Wonderful Life


I still had yet to talk to Gemma. Brian had told me that she was worried about me. I wanted to talk to her, but at the moment I couldn't. I wanted to wait until her daughter was in the clear before I told her anything. Brian kept me updated, but I knew that I should at least call her and let her know that I was doing alright. Brian wanted me to forego the phone call and just go see her in the NICU, but I couldn't. He had asked me why, but I just gave him a look that said "are you kidding me". He realized what I was getting at and dropped the subject all together. Kellan and I were still going out on Saturday. I had yet to tell Brian. Speak of the devil and he arrives to bother his sister again.

"Hey, Colbie I'm going to go and visit Gemma," he said.

"Alright, let her know that I say hi please," I said.

"Of course, but she's going to wonder why you haven't come to see Cassie," he said.

"I know that, I do, but I can't step foot in that hospital ever again. I don't feel safe there anymore," I told him.

"I understand. Is there anything that you need while I'm out?" He asked.

"No, but I do need to talk to you before you leave," I said.

"What about?" he asked.

I sighed not sure how I was going to break this news to him. Matt had seen Kellan in the corner the night he came to get me, but he was too concerned for my well being to even acknowledge him so he didn't even know either.

"Colbie?" Brian prompted.

I took a deep breath. "I know that you don't like it when I date people without them passing your tests, but this one is completely different," I said.

"What do you mean?" He asked narrowing his eyes.

"The night of my incident this guy helped me to the hospital. He and another friend of mine drove me away from where it happened to Long Beach General. That was the next closest hospital that I would even consent to going to that night. He stayed with me until Matt came to pick me up. I saved his life awhile back though, so I guess he was only returning the favor, but I don't care about favors or anything. I care about the fact that even after the whole thing went down he still wanted to make sure that I was alright," I said.

"So you're saying that this guy helped you after you helped him and you've been seeing him since then," Brian tried to piece together the whole thing.

"Yeah, that about sums it all up," I said.

"Were you going to introduce me to him anytime soon?" He asked.

"Tomorrow," I mumbled.

"What?" Brian asked.

"I said tomorrow," I replied louder.

"Tomorrow, okay. Well, then I guess I'll get the guys together because you know how they get," Brian grinned wickedly.

"Please don't be a total ass to the guy," I pleaded with him.

"You know the tests, and if the guy passes then he's cool with us. Oh, and don't go giving him any kind of warning," Brian said his eyes narrowed a little.

I groaned as I watched him walk out the door. This whole night tomorrow was going to be a total disaster. I could just feel that it was going to be. All I could do was take it in stride because it was the only way I could take it. I just hoped that my brother wouldn't go overboard with these older brother tests that he's had in place since I turned thirteen.


The next morning I woke up and just lay in bed. I didn't want to move. It was the day of the premier and also the day that Brian and the rest of the guys were going to 'test' Kellan. I hadn't given him any kind of heads up, except for the fact that my brother wanted to meet him. I couldn't help, but feel that this night would turn out to be a complete and utter disaster because of these stupid 'tests' Brian put into place.

I finally rolled out of bed only to be stopped from taking my shower by my ringing cell phone. I picked it up and looked at the flashing name on the screen. Gemma was calling me. I took a deep breath and answered her call for the first time in weeks.

"Hello," I answered.

"Colbie, are you alright?" Gemma asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I said.

"Why haven't you been answering my calls for the past few weeks?" She demanded, sounding a bit hurt.

"I'm sorry Gem, really I am, but I wanted to be sure that you weren't stressing over your daughter. Something happened to me, but I didn't want you to worry about me. I know that I should have at least answered one of your calls, but I just couldn't," I said.

"Yes, you should have, but why didn't you?" She asked.

"I was dealing with some stuff and it's just about done with," I said.

"What kind of stuff?" She asked.

"I promise that I will fill you in about what happened to me later, but right now I can't. Part of the reason I can't is because I would prefer to tell you in person," I told her.

"Then come to the hospital," she said.

