Wonderful Life


Work was completely and utterly heinous at the moment. Donovan was just as much a pig as ever and he was starting to get on my nerves. The more advances he tried to make on me the more I didn't want to be a nurse anymore. I sighed as I came into my brother's house. I loved him so much and ever since I joined the Haner family at the age of five, I have loved him. Our little sister McKenna was always adorable, but she was a lot smarter than most twelve year olds.

"Colbie, when did you get here," Brian asked walking into his kitchen.

Before I could answer him his doorbell rang. He left to go and answer it while I stayed in the kitchen so that I could finish making myself a snack.

"Gem, what are you doing here?" I heard my brother ask.

I then heard my best friend's voice filter through the house and into the kitchen.

"Happy to be out of that hellhole," I heard her groan.

"What? I thought you loved your job though," my brother said rather confused.

"I do. Well, aside from the asshole doctors, the pushy patients, and the bitchy nurses, excluding Colbie that is," she replied.

I listened to the rest of the conversation until Gemma mentioned Donovan. I finished my snack and then walked out into the living room.

"She's right. Donovan is a pig. I can't believe that he's actually thinking that either of us is interested in him. I'd rather be celibate for the rest of my life it meant I had to date him," I cut in.

Gemma was lying on the couch as if she were a dead weight. It was quite funny actually.

"Okay, I want to sit on the couch Gemma. Move your ass or I'll sit on your legs," Brian threatened playfully.

"Go ahead, I'm not scared," Gemma replied with a smirk.

I chuckled at her boldness and shook my head in disbelief. "Be careful, Gem because if the others get here then you'll end up on the bottom of the dog pile," I told her.

Gemma was like another sister to me. We had met in college and ever since have been best friends. We ended up working at the same hospital as nurses and it was fun because we both had someone to talk to and not cringe at the sight of. Gemma was getting ready to start medical school in order to get her license to be a doctor. She had a long journey ahead of her, but I had faith that she would be able to do it.

Gemma's personality is more like a free spirit. When she's having a bad day and someone pisses her off, then everyone should watch out because she's pretty feisty. She likes to get into arguments with just about everyone because of her very stubborn and very opinionated attitude. I've had to break up a lot of those arguments before they ended up being full blown fights. Gemma has been around for so long that my brother's friends are like her siblings too. She gets along well with Johnny and Zacky a lot.

I love Gemma so much and I couldn't see my life without my best friend in it at all. Her intelligence is quite awe inspiring considering she doesn't back down from anything or let people talk shit about her. Her friend Christian Bale seemed a bit sketchy to me when I first met him, but she swears that he's good to her. I don't like to put my foot where it doesn't belong, so I try to stay out of those affairs. I help her out when she needs help when it concerns Christian and he's not being reasonable, but that's about it. I just don't care for him personally.

"Are you going to see your parents before we go, like you promised," I asked Gemma as she sat up to let Brian finally sit down on the couch.

She sighed heavily and then ran her hand through her hair. "I'm not sure if I want to. They're fighting again over some business thing now and they will more than likely want me to pick sides," she answered.

"Even though you promised them that you would visit," I prompted.

"Yeah, I'll be more inclined to leave my phone off and not talk to them the entire time. I don't want them to ruin our trip to Australia," She replied.

I nodded my head in understanding.

"I still don't know why you're going during Christmas time," Brian grumbled a bit.

"You know as well as I do that I wish we could be here, but this was the only time that we could get off from the hospital and for Gemma to still have some time before she starts med
school," I told him with a glare.

"I know, but you've never missed a Christmas before," Brian stated.

"Yeah, it'll be different for me to, but we'll manage," I said giving him a hug.

"So, I'll meet you at the entrance to the airport tomorrow morning right," I asked turning my attention back to my best friend.

"Yep, I have to pack still, but I'll be ready to go tomorrow," she grinned at me.


The next morning I was woken up by a loud yelling. I groaned and stuffed my head further under my pillow.

"COLBIE, WAKE UP," the loud voice of Jimmy pierced my ears.

"Go away, Jimmy," I whined through my pillow so it was rather muffled.

"No, you've got to wake up, you don't want to miss your flight do you," he taunted playfully.
I was out of my bed in a flash and running towards the bathroom. I showered under ten minutes and was brushing my hair after getting dressed. As I walked out of the bathroom with the brush going through my hair I could see Jimmy doubled over in laughter.

