He seemed to forget I asked him anything. "So....How's Sam? By the way, I have to say that you look stunning. You're practically glowing." He lilted.

I scoffed. "I love my baby and my boyfriend." I said.

"Our baby, Gemma. Our baby. You seem to have forgotten that I'm that child's father. Not Sam, not Brian, not Matt. Me. And you're as stupid as the rest of them if you think that you're going to keep me from my daughter's life." He threatened.

He sneered. "Yes. I know that we're having a daughter. Our daughter, Cassandra Elizabeth, will know who I am and you won't be keeping her from me." He added.

"I think that you've forgotten that we're not married, you're not going to be on the birth certificate. I can make that decision, and you aren't going to be anywhere near her." I spat, making everything crystal clear.

I saw Christian's nostrils flare and just as he grabbed me by the wrist, Matt walked in. I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Get your damn hands off her." Matt seethed, and Christian quickly let go of me.

I glared at Christian. "Stay away from me. Otherwise, everyone in the world will know how I ended up pregnant." I threatened, making sure that he knew what I was talking about.


Week 30: My little girl is getting bigger, taking up more room. Having trouble sleeping, clumsier than normal, but perfectly understandable. I am way heavier than I usually am and with loose joints, I'm a ball of clumsiness. Emotional ups and downs are hitting me, especially with Sam in the hospital, Christian lurking around and getting ready to have the baby.

Week 31: I was feeling the false contractions, knowing that they were far apart and didn't hurt as bad as they will soon. They're irregular, painless and infrequent, but catch me by surprise whether on call at the hospital or at home, lounging.

Week 32: My uterus is up near my diaphragm, crowding my stomach and I have been experiencing shortness of breath and heartburn. Everything is feeling different, since I'm almost ready to welcome the baby into the world.

I knew that Christian was secretly keeping tabs on me. He was irritated and enraged that I was hiding, that I was keeping the baby from him and that I chose Sam to spend my life with. He was really jealous of the life that I had, the relationship that I had with Sam, and everyone around me.

He wanted me to be his wife and bear his children, something that he knew wouldn't happen, well, the fact that I was having his child, that was one thing that he got, but he wasn't going to be allowed to be anywhere near my daughter, no matter how much he threatened me, I knew that he wouldn't hurt me, or the baby.

Right now, I was resting in bed, watching Iron Man 2, while in a maternity shirt, with socks on my feet and I was resting a bowl of popcorn on my belly. Colbie was out, working and she wasn't going to be home until later. I usually lounged around, staying out of the paps' eye, and just keeping my stress levels down. I was going to be on maternity leave very soon, and I had been taking the last seven weeks to make sure that everything for the baby was ready.

I got up, feeling restless and decided to pick up the mess that the guys left in the living room. I couldn't believe that they were so messy. I mean, they were pigs sometimes. And they all knew that I was a clean freak and that I would get so angry. Once I was all done picking up the living room, I heard the door open and close.

I looked up to see Brian, walking into the house. He was in a pair of dark blue jeans, a white t-shirt, and a pair of Nike's. He removed his sunglasses and smiled at me. I wondered what I looked like, and I caught my reflection, I was still in my over sized t-shirt, sock covered feet, and my hair was in a messy bun. I smiled back.

He walked over, smiling at me. "How are we today?" He asked, as I rubbed my belly.

"Fine. She's kicking me. We have a soccer player on our hands." I said.

He nodded. "Do you think I'll be able to feel a kick?" He asked. I nodded and hesitantly, he placed his hand on my belly, and right where Brian's hand was, the baby kicked, very hard.

"Ow!" I griped. "That was a hard kick. She definitely knows who you all are. She kicks hard for you guys."