"I can't," I answered.

"Why not?" She wondered.

"Please don't badger me about this right now. I have to make sure that my brother and the rest of the guys don't screw up my night at the moment. Kellan's taking me to a premiere tonight and it's the first night that Brian and the others will have met him. I'm sorry if I don't sound forthcoming with my problems, but I don't want to add anymore stress on you than you need at the moment," I said.

"Alright, but the minute that I get out of here with Cassie you better tell me everything that's happened," she said.

"I promise that I will do just that," I said.

"Good. I have to get back to Sam and Cassie now, so I'll let you go. I hope you have fun tonight," she said.

"Thanks, I hope so too," I giggled.

"Talk to you later," she said.

"Of course I'll talk to you later," I said.

"Alright then, goodbye," she said.

"Bye," I replied hanging up.

I sighed as I placed my phone back down on my nightstand. I thought that it would have been a lot harder to talk to Gemma, but it wasn't. I felt so bad that I hadn't talked to her in so long, but it was part of my own healing process. Everyone healed differently from what doctors said. I grabbed some clothes for the day, but made sure that my shirt wasn't a pull over since my hair was going to be done up super special for tonight. When I had my clothes I stepped into the bathroom and started up my shower.

When I was done with my shower and dressed I made my way downstairs. Val and Matt were over, which was good since she was helping me out later on. Michelle was already here so now all I had to do was wait for Gena to arrive with Zacky. Lacey was working all day so that's why she couldn't help.

"Hey Colbie, are you excited for tonight?" Val asked.

"Yeah, but I would be a little happier if Brian and the rest of the guys don't all go macho on my date," I said with smirk.

"Oh, Matt knows not to be too rude to him," Val smirked at him.

"Come on Val, we're just trying to look out for her," Matt complained.

"And I appreciate that Matt, but don't forget that he was the one who took me from that horrid hospital in first place. I owe him my life," I said.

"Fine, but he still has to go through the tests," he said.

"That's fine, as long as you aren't too intimidating," I giggled.

Matt scoffed, but I knew that he was kidding. I walked over to him and gave him a hug and then gave Val a hug as well. We ate breakfast and we were just finishing when both Brian and Michelle walked into the kitchen all bleary eyed.

"What's for breakfast?" Brian asked through a yawn.

"Cereal," I said nonchalantly.

Brian glared at me, but I just grinned. I loved to tease him when I could. It was a lot of fun. I stuck my tongue out for affect and he just chuckled. He knew that I meant nothing by it either. Brian and Michelle sat down and I stood up. I had decided at the last minute that I would do something. I hoped that I wouldn't regret this decision either. I needed Val's help, so I hope that she would agree to this.

"So, how's the album coming along?" I asked.

"It's pulling together fine. Mike is a Godsend at the moment. His help on this, even if it's only for just one year, is going to make this one of the best ones yet," Matt said.

"That's good," I said.

"Yeah," Brian piped up.

"Have you thought about drummers for when Mike leaves?" I asked.

"No, we're taking baby steps right now," Matt answered.

"Good, good. Val, can you come with me please?" I asked.

"Sure," she said with a warm smile.

I always loved Val. She was like an older sister to me and I loved that. She followed me into the living room and then I turned around to face her. "What's wrong Colbie?" she asked.

"I need to face my fears and I don't want to do it alone," I said.

"You're fears?" she questioned.

"Will you come with me to Huntington Hospital?" I asked.

"Of course, honey, I'll do anything for you. Is there a reason you are going?" She asked.

"To see Gemma, Sam, and Cassie," I admitted.

"She'll be pleased that you are doing this," she said.

"I know, but it's going to be hard and that's why I don't want to go alone," I said.

"Honey, you need to turn him in to the cops," Val said.

"I know, but are they seriously going to arrest him. I haven't heard anything from the two cops that took my statement months ago," I said.

"Well, let's just go so then we can focus on tonight and not have you all rattled by anything else. I'm going to make you gorgeous and Gena is going to do your hair. Michelle will be the look out to make sure that the boys are behaving," Val grinned.