"I hate you Jimmy," I glared at him playfully.

"No you don't. You love me," he stated excitedly.

"How could I not love you, you big oaf," I said hugging him tightly around the waist.

He hugged me back just as tight. When he pulled away something flashed in his eyes, but before I could ask about it, it was gone.

"Jimmy, you okay," I asked concerned.

"Yeah, fine," he said sounding a bit distant.

"You sure," I prodded.

"Yep, don't you worry about me," he grinned before rubbing his fist into my hair.

I wiggled away from him and glared at him again. I put my toiletries into my suitcase and then zipped it up. Jimmy took it from me and I followed him down the stairs. I had been staying at my brother's house for awhile lately because my apartment lease had expired and I was about to renew it, but didn't have enough money. My brother, being the overprotective person he is of me, offered me a room so I was living with him.

All the guys were downstairs and in the living room. They all loved me and made sure that I was doing alright.

"Hey guys," I said with a grin on my face.

"So are you excited to be going to Australia," Matt asked.

"Yeah, it should be relaxing," I answered.

"Colbie, can I talk to you in private," Jimmy asked suddenly.

"Yeah sure," I said furrowing my eyebrows in confusion.

I followed him into the kitchen, but he walked straight to the backyard. I was really confused now. When he finally stopped he was standing by the fence that looked out to the beach. He had a dazed look in his eye and he was scaring me a little bit.

"Jimmy, are you okay," I asked touching his shoulder lightly.

"I wanted to give you something before you left," he said turning to face me.

"Okay," I said still rather confused.

"I know how you've always been coming to me for tips on the drums, and I don't want you to give up on that dream if it is a dream you wish to pursue. That being said I want you to have one of my drum kits. I can have it sent here or to wherever you want it to go," he said.

"Jimmy, why are you giving me one of your drum kits," I asked a little worried at his behavior.

"I have a lot, and I know you have a deep passion for them, I'm not blind and I'm not stupid. I want you to have one so that you don't have to go and buy a set for yourself," he said.

"Thank you Jimmy, I love you, and don't you ever forget that," I said hugging him tightly.

"I won't," he said hugging me back just as tightly.

We stayed in that embrace for awhile longer. When he pulled away he handed me a pair of drumsticks. They were specially made and had his name engraved at the bottom, but above his name was a different stage name that I didn't recognize.

"Who is Angel Gates," I asked confused.

"Your stage name, it took me awhile, but I finally realized what name fit you and your personality as whole. I mean you're the Angel to the Synyster," he told me.

"Jimmy, thank you," I said hugging him again.

"COLBIE, WE HAVE TO GO SO YOU DON'T MISS YOUR PLANE," my brother yelled out the back door.

"COMING," I answered back.

"Don't ever lose sight of your dreams," Jimmy told me after I had turned back to my dearest

Together we walked back to the house, but I couldn't help, but think about the whole thing just happened between Jimmy and me. He was such a lively person and he surprised you at every turn. You couldn't help, but love him. Once back inside the house all the guys said goodbye to me as Brian led me out the door to take me to the airport.

I met Gemma at the doors and gave Brian one last hug goodbye before Gemma and I headed inside to begin our vacation. Going through customs was a bit of a pain since it took them thirty freaking minutes just get us both through. It was insane or rather beyond insane. I had asked Gemma if I could store a drum kit at her house that Jimmy had given me and she said that it was alright. I had texted Jimmy since he wanted to know where to have the kit sent to. He texted back, and it said that it would be waiting for me when I got back from my vacation.

Finally we were on the plane to Australia. It was going to be a ten hour flight, but that gave me time to sleep and read the final installment of the Vampire Academy series that both Gemma and I loved to read. Gemma hadn't told Christian that we were leaving for vacation and I was praying that he wouldn't go berserk on her. She deserved someone who treated her with respect, could handle every little quirk and pet peeve she had, but most of all loved her for who she was and not try and change her. I was looking for the same thing, but I wasn't sure if I would ever find that.


Gemma and I were so amazed by the hotel we were staying at. Unfortunately, the hotel screwed up our reservations, but they amended their mistake by giving us a different room for free. It was one less expense we had to pay for so it was nice.

The room we had, had two queen beds. It had a huge bay window that had a wonderful view of the water. The beds were placed on opposite ends of the room so it was set up like a dorm room in a college dorm rather than a typical hotel room. I claimed my side of the room while Gemma wandered the room in awe.