I knew Michelle and I knew that she loved to eavesdrop on people. It was what made her so devious at times. She taught me a few tricks of hers and I will always be grateful for that as well. Val grasped my hand and we started for the door.

"Where do you think you two are going?" Matt asked.

"Colbie and I are going out for awhile. We'll be back later. Michelle knows what to get at the store so just make sure that she gets her but in order," Val said.

"Alright, but be careful," Matt said.

"We will," I assured him.

Val and I left the house and then headed for my car. I asked her to drive because I wanted to be able to collect my nerves and fears together on the drive there. I knew that the NICU ward was nowhere near the place that I had been raped, but just being in the vicinity of the place freaked me out. The ride was a lot shorter than I wanted it to be. Val assured me that we would go in when I was ready. I sat there with my eyes wide as possible trying to breathe and keep my head from replaying the bad memories by just looking at the building. I looked at Val and nodded my head.

We went in together and she even held my hand the whole time. I felt safe with her there. As we were walking I saw a nurse that I knew from the ER and she saw me and stopped me.

"Hey, Colbie it's been awhile, um did you hear the news?" she asked.

"No what news?" I asked her.

"Dr. Richards was fired a week after your attack," she said.

"He was?" I asked, not sure if I could believe that statement.

"Yeah, the board was appalled at what he was doing. You weren't the first one he did it to. A lot of other nurses started coming out with news of being raped by him after you did," she said.

I couldn't respond to that. I didn't know that I had made an impact on this hospital at all. All I did was my job and nothing else. I still wasn't going to come back here to work. I was done with the hospital, well at least working for one. I thanked the nurse for the information and Val continued to lead me towards the NICU unit. I saw my old boss Dr. Donovan and he gave me a sympathetic smile instead of one of his usual wise cracks. We reached the NICU unit and I went to the nurses' station.

"Can I help you?" the nurse asked kindly.

"Yeah, I'm looking for my friend," I said.

"Name?" she asked.

"Gemma Ryan," I said.

"Down the hall and to the left," she said.

I thanked her and Val walked with me. So far this visit was going according to plan. Now that I heard that Dr. Richards had been fired I was more freaked out than normal. I didn't want him coming after me thinking that it was my fault that he lost his job. I was going to be really paranoid now. I turned the corner into a small little room with an incubator inside.

I saw Gemma sitting in a chair. Her eyes were closed and she looked a little more peaceful than normal. I hoped that Christian wasn't bothering her. We walked in after I lightly knocked on the door. Gemma shot up from the chair in a flash, but relaxed when she saw that it was me.

"I thought you weren't coming to the hospital to visit," she said, her eyes narrowing.

"I made the decision to face my fears and come back here," I admitted.

"Face your fears?" she asked.

"Yeah, I'm officially afraid of the hospital now," I said.

"Why?" she asked.

"Promise you won't freak out?" I asked.

"I promise," she said.

I took a deep breath. "One night that I was working late, Dr. Richards called me into his office. I thought nothing of it and went to see him. He was usually really professional with me and the other staff members that I thought he was just giving me more work to do. I was wrong. He locked me in his office and raped me repeatedly for over three hours. When I finally escaped I was disoriented, scared, not sure what I was supposed to do. Kellan and Nikki found me outside the hospital and took me to the one in Long Beach because I refused to come back in here. They did a rape kit and I reported it to the police. After that I've been trying to heal. It's why I haven't returned calls or answered them. Today has been the first really," I explained to her.

"Oh my God, Colbie, I'm so sorry. I wish you would have come to me. I would have helped you," she said.

"I couldn't. I had to find my own way to heal and that was shutting everyone out. Matt let me stay with him for weeks before he finally told my brother that I wasn't eating or sleeping. I couldn't sleep because I was afraid that my mind would replay everything over and over again," I told her.

"I understand. Well, do you want to see your Goddaughter?" she asked.

"Well that was part of the reason that I came. I just can't stay long. I need to get home so I can get ready for the premiere tonight," I said.

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot. Well, come here you," Gemma smiled at me.

I held Cassie in my arms long enough until she started fussing. Gemma replaced her in her incubator when that happened. I sat and watched her for awhile before Val reminded me that I had to be home so we could start the beautification process for the night. Gemma giggled at that and told me to have fun. Val and I left the hospital and I felt a world of weight being lifted from my shoulders. I thanked her as we drove back to Brian's house. Once there she whisked me up the stairs. Gena was talking with Michelle when we returned. Michelle and Gena joined us shortly after.

I had just finished getting my hair done by Gena when I heard the doorbell ring. I closed my eyes and prayed that Michelle would get the door and not my brother. All the guys were over and chatting in the living room, and even without Jimmy around anymore they still managed to be freaking loud. They seemed to get super quiet once they heard the doorbell.

"Michelle will make sure that they are being good," Val reassured me.

I smiled weakly at her as she told me to stand up and strip. I did as she said and then she made me change my undergarments so that I was wearing a strapless bra instead of one with straps. When I was done with that she came over with my dress that Michelle had picked out. I trusted their fashion sense and when I saw the dress I was so happy that I did. The dress was absolutely beautiful. It was a dark blue satin dress with a crystal like mermaid design all over. Val helped me into the dress and then I slipped on the silver stilettos that came with it.

It was time for make-up, which I totally despised. Val had me put on a robe so that she wouldn't get make-up dust all over the dress. I sat back down in the chair and let her do her magic on me. Normally, Gemma would have been helping me with this sort of stuff, but she was too busy with Cassie and I understood that. Val was done with my make-up five minutes after I sat down in the chair. She told me to open my eyes and I was shocked. I didn't exactly look like me at all. I had a thin coating of lip gloss that worked with the color of my dress on my lips. My eyes stood out with a light coat of mascara and eyeliner. I had dark blue eye shadow on my eyelids. I couldn't help, but think that I looked stunning.

I stood up and took the robe off. Looking in the floor length mirror I was speechless. Val and Gena clearly did a wonderful job making me over for tonight. I just hoped that Kellan was still willing to go with me after facing my brothers. Just then the door opened up and Michelle stepped in and then closed it again.

"What's going on down there?" I asked.

"Kellan has passed five of the six tests already. The guys are getting really frustrated with him about it too. I think it's safe to say that they will like him," Michelle grinned.

I smiled back at her happy to know that it wasn't turning into a disaster of a night so far. She complimented me on my appearance and I thanked her. I was ready to go downstairs now. Hopefully the testing was done and he passed them all. My brother was weird, but I knew that he was only trying to protect me so I was thankful for that much.

Val, Gena, and Michelle led the way downstairs. I was told to wait at the top until they signaled me. I listened to the conversations and my heart skipped a beat when I heard Kellan's voice. I think I was falling in love with him, but I couldn't be sure.

"Well, is Colbie ready?" he asked.

"She is ready," Val said.

That was my cue. I started down the stairs and when I reached the bottom I was glad to see that Kellan was there in one piece and with no black eyes or bruises anywhere else. He looked up at me and his mouth dropped in shock. I don't know if that was a good reaction or a bad one.

"Dude, close your mouth or you'll have flies nesting in it," Johnny said with a snicker.

I glared at him and he stopped. I looked at Kellan again and smiled warmly at him. "You look absolutely stunning," he said.

"Thank you," I said, blushing a bit.

I got hugs from Val, Michelle, Gena, and all the guys. They told me that I looked beautiful. They made sure to tell me to have a good time as well. Brian even whispered in my ear that he would wait up for me at the end of the night and that made me smack him. He only grinned at me. I left with Kellan a few minutes after that and we were headed to the restaurant for dinner. This was going to be one hell of a night and I just hoped it continued to go according to plan.
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Sorry for the wait!

Colbie's Premiere Outfit

I absolutely love the dress I picked for her!!!