"This place is amazing," I said as Gemma came back into the main room from the bathroom.

Gemma nodded her head in agreement. "It sure is. Have you seen the marble tub? It's like a swimming pool," she gushed excitedly.

After we got settled I felt the jet lag set in. Gemma and I ordered room service and then after
we ate we watched a movie before letting the sleep take over. I had a very unsettling dream that seemed to have lasted forever. When I woke up I found Gemma lounging with the TV remote and watching an old TV movie with Johnny Depp as the star. I glanced at the clock and realized that it was noon.

"Want to get some lunch," I asked Gemma.

"That would be great, I'm actually starving," she said, "but I was waiting for you to wake up," she added.

We left soon after I changed my clothes.


A couple of nights later after we had arrived, Gemma and I wanted to check out the night life of Australia, since we did just about everything that the daylight could let us do. Gemma dressed up rather sexy and I dressed a little more conservative, but still as if I wanted to have some fun. Throughout the day though, I had a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach.
My dream came back twice since the first time I had it and I didn't like it one bit. Something didn't feel all that right and I was worried. I made sure that my phone was on and completely charged. After we left we headed to the club that we had found while walking around during the day. Gemma went straight for the bar for drinks and I followed just as enthusiastically. One thing I gained by being a Haner was the love to have fun and party hard.

I was sitting at the table waiting for Gemma to come back from the bar when I felt my phone vibrate in my hand. I looked at it and furrowed my eyebrows when I saw my brother's name flash across the caller ID screen. The music was too loud so I walked towards the back of the club and stepped outside so that I could hear him better.

"Hello," I answered once I answered.

"Colbie, you need to come home," Brian said sounding a bit off.

"What why," I asked confused.

"I'll explain when you get home, but you need to come home now," he said.

"Alright, I'll be on the first flight home," I said.

"I'll be at the airport waiting," he said and then hung up.

Something was wrong. I couldn't pinpoint it just yet, but something in my brother's voice seemed off. I remembered my conversation with Jimmy before I left to come to Australia and then tried to put my brother's tone of voice in with his odd behavior.

I went back into the club and found Gemma standing next to a rather good looking guy. She was about to introduce herself when she locked eyes with mine. Her expressions changed immediately and she rushed to my side.

"Colbie are you alright," she asked.

I sniffled a bit. "I'm….I have to leave. Brian just called and something's not right back home," I answered her.

"Okay, do you….do you want me to go with you?" she asked me.

I shook my head. "No. You stay here and enjoy the rest of the vacation. I'll be fine. I have to go now," I answered her.

"Okay, well the minute you find out what's wrong, you better give me a call," she told me seriously.

I nodded my head before giving her a hug and heading out of the club.


The plane ride back to California was long and tiresome. I slept the whole time on the plane. When the plane landed it was about midnight in California. I had literally taken a red-eye flight back home. When I came down from the terminal and immediately found my brother. I walked over to him and right away noticed that he had been crying.

"Brian what's wrong," I asked.

He didn't say anything. Instead he just pulled me into a hug and hugged me tightly. I didn't know what was wrong because he wouldn't tell me, but I knew something had happened while I was away. When he pulled away he led me to the baggage claim. He wouldn't speak. He grabbed my bags and then led the way to his truck. Once inside the truck he immediately started it up. He was scaring me and I didn't like it. The drive from John Wayne Airport to his house in Huntington was quiet. The silence was agonizing and I didn't like it. He pulled into the driveway of the house and then grabbed my bags. I followed him into the house where he had just dropped my bags on the floor by the door.

We were standing in the living room when I couldn't take it anymore.

"Brian, what the hell is wrong," I asked.

He turned to face me. His eyes were glazed over again.

"Jimmy's dead," he said.

"Wh….what," I asked not understanding.

"Jimmy's dead," he said a little louder.

"No, no, he was just here three days ago," I said not believing him.

"We found yesterday in his house Colbie, he's dead," Brian said.

I broke down right then and there. Jimmy had always been in my life and for him to leave it so suddenly, and so young just didn’t sit right with me. I knew something had been wrong all day long while I was in Australia. I had had that feeling in the pit of my stomach the whole day and now I knew why. Brian held onto me as we both sank to the living room floor and cried for our lost friend.